

Architectural Study on the Lanzhou Iron Bridge of the Yellow River as Industrial Heritage

【作者】 刘起

【导师】 左国保; 刘临安;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在近代洋务运动中,兰州黄河铁桥作为甘肃引进西方技术的第一例而被历史所铭记。前辈学者对这座著名的建筑文化遗产已做过一些资料整理和研究,但多停留于历史、文化、社会等层面。近年来,全国物质文化遗产保护已经提上日程,然而一直以来,由于缺少从工业遗产的角度分析研究兰州黄河铁桥,加之高速城市发展带来的遗产保护压力,填补这一缺失研究课题成为当前科研工作者刻不容缓的任务。论文从工业遗产视野对黄河铁桥进行研究,运用专业理论与设计方法,融合社会学、经济学、城市史学及建筑美学等学科知识,剖析了其内在的价值构成。在研究过程中,结合现场调查、文献查询、资料收集、案例比较,探讨了这一历史文化遗产的保护与发展问题。论文要点如下:一、论文以历史资料为基础,考证了兰州城市的历史发展和当时社会背景下黄河铁桥的建造沿革,以及黄河铁桥选址与地理地貌、城市变迁、交通需求之间的关系。二、结合黄河铁桥的建筑设计、施工建造过程、维护使用,分析黄河铁桥的结构、比例、尺度和材料等建筑形态因素。三、从历史发展的角度,讨论了黄河铁桥在当前城市建设中的功能转型。作为工业遗产的黄河铁桥在兰州历史文化遗产、黄河风情线以及兰州旅游建设中的重要意义。四、从工业遗产的视角,对黄河铁桥的历史价值、文化价值、科学价值、艺术价值、使用价值等方面重新认识。并提出作为工业遗产,从城市发展、河流环境和建筑本体三个层次上建立科学的保护策略。最后,在兰州黄河铁桥综合评价基础上对全文研究作出总结。论文55万余字,图表59幅

【Abstract】 The Lanzhou Iron Bridge of the Yellow River is famous as a case of technology cooperation between the West and China in the period of Westernization Movement in the Qing Dynasty. There are plenty of theses about the national heritage; however, the majority of them are researched from the perspective of history, culture, sociology and so on, but not the architecture. It is necessary to study the bridge on the idea of industrial heritage. By this means, it is not only to re-evaluate the value of the heritage, but also to build the "database" of the conservation as sake of the city development.It is discussed from an architectural perspective including practical survey, textual research, and case analysis. Moreover, combined with other related disciplines including sociology, economics, law, bionomics, aesthetics and urban history, it proposes a concept of conservation plan in the balance of the urban development and historical protection. The principal parts are as following,1. It reviews the relationship between the bridge and the conditions of the physiognomy, the hydrographic and the transport in the area of Yellow River with the history of Lanzhou city.2. It analyzes the proportion, scale, material, constructer of the bridge with the process of design, build and maintenance, and indicate that the integrated aesthetics of this architecture come from the unification of the function and the form.3. It points out the function of the bridge is changing from transport to heritage, and the means of landscape and tourist is more important than transport.4. It proposes that the conservation must base on the urban development, river environment and the noumenon itself.The final part is a conclusion, which bases on the integral evaluation of the Lanzhou Iron Bridge. 55 thousand words, 59 sheets and charts

  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】330

