

Study on Present State and Development of Teaching of Martial Arts Routine in Colleges of Anhui Province

【作者】 曹佩芳

【导师】 梅汉超;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 武术是中华民族的传统体育项目,从古至今一直受到人们青睐,新中国成立之后,党和政府更加重视这一民族瑰宝。1954年全国各体育院系先后开设了武术课,1956年国家体委组织全国各地的武术专家,汇编了各种初级、甲组、乙组的规定套路。改革开放以来,各体育院校相继成立了武术系、硕士授予点等,培养了大批武术专业人才,同时也为我国普通院校输送了技术技能全面的优秀师资。我国普通高校也相继开设了武术选修课。在全民健身运动的蓬勃开展下,安徽省高校也把武术套路列入了主要教学选项,主要是培养学生科学的健身方法。近20多年来,据不完全统计,安徽省高校的武术专项选修课内容一直延用国家规定的初级套路,出现了长期的简单化、单一化的现象。各高校武术套路的教学忽略了对学生健身意识、终身意识和运动能力的培养。本研究参阅了大量关于武术教学方面的文献资料以及教育学、人才学等中外专家的研究成果。从安徽省高校武术教学套路现状入手,对武术教学套路进行现状调查,调查中发现武术套路教学虽深受广大学生喜欢,但大部分高校在安排教学时,更多的是考虑师资、场地、器材等教学情况,武术套路教学的安排有很大的局限性。根据目前安徽省高校武术套路教学存在的不足,本文在教与学两大方面提出了武术套路教学的发展对策,下设的二、三级指标内容均得到了专家的认可,且专家评判的一致性较强,具有可行性。这对改革安徽省高校武术套路教学,提高武术的健身效果,引起学生的学习兴趣等方面有较强的实践意义。武术根植于中国传统文化之中,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产,已经逐步被越来越多的海内外人士所喜爱和接收。它以踢、打、摔、拿、击、刺等动作为素材,按照攻守进退、动静疾徐、刚柔虚实的相互变化规律组成徒手和器械的多种套路,用以增强体质、培养意志及训练搏击格斗技能。武术是不分年龄、性别、随时随地都能适应和进行的一种很好的终身体育运动项目。古往今来,武术运动曾作为强国强体的有力武器,在抵御外强侵略强大民族的过程中起到了突出作用。继承和发扬武术运动,对人类健康有着深远的历史意义和现实意义。所以说,在高校体育教学中,武术教学以其特有的健身价值和有着举足轻重的作用。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法及数理统计法对安徽省高校武术套路教学现状进行分析和再认识,根据教学存在的不足提出相应的发展对策,以提高武术套路教学的质量,改进武术套路教学现状有重要的意义。为武术套路教学在安徽省高校中得以更好的实施和发展,进一步深化高校素质教育成果、为社会输送素质全面的优秀人才等方面都提供了重要的参考价值和发挥积极的推动作用。同时也为安徽省高校武术套路教学改革提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Martial Arts, which is popular with many people from anciently to now, is a traditional Chinese sport. After the foundation of new china, our party and country attach more importance to such national treasure.Undergoing the booming development of nationwide exercise movement, alleges in Anlui province also classify action set of wushu as a main teaching subject, which is aimed at fostering scientific methods of exercise among the students. In the latest twenty years, according to apportionment statistics, the optional course of martial Arts majored in elementary routine which is fixed by government has spawned simple and single phenomenon Education in action set of Martial Arts among colleges ignores wlltivation of students’exercising mind、life-long physical mind and ability in doing sports.This study consults massive document datas about Martial Arts and teaching theories and some other experts’works home or abroad. According to recent short comings existed in action set teaching of Martial Arts in Anhui province, this article proposed developing policy on education of action set of Martial Arts from the aspects of teaching and learning, the following second and third standard are accepted by experts, and they do have high practical and critical quality. All these have profound practical significance for reforming Martial Arts, improving exercising effect of Martial Arts and raising students’interests of learning in Anhui province.This article colleges well ensures the better operation and improvement of wushu in colleges of Anhui province. It deefens the result of quality education in colleges, And, it supply’s important referring value and act an positive role in aspect of activating useful and full-developed talents for society. In the meantime, it supply’s beneficial reference for reforming of Anhui province.

【关键词】 安徽省高校武术发展
【Key words】 Anhui provincecollegeMartial Artsroutine
  • 【分类号】G852-4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】532

