

The Research of the Mental Health Present Condition and the Education Strategy on Mongolian Migrant Middle School Students

【作者】 孙萨日娜

【导师】 永春;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中学阶段正是青少年生理和心理发生着急剧变化的时期,他们既要适应生理变化带来的问题,又要适应社会环境变化带来的问题,这使得青春期个体更容易体验到心理冲突和挫折。中学阶段是个人发展的关键时期,被心理学家称为“心理断乳时期”、“心理危机时期”,加强中学生心理健康教育研究是我国当前教育领域面临的一项重要课题,也是知识经济时代对教育提出的新要求。中学生的心理健康问题已经引起很多学者的关注和研究,现在有许多中学生心理健康方面的研究,但是进城求学的蒙古族心理健康状况研究目前还是空白。进城求学的蒙古族中学生作为一个特殊的学生群体,数量庞大并且有自己独特的心理特点。因此进城求学的蒙古族中学生心理健康状况研究是可以填补国内这方面研究的空白。由于相关研究较少、民族中学的心理健康教育开展较滞后,从而一直没能形成符合蒙古族中学生特点的心理健康教育体系。通过本研究不但可以了解进城求学的蒙古族中学生心理健康状况以及分析他们特有的成长环境、风俗习惯、独特的人格特点和民族文化对他们的心理发展有何作用还可以为建立科学的蒙古族中学生心理健康教育体系提供参考和借鉴。本文以进城求学的蒙古族中学生为被试,考察了进城求学的蒙古族中学生的心理健康状况和人格特征,分析了不同的文化背景下所形成的不同的人格及心理特征,分析讨论了影响进城求学的蒙古族中学生的多种因素,在此基础上提出了,进城求学的蒙古族中学生的心理健康教育的相应对策。由于,就目前的心理健康教育情况来看,主要仍然停留在学校教育的阶段,所以本文也主要是以符合进城求学的蒙古族中学生的心理特点的学校心理健康教育的建构为主要方面,从心理健康教育的内容、实施方法以及相应的评价体系等三个方面阐述了建构完整的心理健康教育体系的一些建议与参考意见。

【Abstract】 It is young people at the middle school physical and psychological place in a period of rapid change, it is necessary to adapt to the problems brought about physiological changes, but also to adapt to social problems brought about by changes in the environment, which makes it easier for individual adolescent experience psychological conflicts and setbacks. The education in the middle school is the key period of personal development and it is called“the period lacking of nutrients”or“the psychological crisis period”by the psychologist. Strengthening the education of psychological health of the students is an important subject of contemporary education of knowledge economy time.Middle school students’mental health problem has aroused the concern of many scholars and research, There are many research about middle school students’mental health. But there are not researches about Mongolian migrant middle school students. Mongolian migrant middle school students are Special groups. They are having special psychological Characteristic. So research their mental health may fill blank. Because the related researches are very few, National middle school developments the mental health education are backwardness, so it is not formation mental health education system. Through this research not only can understand the psychological characteristic of Mongolian migrant middle school students but also can provide the reference about establishment Mongolian middle school students’mental health education system.The analysand is Mongolian middle school students at the research, inspection the mental health problem and personality characteristic, discussion the effect factor of Mongolian migrant middle school students. Based on this, proposes the countermeasure about Mongolian migrant middle school students. On the present situation, mental health education always keep at school education Stage, so this research by school mental health education primarily Conforms to the Mongolian migrant middle school students characteristic, it explained from three aspects that mental health education’Content、Implementation method and appraisal system , construction complete mental health education system’suggestion and Opinion.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】219

