

The Research about Emotional Education of Chinese Teaching in Vocational Middle School

【作者】 乔莉芳

【导师】 郭剑敏;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 情感教育作为教育的一个重要内容,它所关注的是学生的情绪、情感以及态度和信念。中职生作为一个特殊的群体,他们的情感存在着更多否定的、消极的因素,这些情感问题严重影响了中职生的学习和生活。本文就中职生情感教育现状,提出了解决问题的策略与具体实践的措施。论文第一部分首先明确了情感及情感教育的内涵,并分析了实践情感教育的理论依据。第二部分深入剖析中职生的情感现状,重点从成长环境、应试教育、自我认同及社会评价等四个方面阐述了中职生情感问题的原因所在。在此基础上,论文第三部分从语文学科的特点及中职语文教学目标的角度分析了加强中职生情感教育的必要性。论文第四部分针对中职生情感现状,重点论述了中职语文教学情感教育的策略,即亲情教育的实施、自我认同的提升、评价机制的完善及职业道德的培养等四个方面。论文最后一部分进行了中职语文教学中情感教育的实践研究。这一部分首先提出作为教学主体的教师第一应具备对职高学生的热爱,通过语言及多媒体创设浓浓的情感教育氛围;然后通过阅读、写作两大板块教学内容的开发,深化学生的情感教育;并由课本延伸到课外,加强课外阅读,开发适应中职生情感发展的校本课程,为中职生情感教育营造从家庭到学校、社会的良好氛围。本论文从中职语文教学工作实践出发,试图寻找一条解决中职语文教学盲点和症结的有效途径,以期引起更多的人从事中职语文情感教育理论研究与实践探索,推动中职语文教学改革的进程。

【Abstract】 Emotional education as an important content of education concerns to the students’emotion、sensibility、attitude and belief. The vocational middle school students are special community. There is much negative factors in their emotion. Their study and life are influenced by these emotional problems. The paper exposes the reality of the emotional education and provides some countermeasure and practical measures.The first part not only deficits the emotion and emotional education, but also analyzes the theoretical basis of emotional education. The second part exposes the emotional reality in vocational middle school, emphasizes four reasons of the emotional education, they are: grow up environment、take an exam in education、self affirm and social appraise. The third part emphasizes it is necessary to emotional education based on the Chinese course and the object of Chinese teaching in vocational middle school. The fourth part appears the countermeasures: practice emotional education、improve self affirm、perfect appraise system、develop vocational morality. The last part provides the emotional education in Chinese course in practice. In this part, teachers as teaching subject should love students; create an emotional atmosphere by language and multimedia; develop the teaching contents by reading and writing in text book and out text book; emphasize reading out class; develop scholastic curriculum which attach to the emotional education; create an emotional education network of family、school and society.The paper based on the practices of the emotional education in vocational middle schools, try to find out an effective way to solve emotional problems. In order to reform the Chinese teaching by theoretical and practical research of emotional education in vocational middle school.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】464

