

The Opinion of Consummate the System of Shareholder’s Representative Action

【作者】 刘斌

【导师】 周循;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会中,公司是最普遍、最主要的赢利性法人,其对于社会经济发展的贡献是无与伦比的。公司存在的基础是股东的投资,因此,如何保护好股东的权利、鼓励股东投资热情乃是各国公司法的共同目标之一。随着股东大会中心主义向董事会中心主义的转变,董事会权力急剧膨胀,董事一高级管理人员等滥用权力损害公司及其他股东利益的事情时有发生,因此众多公司监督机制纷纷出台,股东派生诉讼制度即是其中较为有效的手段之一。股东派生诉讼制度最初形成于19世纪初的英美国家的衡平法,经过上百年时间的考验,股东派生诉讼制度己经成为英美国家一项成熟和行之有效的制度,该制度不仅保护了少数股东的合法权益,更直接地保护了公司的权益,也有利于保护公司债权人的利益。作为一种让他人对公司承担责任的诉讼机制,股东派生诉讼制度被誉为英美法系国家的一项天才发明。2005年10月27日修订通过的新《公司法》对股东代表诉讼有关问题做出明确规定,可以说是股东代表诉讼制度在中国真正确立的标志性法律。但新《公司法》相关规定比较笼统,在实务操作性上仍然存在诸多缺陷,在市场经济体制下,虽然各国法律制度的历史及内容不同,但是市场经济具有共性。一些经济发达国家在市场经济运行中积累的法制经验是人类共同的财富。因次,本文通过对比分析外国股东代表诉讼制度,从七个方面系统地提出了完善我国股东代表诉讼制度的建议。

【Abstract】 A shareholder’s representative action is a civil lawsuit filed by shareholders on behalf of a corporation asserting rights of the corporation in the absence of corporate action to protect such rights. It is a suit by shareholders to enforce corporate rights against directors or other insiders. The standing of shareholders to sue is derived from the rights of the corporation, and thus actions of this kind are called "representative actions". Originated in the equity of common law in the 19th century, shareholder representative action has evolved into a mature and efective system of its own, which affords adequate and suficient remedy for companies and shareholders injured by wrongdoers’ behaviors.It is the symbol of establish the system of shareholder’s representative action in China that the new company law has been revised in 2005 .But the new company law connot be apply in the practice easily . Under market economy, different country’s economy basically shares same characteristics though there are also different features of each own. The purpose of this articlec is introduce the shareholder’s representative action in other developed countries and districts to consummate the our country’s new company law .

【关键词】 股东代表诉讼制度公平效率
【Key words】 Shareholder’s Representative ActioValueFair
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】221

