

Study on the Characteristics of Horse Dung Decomposition in Desert Steppe

【作者】 海英

【导师】 刘新民;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以内蒙古召河希拉穆仁草原为研究地区,以马粪为研究对象,着重探讨了荒漠草原环境下马粪的分解速率、分解过程中养分的释放特征和影响马粪分解的主要因素。主要研究结果如下:1.野外实验研究表明,荒漠草原环境下的新鲜马粪经过夏季至秋季约79天的分解重量损失约为24%,平均每天失重0.34%;马粪分解过程中夏季重量损失的速率明显快于秋季,重量损失的速率分别为14%和6%,平均每天失重率分别为0.47%和0.31%。2.在马粪的分解过程中,各种养分的释放特征有明显差别,新鲜马粪中有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾的含量分别约为458.9g·kg-1、10.41g·kg-1、3.77g·kg-1和6.26g·kg-1,经过春季至秋季一个生长季约136d的分解,分别降至347.9g·kg-1、5.59g·kg-1、2.47g·kg-1和1.05g·kg-1,损失率分别为24%、46%、35%和83%。3.采集了不同季节马粪中的粪食性金龟子标本,共计获得粪食性金龟子标本13400头,分属于3科4属26种。其中,优势种为符号蜉金龟Aphodius comma,占总捕获量的80.90%,常见种有7种,稀少种有18种。马粪排出后,较短的时间内即有较多种类和数量的粪食性金龟子进入,在马粪排出后的1-4d内,粪食性金龟子种类数和个体数的变化趋势为先变化不大,后迅速减少,大约在排出6d后马粪中的粪食性金龟子基本全部消失。马粪中粪食性金龟子种类数8月份最多,共有13种;马粪中粪食性金龟子个体数7月初最多,共捕获6831只。4.马粪中脲酶活性的季节变化趋势呈“W”型曲线,6、8月活性较低,5、7、9月活性较高,且5月活性最高。马粪中蛋白酶的活性5~8月之间基本稳定在50.0酪氨酸mg·48h-1·g-1左右,9月份下降至13.61酪氨酸mg·48h-1·g-1。马粪中纤维素酶活性的季节变化呈逐渐下降的趋势,5月最高,为9.93 mg葡萄糖·72h-1·5g-1,随后逐渐下降,9月下降至0.90 mg葡萄糖·72h-1·5g-1。马粪中细菌数量的季节变化表现为,5月数量最高,之后数量降低,至7月降至最低,随后略有增加。马粪中真菌数量的季节变化特征也表现为,以5月最高,约为21×102 cfu·g-1干粪,6月降为最低,约为3.6×102 cfu·g-1干粪,7月再升高。马粪中放线菌的数量同样以5月为最高,约为180×104 cfu·g-1干粪,之后迅速下降,并一直到9月均维持较低水平。5.室内实验的结果表明,马粪经过粪食性金龟子作用后,在保持环境湿度的情况下,分解速率和养分释放速率均明显提高。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the decomposing rate、the features of nutrient release and the main factors that influence the decomposition process of horse dung were studied in Xilamuren desert steppe, Inner Mongolia. The main results as follow:1. Under the condition of the desert steppe, the weight lossing of fresh horse dung was about 24% during decomposing period from spring to autumn. The average weight lossing was about 0.34% per day. The rate of weight lossing of horse dung in summer was quicker than that of in autumn. The rates of weight lossing were 14% and 6% separately. The average weight lossing per day were 0.47% and 0.31% separately.2. During the process of horse dung decomposition, the features of different nutrients release were obviously difference. In fresh horse dung, the contents of organic C、N、P、K were 458.9g·kg-1、10.41g·kg-1、3.77g·kg-1 and 6.26g·kg-1 separately. Through a decomposition period that from spring to autumn, the contents of organic C、N、P、K were decreased to 347.9g·kg-1, 5.59g·kg-1, 2.47g·kg-1 and 1.05g·kg-1 separately. The percent of them contents lossing were 24%、46%、35% and 83% separately.3. From May to October 2007, a total of 13400 specimens of coprophagous scarabs belonging to 26 species, 4 genera and 3 families were collected in fresh horse dung. For the community of coprophagous scarabs in horse dung, the dominant species was Aphodius comma. It accounted for 80.90% of the total individuals. The number of common species and rare species were 7 and 18. After excreted, there were more number of individuals and species of coprophagous scarabs entered into the horse dung immediately. As the time of horse dung excreted prolong, the changes of number of individuals and species of coprophagous scarabs were slowly in 1-4 days, and then the number and species of coprophagous scarabs were quickly decreased. After excreted 6 days, all the coprophagous scarabs disappeared in horse dung. The number of coprophagous scarabs species was the most abundant in August in horse dung. It was 13. And the individual number of coprophagous scarab was highest in July.4. The seasonal variation of urease activity in horse dung appeared to be a“W”shape. The urease activity was lower in June and August. And it was higher in May, July and September. And it was highest in May. The activity of proteinease in horse dung maintained about 50.0 mg·tyrosine 48h-1·g-1 from May to August and reduced to 13.61 mg·tyrosine 48h-1·g-1from August to September.The seasonal variation of cellulase activity appeared to have a tendency of decline in horse duang. The activity of celluase was highest in May. It was 9.93 mg glucose 72h-1·5g-1. And it was lowest in September. It was 0.90 mg glucose 72h-1·5g-1.In horse dung, the number of bacteria was highest in May. As the time going, the number of bacteria was decreas, and was lowest in July, and increased slightly from July and September. The number of fungi was 21×102 cfu·g-1 dry dung in May which was the highest, then reduced quickly and reached lowest in June, but increased in July. The quantity of actinomycetes was 180×104 cfu·g-1 dry dung in May which was the highest, then reduced quickly and reached 10×104cfu·g-1 dry dung in September which was the lowest.5.The results that from the experiments in laboratory showed that keeping humidity and using dung scarabs to active in horse dung can significantly increase the horse dung decomposition process and the release rates of nutrients.

  • 【分类号】S812
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】79

