

Research on English Teaching Strategies for High-level Athletes of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education

【作者】 蔡璇

【导师】 张江南;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 武汉体育学院的高水平运动员是一个特殊的学生群体,他们既要顺利完成大学课程,又要刻苦训练﹑提高竞技成绩﹑参加各项比赛。了解和分析高水平运动员的英语学习现状并对此提出适合运动员需求的教学策略,对武汉体育学院高水平运动员的英语教学有实际意义。同时,结合北京奥运会的契机,对培养出符合时代要求﹑高素质的大学生运动员,为我国体育事业做出贡献有重要意义。本文采用文献资料法、调查法和数理分析法对武汉体育学院高水平运动员英语学习的现状做出分析和研究。通过分析发现,武汉体育学院高水平运动员的英语学习在现阶段面临着诸多问题。高水平运动员的英语基础普遍较差,他们比较依赖于课堂上教师的讲授,学习兴趣不大。大部分高水平运动员对于英语学习的目的多为应试,态度不够端正,从而影响到他们学习的积极性和主动性。目前武汉体育学院的英语教学环境也不够完善,学习氛围和学习环境的硬件设施都有所欠缺;学生的学习时间较少,课外活动开展得不够丰富。此外,英语教学模式和教学方法比较单一化,是传统的“填鸭”式教学,教学效果不明显。根据存在的问题,本文建议,从学习主体的情感因素引导入手,帮助高水平运动员明确英语学习目的,培养学习兴趣,激发学习动机并树立正确的学习态度;挖掘高水平运动员的智力潜能,转变认知风格;完善学习环境,从语言技能、口语、听力、阅读和写作几方面实施正确的教学策略,并对教师进行针对性的培训,发展体育英语的概念,将体育专业知识和英语应用能力结合起来,满足高水平运动员的学习需求。

【Abstract】 As a special group of college students, high-level athletes of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education have to both finish college courses and train hard to participate in the sports competitions at different levels and to perform well. It is significant for the English teachers to analyze the current situations of these students’ English learning and apply effective teaching strategies to meet their needs in English learning. Meanwhile, with the approach of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, it is important to cultivate high-quality college athletes with a good command of English, who cannot only accord with the requirements of the times but make contributions to the Chinese sports.Based on the methods of literature study, questionnaires, interviews and mathematical statistics, this dissertation analyzed the current situation of the high-level athletes’English learning. Analyses show that there are many problems facing the high-level athletes in their English learning. Most of the high-level athletes of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education are weak in English. They rely much on the teacher’s explanations in class and are not interested in English. Their purpose of English learning is to pass the examinations, and their attitudes are not correct, which influence their enthusiasm and initiative in their English learning. At present, the English teaching environments of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education are not satisfactory; the learning equipments with modern technology are not sufficient and the academic atmosphere is not poor. The students do not spend much time learning English and there are not many ex-curricular English related activities. The teaching method is simplified, mainly cramming method of teaching. Therefore, the teaching results are not obvious.According to the above-mentioned problems, the dissertation has proposed some solutions based on the emotional factors of the learners. The high-level athletes need to be helped to establish their goals for the English learning, to be more interested and motivated, and to have correct attitudes towards English learning, so that their intelligent potential can be developed, and their cognitive style of learning can be changed. Moreover, the academic atmosphere can be improved and the effective teaching strategies from the respects of the English speaking, listening, reading and writing can be applied. And the teachers should be more aware of English related to sports and combine it with their teaching so that the demands of the high-level athletes in learning English can be met. This purpose can be met by the relative training of the teachers.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253

