

Research on the Use of Foreign Literature of Sports Theses of China

【作者】 郑景惠

【导师】 赵蕴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术是第一生产力,它广泛地影响着人类的社会经济生活,也包括与人们生活密切相关的体育。当今世界,科技发展日新月异,科学技术对体育的支撑与推动愈来愈明显。无论是竞技体育,还是群众性体育活动,都无不打着科技发展的烙印。北京08奥运提出“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”,其中科技奥运是现代奥林匹克运动史上首次提出的理念。“科技兴体”是我国体育长期的发展战略方针。以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持“科技是第一生产力”的思想,实施“科技兴体”战略,使党中央提出的科学发展观在体育运动教学、训练以及科研发展中得以实现。要贯彻这一方针,尚须做许多工作,其中之一就必须了解和掌握国外体育文献资料的现状及其发展趋势。要达到这一要求就必须充分利用和掌握外文文献资料。为此,本文拟从高等院校体育教师以及体育科研人员撰写的体育学术论文(发表于2005年我国体育类中文核心期刊)的参考引文中,客观地反映他们的外语水平,展示体育学各学科之间利用外文文献资料的差异,为高等院校体育院系以及体育科研单位的图书馆根据学科教学、训练以及科研方向确定外文文献资料需求的范围提供参考依据。最后,为扭转目前高等院校体育教师和体育科研人员的外语运用水平偏低,难于适应国际体育文化交流与合作的需要提出建设性意见。同时,对馆藏外文文献资料的进一步充分利用也提出了一些合理化建议。本文遵循“选取研究对象——统计引文数据——引文分析——作出结论”的基本步骤,对我国体育学术论文对外文文献资料的利用进行研究。全文共分四部分:第一部分将介绍引文分析法的产生以及现状与发展趋势和国内有关对外文文献资料利用研究的概述;目前国内有关对外文文献资料利用的研究大多关注于对具体业务问题的探讨以及对个别现象的分析,对整个体系仍然缺乏系统的梳理,这无疑制约了我国体育文化对外交流与合作的发展。第二部分将分析我国体育学术论文对外文文献资料利用的现状;采用引文分析等方法,分别从收录论文引文概况、引用文献语种分布、引用外文文献类型、体育学各学科专题引用外文情况、体育学与其他学科引用外文比较、部分高校、体育科研所等学术机构引用外文情况以及部分外文期刊被引用情况等角度,着重对2005年我国13种体育类中文核心期刊引用外文文献资料进行统计、分析。第三部分将探讨如何加强我国体育学术论文对外文文献资料利用;对外文文献资料的利用,从一个侧面体现了学者对外文文献第一手资料的获取能力和阅读能力,也反映了学科研究受国际先进理念、成果的影响程度。通过以下几种途径:高校图书馆加强对现有外文文献资料的管理与利用、在网络环境下拓展对外文文献资料的开发与利用、规范我国体育学术论文外文文献的引用格式、加强我国体育核心期刊对外交流与合作等,可以加强我国体育学术论文对外文文献资料的利用。第四部分是结论与建议。通过对我国13种体育类中文核心期刊外文引文数量、外文文献语种分布、外文引文类型、外文引文学科及专题分布等的统计分析,得出相关结论和提出部分建议。

【Abstract】 Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and its wide impact on the socio-economic life of mankind, but also closely related to people’s lives and sports. In today’s world, the rapid development of science and technology, science and technology and the support of the sports promotion is becoming increasingly obvious. Whether competitive sports, or sports of the masses, they are under the scientific and technological development of the brand. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to the "Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics, People’s Olympics", and scientific and technological Olympics is the history of the modern Olympic movement and the concept was first introduced. "Technology" of China’s sports is a long-term strategic approach to development. Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" as the guide, adhere to the "science and technology are the primary productive forces" and the "technology of" strategy, the party Central Committee put forward the concept of scientific development in the sports teaching, training and research and development China can be realized. To implement this approach, a lot of work remains to be done, and one of these must understand and master the foreign sports literature and the status of development trends. To achieve this requirement must be fully utilized and master of foreign literature.To this end, this paper intends to institutions of higher learning physical education teachers and sports researchers wrote sports theses (published in 2005 in the sports category Chinese core journals) in the reference citation, and objectively reflect their foreign languages, displaying various disciplines of sports Foreign literature between the use of the difference between the sports department and sports institutions of higher learning and scientific research units in accordance with the Library of teaching, training and scientific research determining the direction of foreign literature needs to provide reference for the scope. Finally, in order to reverse the current institutions of higher learning physical education teachers and sports scientists low level of use of a foreign language and are difficult to adapt to the international sports and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the need to constructive comments. Meanwhile, the stock of foreign literature to make full use of information also made some reasonable suggestions.This paper follows the "select subjects - Citation statistical data - citation analysis - to a conclusion," the basic steps of the country’s sports, literature theses external use for research. The full text is divided into four parts:The first part will be introduced citation analysis, as well as the formation of the status quo and development trend of the domestic and foreign use of the research literature overview; The second part will analyze the country’s sports literature theses external use of the status quo; The third part will discuss how to strengthen China’s sports, literature theses external use; The fourth part is conclusions and recommendations.

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】353

