

Study on Legal System of Medical Waste Taken-back and Disposal

【作者】 高晓莉

【导师】 杨航征;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国医疗卫生机构得到了极大的发展。医疗卫生机构在为国民健康服务的同时产生了大量的医疗废弃物。医疗废物具有高危险性、处置专业性和难消除性,被《国家危险废物名录》列为第一类危险物质。2003年非典爆发以后,国务院紧急出台了《医疗废物管理条例》。随后,卫生部、省级政府也出台了一系列法律法规对医疗废物的回收与处置进行规范。但是,我国医疗废物回收与处置仍面临很多问题。本文的研究内容主要包括以下四个部分:第一部分,本文从界定医疗废物的概念及特征入手,阐述了我国医疗废物分类的不足及借鉴德国先进经验完善我国医疗废物分类方法。对我国医疗废物回收处置的必要性和可行性以及回收处置现状进行分析,归纳出我国存在医疗废物流入生活垃圾现象严重,医疗废物收费制度不合理等问题。第二部分,笔者对我国的医疗废物回收与处置法律、法规进行梳理,指出其不足之处,例如目前我国环境保护法律体系不完备、对医疗废物回收处置中违法行为处罚过轻等。此外,笔者还就外国医疗废物回收与处置的立法状况及其先进的法律制度进行分析,并总结了其对我国的启示和借鉴作用。第三部分,笔者认为我国应以循环经济为理念构建我国的医疗废物回收与处置法律制度。详细阐述了循环经济的基本原则,即资源化原则、减量化原则和无害化原则在医疗废物回收与处置中的应用。第四部分,本文详细分析了完善医疗废物回收与处置的八项法律制度,指出我国应当建立医疗废物处置收费制度,建立公众参与、加强从业人员培训的法律制度,全过程管理制度,生产者延伸负责法律制度,集中处置法律制度,建立环境经济刺激制度,医疗废物强制回收制度以及建立严格的医疗废物回收与处置法律责任制度。

【Abstract】 With the development of reformation and open door in China, medical institution has developed greatly, they produce more and more medical waste as they produce medical service for us. Medical waste is highly dangerous and difficult to dispose. So "national hazardous waste list" list it as the first category of dangerous substances. After the breaking out of SARS in 2003, our country issued "the medical waste management rule". Then, ministry of health and the provincial government published a series of laws and regulations on medicine waste in order to regulate the disposal and taken-back of medical waste. However, there are many problems in this field.The main contents in this paper are as follows:At first, the article introduces the concept characteristic and classification of medical waste. We should learn from German medical waste classification. The writer analysis the necessity and feasibility of medical waste disposal and pointed out that medical waste mix into the garbage seriously. The charge of medical waste disposal is unreasonable and so on.Second, the author sort out the law of medical waste collection and disposal and point out its weakness such as the environment legal system in China is not complete. The punishment of violation was too light. In addition, the author analysis foreign advanced law in this field. For example, the entire process management system, the polluter burden system.Third, the writer set up the basic principles of medical waste management according to "circling economy". It is "minimization", "resource", "innocuous" policy.At last, the article analysis the eight systems in the disposal and taken-back of waste medical: charging system of medical waste disposal, the establishment of public participation、strengthen the training of employees, the entire process management system, the producer extension responsible for the medical waste disposal, concentrative disposal of medical waste, the establishment of environmental economic incentives system, compulsory take-back of medical waste system, establish a strict law liability.

  • 【分类号】D922.68;X799.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】392

