

Analysis on Underdeveloped Advantaged of Economic Development in Ethnic Minority Region

【作者】 敖嫩

【导师】 王来喜;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 后发优势是后发展经济体因经济发展相对落后所具有的一些先发展经济体所没有的有利条件或机遇。而这里所说的“后发展经济体”应包括后发国家,后发区域,后发部门和后发企业。后发优势主要包含两层含义:一是后发展经济体通过学习先进的技术和管理经验节约了成本和时间;二是后发展经济体通过学习和借鉴先进国家的成功经验,吸取其失败的教训,从而使经济更快的发展。在我国,由于改革开放以来非均衡发展战略的影响,东部地区经济发展水平明显,领先于中西部地区,而且这种差距还表现出逐渐扩大的趋势。所以从全国范围内来看,东部地区属于先发地区,西部地区属于后发地区,因此西部少数民族地区也属于发展落后地区,具有后发优势。所以西部民族地区,在实现经济增长的过程中要从实际出发,创造条件,充分发挥后发优势,实现经济的可持续发展。西部少数民族地区不但资源丰富而且重要资源的分布相对集中,有利于重点开发,而且少数民族地区由于各民族在长期的历史发展中形成了多样化的人文景观,这种人文景观和独特的自然景观相结合塑造了独具魅力的旅游资源。这一得天独厚的旅游资源为西部少数民族地区的发展提供了强大的优势。又因1999年开始我国西部大开发战略的实施为西部少数民族地区的经济发展提供了很好的机遇,中央从多方面的政策支持为西部少数民族地区的经济发展提供了良好的机遇。因此,西部少数民族地区具有机遇性后发优势。伊金霍洛旗作为西部少数民族旗县之一,立足资源优势,紧抓国家经济发展和西部大开发的机遇,同时“煤电油运”的稳定供应是保障国民经济平稳较快增长的重要环节。2003年以来随着国民经济进入新一轮增长周期,各方面对“煤电油运”的需求增长很快,超过了供给的增长速度,因此煤电油运的供需矛盾变得日益突出,供需出现了难以平衡的“硬缺口”。由此形成的“煤电油运”等能源的巨大需求,促进伊金霍洛旗的资源优势向经济优势转变,发挥“后发优势”。本文认为,民族地区发展经济,摆脱贫困落后境地,只能“扬资源优势之长,补人才资金劣势之短”,抓住机遇、深化改革、扩大开放,把资源优势的有效转换作为战略重点,实现跨越式发展。

【Abstract】 “Underdeveloped advantage”(second developed advantage) means the relatively backward economic body has the favorable advantage on developing conditions or opportunities which the developed economic body does not have. Referring to“underdeveloped economic body”(backward economic body) ,it includes underdeveloped countries, underdeveloped regions, underdeveloped departments and enterprises. There are two meanings of“underdeveloped advantage”: First, underdeveloped economic body could save the cost and the time through learning advanced technology and the managerial experience; Second, underdeveloped economic body could promote quicker economical development by introducing successful experience of advanced countries and drawing its defeat lesson..In China, because of the influence of non-balanced developmental strategy since the reform and open policy, the eastern region’s economic development level has been significant, leading to the central and western west region , moreover this kind of disparity also displays the tendency which expands gradually. Therefore looking from the nationwide scale, the eastern area belongs to development region and the western area belongs to underdeveloped region, especially the ethnic minority region is backward developed that it should regard as underdeveloped region .It is obvious that there should gain underdeveloped advantage in western ethnic minority region. Therefore, in process of economic growth development, western ethnic minority region should embark from region’s reality, creating the condition and making effective use of underdeveloped advantage in order to realize sustainable economic development.Western ethnic minority region is not only fruitful in resources but also relatively concentrated in important resources’distribution, it is very useful for region’s key development project. Besides this, because various ethnic minority region has formed the diverse humanities landscape in the long-term historical development, this humanities landscape and the unique natural landscape have molded its special and charming tourist resources. This advantageous tourist resources have provided the formidable superiority for development of the western ethnic minority region. Furthermore, since implementation of China’s Western Development Strategy in 1999, western ethnic minority region have provided very good opportunity and various policy support from the central committee. Thus, the western ethnic minority region has significant underdeveloped advantage.Ikin Huoluo Banner (Yijin Huoluo Banner) in Erdos city is as one of the typical western ethnic minority regions, basing on its resources superiority and making full use of great western development opportunities tightly. And because it is“a transportation hinge of coal, electric and gasoline”,its stable supply is safeguards to the national economy steady and rapid growth of important link. Since 2003, Ikin Huoluo Banner (Yijin Huoluo Banner) has entered the new round rising period along with the national economy. There are great and quick demand growth of coal, electronic and gasoline transport from different field of national economy that the demand has surpassed the supplies rate of rise, therefore the contradictory of supply and demand in coal , electric and gasoline becomes more prominent day by day. The supply and demand appears promoted Ikin Huoluo Banner (Yijin Huoluo Banner)to transform resources superiority to the favorable economic conditions advantages, just means Ikin Huoluo Banner (Yijin Huoluo Banner) has displayed“underdeveloped advantage”.This article holds that if we want to develop the national economyand shake off poverty and backwardness situation, we can only "carry forward its advantages in resources, make up for the shortage of funds and talents", seize the opportunities, deepening reform, expanding opening up, make its advantages in resources to the effective conversion as a strategic focus and achieve development by leaps and bounds.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】323

