

Study on the Urban Design of Commercial Space in Historic Environment

【作者】 丁芸

【导师】 党春红;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在全球化和经济高速发展的背景下,我国的历史环境的保护面临着挑战,在现代文明落脚的地方,传统的城市面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,历史文化遗存在推土机的行进过程中消失殆尽。城市历史地段是城市特色的重要载体,也是应对全球化挑战的最有力的竞争优势。商业空间作为城市经济的主要载体,影响着城市的整体风貌,如何使其与历史环境相协调,延续城市文脉,激活历史环境中的城市生活,城市设计起着重要作用。本论文选择历史地段中的商业外部空间为研究对象,结合消费心理学和行为学的相关理论,从城市设计的角度对商业空间的营造进行可行性研究,力求对商业空间及其所处的历史环境的再生的理论指导,并将直接运用于实际工程的具体设计和实践当中。论文首先对国内外历史环境的保护历程进行阐述,得出对我国历史环境保护可借鉴的有效途径,并指出城市设计是重要手段。其次,从城市发展与商业空问的关系入手,阐述历史环境的保护之于商业空间发展的重要,结合消费心理学、行为学,得出消费者对商业空间的要求以及商业空间应具备的功能特性,从而对城市设计中商业空间的营造奠定基础和提供依据。再次,对近现代城市设计的理论演变进行总结,提出历史环境中商业空间的城市设计的原则,归纳出城市设计的主要内容,把历史资源的保护与利用列入其中,突出其特殊性,并对不同类型的商业空间进行深入分析,结合西安钟鼓楼广场的城市设计成功案例,具体的阐述商业空间的城市设计方法及内容。最后,结合实际工程——宿迁市项王故里景区进行实践探索,以本文研究得出的理论观点,对其中三个主要的商业空间进行分析,理论结合实际,并由此引发对宿迁市项王故里景区建设前景的期望。

【Abstract】 In the context of globalization and rapid economic development, the protection of China’s historical environment faces challenges. For the invasion of modern civilization, the traditional urban landscape has undergone enormous changes, and historic monuments disappeared at a faster rate. Urban historic district is an important carrier of a city’s character, but also the most powerful competitive advantage coping with the challenges of globalization. As the main vector of urban economies, commercial space affects the city’s overall outlook. Urban design plays an important role in coordinating it with the historic environment, continuing the urban context, and activating the urban life in historic environment.The paper chooses the external commercial space in historic district for research object. It studies on commercial space from the perspective of the urban design on the base of theory on consumer psychology and behavior. It aims to obtain the principles of regenerating the commercial space in historic environment to direct the actual application of the specific design and engineering practice.Firstly, the process of historic environment protection in the world is elaborated. From that, effective ways are concluded in the conservation of historic environment in our country and urban designing is noted as one of the important means. Secondly, from the relationship between urban development and commercial space, the conservation of historic environment is known to be also important for commercial development. Then, the requirements of consumer for commercial space and the functional features of commercial space on the base of consumer psychology and behavior are concluded. Thirdly, the theoretical evolution of modern urban design is briefly described to obtain the principles of the urban design in the commercial space in historic environment are summed up. The main elements of urban design are summed up to analyze different types of commercial spaces in depth. The conversation and development of historic environment is pointed out to be one of the main elements. The urban design of Zhonggulou square in Xi’an city is taken for example to discuss the methods and text of the urban design in historic environment. Finally, the project of the planning and design of in Suqian city is explored in practice. The three major types of commercial spaces are analyzed using the theoretical point above approved, and the expectations for building the Hometown of Xiang Monarch are triggered.

  • 【分类号】TU984.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】536

