

A Study on the Main Causes for the Junior Middle School English Underachievers

【作者】 郭莉

【导师】 马占祥;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我校是一所军工企业职工子弟中学,地处城乡结合部,由于历史的原因至今都是七十到八十人左右的大班,学生来源杂乱,良莠不齐,英语后进生是困扰着广大英语教师的难题。为了找出初中英语后进生的主要成因并找出转化英语后进生的对策,本研究首先对我校我所教年级中的的330名同学进行问卷调查和访谈,并结合对其他英语教师的访谈,得出英语后进生的主要成因。随后根据英语教师的评价和学生入学以来连续三次的统考成绩,选出160名英语后进生,对主要原因进行进一步的调查,找出初中英语后进生成因的具体特点。调查结果显示初中英语后进生的成因是多方面的,既有智力因素,也有非智力因素。在非智力因素中主要是动机、态度和学习策略等因素起主要作用,其中动机因素尤为明显。调查表明,初中英语后进生的英语学习动机基本上是工具型的。工具型动机的学习目的更具有功利性,因而具有这种学习动机类型的英语学习者要比具有融入型动机学习的人缺少持久力。大部分初中英语后进生学习英语不是出于兴趣而是出于考试的压力,所以学习英语缺乏毅力,“三天打鱼,两天晒网”。一次次考试的失利使他们更加不愿学习英语,形成恶性循环,最终成为英语后进生。调查结果还表明,初中英语后进生对英语的学习态度大都呈否定型趋向。学习态度并不直接影响学习,但它可以通过影响学习者的学习动机而对学习产生巨大的影响作用。一般来说,肯定的学习态度学习起促进作用,否定的学习态度对学习起妨碍作用。大部分初中英语后进生对英语持否定态度,因而严重影响了他们的学习动机和学习效果。调查同时表明,初中英语后进生的英语学习受间接策略影响较大。间接策略不断持久的影响着学生的学习,特别是情感策略。初中英语后进生在控制情感因素方面很差,不能很好地调节英语学习上的心理和情绪问题,缺乏自信,充满焦虑,无法评估自己在英语学习的进步,很难走出后进生的泥沼。本论文包括六章,第一章提出研究后进生的目的,并提出了本论文所要研究的4个问题,即初中英语后进生的主要成因是什么?什么样的动机类型对初中英语后进生的学习起主要作用?初中英语后进生对英语采取什么样的态度?初中英语后进生的学习主要受哪种策略影响?第二章是对学习后进生的研究回顾。第三章阐述了本研究的理论依据,即归因理论和学习者的特征理论;第四章是研究方法,包括样本、研究工具、实施和结果。第五章,根据数据分析得出初中英语后进生的主要成因以及各主要成因的特点。最后一章是全文总结。由于理论水平和教学实际操作水平的有限和不足,本研究对英语后进生问题的探索还有待于进一步完善和发展,并以此为理论依据探索转化后进生的对策。

【Abstract】 As we all know, it is a very difficult task for the English teachers to upgrade Junior Middle School English Underachievers (JEUs). In order to investigate the main causes of the JEUs .The researcher makes the first survey among 330 junior middle school students who are from No. 1 Middle School .Then, another three questionnaires are carried out among 160 JEUs who are selected from No 1 Middle School according to their English levels.The results of the investigations indicate that there are a number of factors that potentially influence the learners’ achievements. Motivation, strategies and attitudes are the major causes of the JEUs. It is remarkable that motivation comes out with the highest percentage and seems to be much more important than the other factors. The research reflects that the type of motivation common among the JEUs is instrumental motivation rather than integrative motivation. Motivation is a very important factor in English Foreign Language Learning (EFLL). Without motivation, successful learning does not take place. With instrumental motivation the purpose of language acquisition is more utilitarian. Analyzed logically, instrumental motivation is less endurable than integrative motivation. Those who are highly motivated will not regard the passing of the exam as the learning goal. Instead, they will see to it that they will master and use the English as a foreign language (EFL). The JEUs have to learn English because of the stress of the exams. However, as their interests are not strong enough to support a long and active learning, they have experienced more defeat than success, and thus a down-spiraling effect has been produced. The results show that most of JEUs have negative attitudes tendency towards English learning. Attitudes do not have direct influence on learning, but they can affect motivation. Our attitudes toward foreign culture influence how we experience learning process, and they have an impact on the level of EFL proficiency and are influenced by this success. Generally speaking, positive attitudes can be expected to enhance learning and negative attitudes to impede learning. Those who take hostile attitudes toward the English language and English learning will find English extremely difficult to learn, which will definitely affect their learning motivation and outcomes.The results also indicate that it is the affective strategies, social strategies and communicative strategies that influence the low-proficiency of the JEUs. Affective strategies are the most important factors. The JEUs do much worse in controlling their affective factors and thus cannot adjust their psychological and emotional situations for the purpose of language learning. These learners are less self-confident and they cannot overcome anxiety, furthermore, they do not often evaluate their progress in foreign language learning.This thesis consists of six parts. The purpose on the study is introduced in Chapter One. Four questions are put forward:Question 1: What is the main cause of the JUEs?Question 2:What type of motivation affects the JEUs more strongly?Question 3:What are the JEUs’ attitudes toward English?Question 4: What type of learning strategies do the JUEs employ?In Chapter Two and Chapter Three, the development of the study about underachievers is reviewed concisely, the rationales are presented: Attribution Theory and learner characteristics that influence EFLL. Chapter Four is the methodology, including participants, instruments and procedures. In Chapter Five , analyses of the main causes for the JEUs are presented to answer the questions 1, 2, 3, 4 raised in Chapter One. Chapter Six is the conclusion, and another study that JEUs can become achievable English learners is put forward in the end

【关键词】 初中英语后进生成因动机态度策略
【Key words】 causeunderachieversmotivationstrategyattitude
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】872

