

Wuhan City, the New P.E Curriculum Standards, Experiment Areas, Track and Field Teaching, Current Situations, Developmental Countermeasures

【作者】 杜峰

【导师】 邹克宁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前举国上下全面推进素质教育,而素质教育中,体育占有非常突出的重要位置,而体育将作为全面推进素质教育的重要突破口和切入点,作为工作的主要方面,新一轮的体育课程改革也正是在国家基础教育改革的大背景下展开的,因此,明确了“加快构建符合素质教育要求的基础教育课程体系”的任务。在体育课程改革过程中,实施素质教育既是对历史传统的挑战,也是我国教育面向未来的选择。2001年,《体育与健康课程标准》在全国部分实验区内开始实施,标志着我国体育课程改革进一步向纵深发展。但是我们也注意到,由于受到老的教学大纲和传统的体育教育思想的影响,在新课程标准实施过程中,仍然存在一些需要解决的问题,如在新课程标准体系下,如何改革传统的田径教学,有效遏制其在学校体育中的颓势等。近几年田径运动在我国各级学校体育教学中渐渐失去了应有的地位,正面临着前所未有的困境,不但得不到发展,而且逐渐萎缩。对此,不少田径业内人士及体育教师都深感忧虑,也都在积极想方设法试图改变这种现状。本课题采用文献法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,通过对武汉市8个城区,分别对每个城区确定5所高中,10所初中,10所小学。合计40所高中,80所初中和80所小学,以这些学校的体育教师进行调研,了解实验区田径课的教学现状,并对影响田径课教学的因素进行系统的研究与分析。目前中、小学田径课的教学现状:(1)教学内容方面,多种不同距离和方法的跑(短距离跑、中长距离跑、接力跑)、基本的跳(立定跳远、蹲踞式跳远)教授情况良好。投掷项目(抛掷实心球、垒球)和较复杂的跳(多级跳、跨越式跳高)教授情况比较好。技术性要求较高的项目(跨栏跑、三级跳远、背越式跳高、背向滑步推铅球)教授情况不理想,基本上没有将这些项目列为教授内容;(2)教学方法方面,过分追求竞技性(初中体育中考),忽视了学生田径运动能力的发展和综合素质的提高,田径的健身功能和基础没有得到很好的发挥。(3)教学评价方面,虽然评价形式改变了,但主要的还是按达标成绩评定学生成绩的方法。影响中、小学田径教学的原因是多方面的,体育经费、田径教学自身因素、教师的业务水平、敬业精神以及田径教学计划、教学内容安排、学校的传统项目、天气变化等。针对影响中、小学田径教学的因素提出了加快新课程标准的本土化、本校传统化、社区化,加大学校体育经费的投入;努力开发田径教学场地器材;优化田径教学内容、方法和手段等相关对策。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, we are deepening the educational reform and pushing forward the all-round quality education all over our country. P.E. plays an important part of the quality education. It is also the breach of pushing forward the all-round quality education. The new turn of the reform of PE is carried out with the national basic education reform as the main background. Therefore, our task is to quicken our step in establishing the basic education curriculum system catering to quality education.In carrying out the PE curriculum reform, it is a challenge to the old tradition to implement the quality education, and it is our choice orientated towards the future.“The implementation of the PE and Health Standards”in some experimental areas in 2001 marked that the PE curriculum reform was pushed in deep. However, we have also noticed that, due to the influences of the old PE syllabus and the traditional thoughts on PE, there still remain some problems need to be solved in the implementing the new standards, for example, how to reform the traditional track and field teaching by following the standards in the new system so as to curb the declining tendency of PE education at schools. In recent years, the track and field sport gradually loses its status in our PE teaching, facing the unmet-of dilemma, and instead of developing, it gradually shrinks. So, many experts and gym teachers are deeply worried about that, and actively trying their best to change this condition.This research project, by adopting the approaches based on documents, investigation, mathematical statistics and logic analysis, have learned the current situations of track andfield teaching in eight urban districts in Wuhan City. In each district, five high schools, five junior middle schools and ten primary schools have been chosen. So, there are totally forty high schools, eighty junior middle schools and eighty primary schools taking part in this project. And we interview the teachers working at these schools. Based on these investigation and findings, this paper made an analysis of the various factors affecting the track and field teaching.At present, the current situation of the track and field teaching at primary and middle schools are: 1).In teaching content, the teaching of various races in different distance and methods (short distance race, middle and long distance race and relay race) and the basic jump (the sail style) are better. The events of throwing (the sling of solid ball and side sliding shot putting) and complex jump (straightaway long jump and orthodox straddle) are good. While the items which require higher techniques (triple jumping, flop and back sliding shot putting) is not very good, nearly a half schools haven’t listed such items as the teaching contents. 2). In teaching method, its technicality is overemphasized (because of the entrance examination to high schools), while the development of the students’ability in track and field sport and the improvement of their general quality are ignored, so the function of body exercise cannot be fully utilized. 3). In teaching evaluation, it follows the way to assess the students’result which reaches the standard traditionally.Factors affect the track and field teaching at primary and middle schools are various, sports funds, its own factors in track and field teaching, the teachers’operation level, the teaching plan and rationality of teaching arrangement, etc. This thesis brings forward some concrete methods to cope with the above-mentioned various factors, such as the related countermeasures: To quicken the nativisation of the new curriculum standards, to increase the investment and scientific management of school’s sport funds, and to strive to explore the field and equipment of track and field teaching, in addition, to optimize content and method of track and field teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】357

