

The Kinematic Analysis of Whiplash Legs to 720 Degrees Difficulty of Classical Ballet Movements

【作者】 李博

【导师】 吴东方;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的本研究通过对古典芭蕾舞挥鞭腿转720度难度动作的运动学分析,揭示了该动作的内在特点与规律,从而为教学和训练提供相应的理论依据。研究方法主要采用三维图像解析法和理论分析法,以运动生物力学的相关理论为依据,对优秀舞蹈者挥鞭腿转720度难度动作进行定性分析与定量评价。研究结果1.身体的位移、速度及运动时间身体在X、Y方向几乎不发生偏离,而在Z方向上身体重心则有0.200米左右的位移幅度。身体重心的速度随着转体姿势变化而变,其中X、Y、Z三个方向的最大值分别为:0.515米/秒, 0.710米/秒和1.367米/秒。完成转体第一周的时间为1.040秒左右,完成转体第二周的时间为0.920秒左右。2.摆动腿的速度、角度及运动时间摆动腿的速度出现三个明显的提速阶段,髋、膝角的增减决定了身体转动速度的快慢。摆动腿的启动是在身体转动的带动下开始,摆动腿完成第一周的时间比完成第二周期的时间略短。3.支撑腿的角度及运动时间随着身体转动和肢体的挥摆,身体重心有两次由高位低位高位的动作过程,其夹角的变化均由最大值减至最小值,尔后又由最小值增加到最大值。在第二、五和第三、六动作时区,其运动时间相差无几,而第四动作时区的时间比第七动作时区的时间略短。4.上肢的角度及运动时间随着身体重心的升高与降低,上肢肩、肘夹角应随之减小和增大。上肢与摆动腿的运动基本同步,充分展开以及完全合拢时恰好对应于身体重心的最低点和最高点。在上肢的运动中,即便是同一类型的动作,在运动时间上也存在一定的差异。主要结论1.对于古典芭蕾舞挥鞭腿转720度难度动作,应控制身体在三维空间的位移幅度,从宏观上讲身体重心前后、左右的偏离程度越小,表明身体转动的稳定性越好。2.身体重心的速度随着转体姿势变化而变,其中X、Y、Z三个方向上前后、左右的速度极小且无较大差异,而垂直方向的速度最大。大、小腿挥摆的速度均会出现三个明显的提速阶段,但所对应动作和时机各异。3.在身体转动中无论手臂的引带、跟随或摆动腿的挥摆等动作,正好体现了肢体相对身体纵轴质量分布的改变,从而达到了调整身体转动速度的目的,所以古典芭蕾舞挥鞭腿转720度难度动作是满足动量矩守恒定律的。4.身体转动与肢体的挥摆动作在时间上存在一定的差异,就身体与摆动腿而言,身体转动先于腿的挥摆,而对于上、下肢体的运动则是同步进行。5.肢体收、展的程度和时机与身体重心的位置必须协调统一,当身体重心位于最高或最低位之时,正是四肢完成内收、充分折叠或充分展开之际。

【Abstract】 Research purposesThrough the kinematic analysis of whiplash legs to 720 degrees difficulty of classical ballet movements , this research reveals the inherent characteristics and laws of the action,provides the corresponding theoretical basis for teaching and training. Research methodsThis paper take the specialized outstanding young teacher of Hubei Province as the research object. Mainly using the three-dimensional picture analysis and the theory analytic method, taking the related theory of sports biology mechanics as the basis, carries on the qualitative analysis and the quantitative evaluation to its technical movement.Research results1.Physical displacement ,speed and movement timeThe bodily center of gravity nearly has no departure in X and Y axis, but it move 0.200 m in the Z axis. It’s speed also changes along the changing of swivel posture, and the maximum speed values of the three axes respectively are 0.515 m/s, 0.710 m/s and 1.367 m/s. It takes about 1.040 seconds to swerve the first circle, and about 0.920 seconds to swerve the second circle.2.Swinging leg speed, angle and movement timeThe speed of the swinging leg appears three obvious acceleration stages. The increasing and reducing of the hip and the knee angle decide the speed of hole body’s rotation. The start of the swinging leg is launched by the rotation of the body. The time to complete the first circle is slightly shorter than the second one.3.Support leg angle and movement timeAlong with the rotation of the body and the swing of the limbs, the bodily center of gravity has two movements progress by the top digit to the low position to the top digit . And the angle changes from the maximum to the minimum, later from the minimum return to the maximum.The movement time is nealy same between the second movement time zone and the fifth movement time zone ,it is aslo the same between the third movement time zone and the sixth movement time zone. But the movement time of the fourth movement time zone is slightly shorter than the seventh movement time zone.4.Upper limb angle and movement timeThe angle between the shoulder and the elbow should be reduced and increased along the increasing and reducing of the bodily center of gravity. The movement of the upper limb and the swinging leg are basis synchronization. It just corresponds to the lowest point and the highest point of the Bodily center of gravity when the upper limb and the swinging leg is fully stretched and completely closed up. In the movement of the upper limb, even if the identical type movement, it also has a certain difference in the movement time. Conclusion1.For whip lashing legs to 720 degrees difficulty of classical ballet movements, it should control the body in the three-dimensional space displacement scope. It indicates in the macroscopic way, the more slightly the bodily center of gravity deviation regulation goes the better the body rotational stabilities are.2.The bodily center of gravity speed changes along the changing of the swivel posture. In the three axes of X, Y, Z, the speed is pindling and has no appearance difference in the front-to-back direction and left-to-right direction, but speed in the vertical direction is the fastest.The speed of the swinging leg appears three acceleration stages obviously. But they correspond the movement and the opportunity are different.3.In the rotation of the body, primers arm bands to follow and the pendulum of the swinging leg, which has manifested the physical body longitudinal axis relative mass distribution changes. And adjusted to achieve the purpose of body rotation speed. So whiplashing legs to 720 degrees difficulty of classical ballet movements satisfies the law of conservation of angular momentum.4.The rotation of the body and the swing of the limbs has the certain difference in the movement time. On the body and the swinging leg case, the rotation of the body is earlier than the swing of the leg. But the movements of the upper limb and the lower limb is at the same time.5.The degree and the timing of body folding and stretching and the bodily center of gravity position must coordinate unifies, the limbs completes receives, fully folds or fully launches when the bodily center of gravity is located on the highest and the lowest position.

【关键词】 古典芭蕾舞挥鞭腿转体720度运动学
【Key words】 classical balletwhiplash legstransfers 720kinematics
  • 【分类号】J732
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】238

