

The Protection and Utilization of Reality Space of Traditional Game (Intangibal Cultural Heritage)

【作者】 张园园

【导师】 杨豪中;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 非物质文化遗产又称“无形文化遗产”,是各民族世代相承,与群众生活密切相关的各种文化表现形式和文化空间。它与特定历史发展以及特定文化空间的生活、生产方式甚至信仰息息相关,是对这些生活、生产内涵的表征与延伸。非物质文化遗产与物质文化遗产共同构成中华民族的文化财富,成为全人类文化遗产不可或缺的组成部分。全球化、现代化的快速发展的同时,给文化多样性、传统的文化形态带来一些负面影响。西安是久负盛名的历史文化名城,有着丰富的历史文化遗产和非物质文化遗产。然而随着全球化和城市化建设的迅猛发展,非物质文化遗产受到猛烈冲击,西安的非物质文化逐渐失去了原有的存在土壤和环境。现代建筑替代了西安的传统民居;洋节日比西安传统节日更受人追捧;传统游戏也有被一些网络游戏和精美的玩具取代的危机。传统游戏是流行于广大民众中,并成为代代传承的文化传统的游戏。他和传统的建筑空间环境共同承载着传统民族文化。传统游戏在一定程度上反映了社会发展的历史进程,是对历史的记忆和对民族文化的延续。西安的传统游戏由于文化的交流和融合等因素,虽然存在很大的趋同性,但是数千年的文化积淀也使其具有一定的独特性。但是社会的发展,城市化进程的加快,人们生活方式的改变等等,使得传统游戏从人们的生活中逐渐消逝。有效的保护和传承传统游戏就是对文化的传承,不容忽视。论文以西安的传统游戏为例,通过对传统游戏现状及其传承方式的分析,以及传统游戏与传统空间环境之间相互依存的关系,从而提出保护和更新的措施,使之适应新的社会形态,得到更好的传承和发展。进而为我国的非物质文化遗产的保护提出一些理论上的方式方法。

【Abstract】 Non-material cultural heritage also known as the "intangible cultural heritage" is passing on by generations of all ethnic groups, which closely related to the life of the masses and the various forms of cultural expression and cultural space. With the specific historical development and the cultural space of life, even faiths is closely related to production, is the life, produced and extend the meaning of the characterization. Non-material cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage of the Chinese nation a common cultural wealth of all mankind become an integral part of cultural heritage. Globalization, the rapid development of the modernization at the same time, to cultural diversity, the traditional cultural patterns brought about some negative impact.Xi’an is a world-famous historical and cultural city, is rich in historical and cultural heritage and non-material cultural heritage. However, with globalization and the rapid urban construction and development, non-material cultural heritage by the fierce impact, Xian’s non-material culture gradually lose the existence of the original soil and the environment. Xi’an replaced by modern architecture of traditional houses; foreign festivals are aspired much more than the traditional festivals in Xi’an by the people; traditional games have been a number of online games and toys to replace the exquisite crisis.Traditional games are popular in the vast number of people and become a tradition from generation to generation in the cultural traditions of the game. They and traditional architectural space environment jointly carry forward the traditional culture. Traditional games to a certain extent, reflected the historical process of social development, is of historical memory and the continuity of national culture. Xi’an traditional games, with the factors of cultural exchanges and integration, although a lot of convergence, several thousand years of cultural accumulation also to have a certain unique. However, the development of society, to speed up the process of urbanization, lifestyle changes in people and so on, traditional games from the people’s life gradually fades away. Effective protection of traditional heritage and culture of the game is to pass on, can not be ignored. In the paper, such as the traditional game, through the traditional game of the status quo and its transmission mode of analysis, as well as traditional games and the space environment between the traditional relationship of interdependence, the protection and update the measures, so as to adapt to the new social patterns, better heritage and development. Then for China’s intangible cultural heritage protection theory, put forward a number of ways.

  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】801

