

Research on Renovation, Reconstruction and Recycling of College Architectures

【作者】 李相韬

【导师】 李志民; 李敏; 嵇珂;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高等教育的迅速发展和高校改革的深入进行,国内高等院校建设进入一个新的历史发展时期,校内原有建筑的更新改造与再利用作为校园建设的重要组成部分,既是延续高校历史,保护校园环境,也是使现有资源得到充分的利用,实现高校建筑可持续发展的重要措施之一。论文从宏观的角度概述了我国高校建设的发展情况及制约因素,结合我国近现代高校发展到目前呈现的显著特点,进一步阐述了影响我国高校建筑更新改造与再利用的理论基础。其次,结合实地调研工作,对我国高校校园的改扩建情况,以及高校建筑从单体到群体空间的更新改造与再利用理论及设计进行系统的分类与总结分析,从中提出高校建筑更新改造与再利用的设计方法及其适应条件。并以高校建筑学系馆更新改造的研究为例,选取四所具有代表性的系馆更新改造案例,对高校建筑更新改造进行深入探讨,基于使用后评价POE的研究方法,结合大量实地调研数据、图表,对系馆类建筑的更新改造的方法等进行了详细阐述与比较,分析总结出高校系馆类建筑的更新改造方式及其共性与特色,并讨论了其优缺点。最后,结合调研实例及其分析结果,总结归纳出高校建筑更新改造与再利用的发展趋势、策略、步骤、原则及方法,并对将来研究方向讲行展望。

【Abstract】 Along with the fast development of high education of China and the deep reform of colleges and universities, construction and building of colleges and universities enter into a new era of development. Renovation, reconstruction and recycling of the existing architectures in the campus is an important component of campus construction. It is one of the important measures which can protect the campus environment, continue the history of the college and realize the sustainable development of college architectures by using the existing resources to the maxim extent.The development of colleges and universities construction and the factors which restrict the development is described macroscopically. The foundation theory of renovation, reconstruction and recycling of college architecture is further elaborated based on the characters of development of colleges and universities in China from 18th century to now. Secondly, by means of field research, systemic classification and inductive analysis to the reconstruction and continuation of campus in China and the theory and design of renovation, reconstruction and recycling of college architectures from individuals to collective spaces, the methods of designing such renovation, reconstruction and recycling, as well as the relevant application conditions are concluded. Case study on renovation and reconstruction of the buildings of architecture departments of colleges was done. Four typical buildings renovation and reconstruction cases were chosen for the deep discussion. By POE evaluation after usage, the different ways of renovation and reconstruction are elaborated and compared based on a lot of field research data and figures. Several ways of renovation and reconstruction including the mutual and unique characters of each way were analyzed and concluded. And, the advantages and disadvantages of each way were discussed as well.Finally, based on the cases and analysis results, the trends, strategy, steps, principles and ways of the renovation, reconstruction and recycling of college architectures are concluded. The future orientation of the relevant researches is forecasted.

  • 【分类号】TU984.14
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】804

