

The Study on the Growth of Mongolian Children and Adolescents in Xilinguole League

【作者】 诺敏

【导师】 陆舜华;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 有关儿童青少年生长发育的研究资料,目前已有很多文献报道,其研究对象多为汉族中小学生。蒙古族儿童青少年体质发育特点与发育水平的研究资料还比较缺乏,结合心理发展的体质发育状况研究目前尚未见报道。为此,作者于2005年9月调查了内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市蒙古族小学和蒙古族中学的1230名(男生598名,女生632名)7-18岁蒙古族学生的12项身体发育指标以及女学生月经初潮情况,采用问卷方式调查了蒙古族学生的人格特征和生活事件两项心理发展状况。了解该蒙古族儿童青少年人群生长发育现状,探讨其体质发育水平和心理发育发展状况与其他人群的差异性。结果表明:(1)各项体质指标随年龄增长而增加,但各年龄组间发育幅度和速度不尽相同。多数指标出现男女双交叉现象,多数年龄组间性别差异显著。男生身高和体重生长突增高峰年龄为12岁,女生则为11岁,男女学生快速增长期分别为10-12岁和9-12岁;(2)随年龄增长,男生体型由偏外胚层型的中胚层型转向中胚层—外胚层均衡型,女生体型由以中因子值相对占优势转为以三胚层中间型居多,14岁以后又转为内胚层—中胚层均衡型。男女体型较接近朝鲜族乡村学生;(3)锡盟蒙古族男女生体重正常者占主体地位,营养不良、超重和肥胖者占少数,总体营养状况良好;(4)与全国汉族、全国蒙古族、内蒙古城乡汉族、通辽城乡蒙古族、巴盟城乡蒙古族和日本学生9个群体相比,锡盟蒙古族男女学生身高发育处于中下等水平,男生体重发育处于中等水平,女生体重发育水平为中上等;(5)女学生月经初潮平均年龄为12.55岁,属于国内来潮较早人群。夏季初潮率最高,冬季次之,春季初潮率最低;(6)锡盟蒙古族儿童青少年人格类型以中间型为主,与全国常模比较有一定差异,表现为男生在10-14岁时比较稳重、内省,而16-18岁男女生则表现为个性外向、活泼开朗;(7)锡盟蒙古族男女学生应激性生活事件发生频率最高的分别是生活习惯明显变化和学习问题;男女学生应激强度得分绝对值最高的两个因子依次是学习压力和人际关系;(8)锡盟蒙古族学生人格特征与生活事件在不同年级、性别、不同兄妹数之间都存在一定程度的显著差异,且人格特征在不同来源地间也存在显著差异;(9)人格特征与生活事件具显著相关。本文首次报道了锡林郭勒盟蒙古族儿童青少年生长发育研究资料,采用身体发育结合心理发展的方式,从形态发育、皮褶厚度、体型、月经初潮、营养状况、人格特征和生活事件等多方面对锡林郭勒盟蒙古族儿童青少年的生长发育状况进行了综合评价。

【Abstract】 At present, there’re many data about the growth of children and adolescents, but most of the objects are the primary and middle school students of Han nationality. The study on the physical development characteristics and the growth level of Mongolian children and adolescents is quite deficient. The data of physical growth combining with psychological development has not been reported. The purpose of the study is to understand the growth status about this group of Mongolian students and compare the present situation of physical growth and psychological development with other groups. The present paper studied 1230 Mongolian students (598 boys and 632 girls) of 7~18 years old from the Mongolian primary and middle school in xilinhaote city of Xilinguole league from Inner Mongolia in September, 2005. This study included 12 physical characteristics and girls’menarche. Made questionnaire investigation on personality characteristic and life events of Mongolian students.The results are as the follows: (1) Various of physical indexes are increased with aging, but the amplitude and the speed of growth among all age groups are different. Double intersection phenomenon happens in most growth curves of boys and girls. In most indexes, sexual difference is remarkable among most of age groups. Boys’age of growth spurt of weight and height is 12 years old and girls’is 11. Boys’and girls’rapid growth period are 10~12 years old and 9~12 years old, respectively. (2) Along with the increased in age, boys’somatotypes change from ectomorphic mesomorph to mesomorph-ectomorph. The change of girls’somatotypes are the mesmorphic factor is relatively high to most of them are central, after 14 years old to the endomorph-mesomorph. The somatotypes of these students are similar to the rural students of Korean nationality. (3) Normal weight of Mongolian students in xilinguole is the dominant position. Few of them are malnutrition, overweight and obesity. The general nutritional status is well. (4) Compared Mongolian students of Xilinguole with Han nationality and Mongolian of China, Han nationality of urban-rural in Inner Mongolia, Mongolian of urban-rural in Tongliao, Mongolian of urban-rural in Bayannaoer league and Japanese students. The height growth of the students in xilinguole league is the middle and lower standard. The weight growth of boys is medium and the weight growth of girls is middle and high class. (5) The average age of menarche is 12.55 years old and it’s earlier than other groups in our country. The rate of menarche is the highest in summer, winter is the second and spring is the lowest. (6) The personality type of Mongolian children and adolescents in Xilinguole league is mainly interstitial type. There’re some differences between these students and nation norm. It shows that 10~14 years old boys are more steady and introverted. Both boys and girls who’re 16~18 years are more extroverted and lively. (7) For the Mongolian boys and girls in xilinguole league, the highest rate of stressful life event is respectively obvious changes of life habits and learning problems. For the boys and girls, the factor of the highest absolute value of stress intensity score is study pressure. The second is interpersonal relations. (8) On personality characteristic and life events of Mongolian students in xilinguole league, there’s significant difference to some extent among different grades, sexes and the number of brothers and sisters. There’s also significant difference in personality characteristic among different origins. (9) The personality characteristic is significantly correlated with life events.In this paper, the growth data of Mongolian children and adolescents in xilinguole league were reported for the first time. The growth development of Mongolian students were discussed synthetically in physical development, skinfold thicknesses, somatotypes, menarche, nutritional status, personality characteristic and life events by means of physical growth combining with psychological development.

  • 【分类号】R179
  • 【下载频次】152

