

Research on Our Country Ordinary College’s Sports Work Quality Synthetic Evaluation and Diagnosis Method

【作者】 李莉

【导师】 彭建军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学校体育,是高等学校教育的重要组成内容之一,也是全面发展教育的重要组成部分,高等学校体育工作的优与差直接影响全民族体质、运动技术水平,以及和谐社会的社会主义精神文明建设。然而当前国内对高等学校体育工作方面的评价研究,主要采用单一主观评价方法,这种方法受主观因素制约,过于粗糙,信息损失量大,不能全面、有效的反映高等学校体育工作的客观现状。鉴于传统分析方法的单一性,本文试采用经济领域发展较为成熟的数据包络分析(DEA)方法,结合专家评定等传统方法,对高校体育工作的经营效益和规模效益进行了全面的分析。通过前期准备性研究,笔者进行大量资料收集及逻辑分析,罗列出较能全面衡量高校体育工作效益的绩效指标,旨在建立较为全面科学和适用的普通高校体育工作综合评价与诊断系统。文中主要采用的数据包络分析(DEA)方法是通过多输入多输出对同类决策单元(Decision Making Units,DMU)进行比较从而得出相对有效的评价。输入与输出可以简单的理解为投入和产出,针对高等学校体育工作的特点、性质以及复杂形式,结合对高校体育工作的系统研究分析,确定DEA中输入类同类决策单元即高等学校体育工作的投入,可概括为有形投入和无形投入,其中,根据投入的不同形式,有形投入指标可以分为人力投入、财力投入和物力投入三大指标;而DEA中输出类同类决策单元即高等学校体育工作的产出,其指标可以分为人才培养产出、科学研究产出和社会服务产出三大指标,每个指标可以进一步细分为若干个子指标。此外,无形资产的保值增值情况也被列为重要的产出指标。通过查阅相关文献资料及对专家进行多次访谈,对各项投入产出的单元进行分级别评定并给出参考分值,然后将各项决策单元代入DEA分析模型进行计算,从而得出评定结果。实例表明,DEA分析对高校投入产出的效率评价是非常有效的。通过DEA数据分析,利用得到的经济效益评价指标、松弛变量、各投入产出的权重系数,以及各决策单元在相对有效面上的“投影”等多项分析参数,不仅可以对各个决策单元的经营效益做出正确的评价,而且还可以对其资源配置的合理性、资源利用的有效程度、导致经营无效的因素等做出详细的分析。本文受限于资料的可得性,仅采用少数专家对20所高校进行评分录入数据,除样本数较少外,也未考虑不同量纲所带来的误差值。期待未来政府能规范各高校一致性的统计数据信息披露,如有更完整且详实的投入产出描述资料,将可使本研究的结果更为完善。

【Abstract】 The school sports, is one of college education important composition contents, and it is also the component of full scale development education important. The be good or bad that College sports work will immediate influence entire nationality physique, movement technical level, as well as harmonious society’s socialist ideological and ethical progress.However the current evaluation study to college sports work, mainly used the sole subjective assessment method.this method was restricted by tsubjective factor, too rough and the information stock was also poor, so it can not reflect the present situation of college sports work comprehensivly, effectively and objectively. In view of the fact that the tradition analysis method’s unitarity, this article tries to use the method, data envelope analysis (DEA) which is domain in economic development. And unifies this method to expert evaluation and some conventional methods to analysis comprehensively on the effectiveness and the scale benefit of college sports work.Through the earlier period preparation research, the author collected massive information and analysised them logicly, then displays the chievements targets which can weigh the college sports work benefit comprehensively to stablish more comprehensive scientific and suitable quality synthetic evaluation and diagnosis system to ordinary college sports work.This article mainly uses the data envelope (DEA) and obtained the effective appraisal through comparing the inputs with the multi-outputs (Decision Making Units, DMU).The input and output may be simply understanded investment and delivery. And determined that DEA inputs which is similar to the kind of policy-making unit namely College sports work investment, may be summarized as the visible investment and the invisible investment,through analysising the college sports work’s characteristic, the nature as well as the complex form and the college sports system work. The visible investment is divided into the manpower investment, the financial resource investment and the physical resource invests three big targets according to the investment different form.. But DEA outputs which is similar kind of policy-making unit namely College sports work output, may be divided into the personnel training to deliver, the scientific research to deliver and the social service delivers three big targets, and each target may be further subdivided into certain sub-targets.In addition,the inflation-proofing and appreciation situation ofintangible asset are also listed as importantly deliver targets.Through consulting related literature material and interviewing the expers,then evaluating and giving the senate to each item and substituting to each item unit into DEA anatomic model to computate,and at last got the results.The example indicated that the DEA analysis was effective to appraise the input and output of the university.Use the economic efficiency evaluating indicator, the slack variable as well as various policy-making unit in relative active surface“projection”witch got through the DEA data analysis,not only can make the correct appraisal to each policy-making unit,but also make detailed analysis on rationality of resources deployment , the effective degree resources used and the factors caused the management invalid.This article was limited by the materia received and only used the grading input data to 20 universities by the minority experts.Except a few of samples,the other samples had not considered the different dimension bringing magnitude of error. Anticipating the government can the standard various universities uniform statistical data information disclose in the future, if the government has more complete and detailed description materials,and then make this research more perfect.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】230

