

Research on "Jian Jing" Techniques Characteristics and Theory

【作者】 陈亮

【导师】 江百龙;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《剑经》是中国武术发展史上成书最早的一篇系统论述实用棍法之作,是中华武术文化宝库中的经典,对这笔珍贵的文化遗产进行系统整理和深入研究,对于弘扬优秀民族文化、丰富爱国主义教育内容,完善现代武术理论建设,充实武术技击实战、训练以及竞技内涵等方面都具有重要的现实意义。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法,对《剑经》技法特点及学理精要展开初步探讨。主要结论为:《剑经》技法特点:重视防守架势即门户的紧密,在势法上要求守中取直;所有棍法的变化都离不开两手腕的灵活运转;善于运用哄骗之法使敌人现出虚处,以便我方乘虚而入;讲究刚在他力前,柔乘他力后的技法应用。《剑经》学理精要:在武术发展史上首次为棍立论,揭示了棍为各利器之本的学术观点;强调技艺与心理相辅相成;在战略上讲究主动制人;在战术上讲究避实击虚。

【Abstract】 " Jian Jing " systematically discourses upon the methods of practical stick, it is the first compiled book in the history of Wushu development, and it is the classical works in the treasure trove of Wushu. The systematic collation and in-depth study on this precious cultural heritage have important practical significance for carrying forward the excellent national culture, for carrying forward the contents of patriotism education, for improving the modern Wushu theory building and for enriching actual combat of Wushu skills, training and competitive meaning, etc.This paper conducts preliminary study on the techniques and theory essentials of " Jian Jing " mainly through the method of literature, expert interviews, logical analysis, etc. Main conclusions:" Jian Jing " techniques characteristics: pay attention to the defensive posture and demand to protect the center section and adopt straight; All the changes of the methods of stick can not be separated from the twists of the two wrists; be good at cajoling the enemy into arising weak point to catch the opposite side off guard; stress on applying the techniques that the hard labor is just before the other’s force and soft labor is after the other’s force." Jian Jing " academic essence: first make point for the methods of stick in the history of Wushu and reveal the academic perspective that stick is the basis of all kinds of edge tools; emphasize that techniques and mentality should supplement each other complement each other; pay particular attention to strategically beating upon the others and tactically keeping away from the strong point and attack the weak points.

【关键词】 《剑经》技法学理
【Key words】 " Jian Jing "techniquestheory
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】231

