

The Return and Reconstruction of Ethics

【作者】 李彩杰

【导师】 郭培筠;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 作为中国传统电影的主要类型之一,伦理情节剧电影往往寄托着广大观众的道德愿望,反映着一个时期的社会热点和人民心态,一直以来深受广大观众的喜爱。九十年代以后,面对全球化语境伦理情节剧电影又有了新的发展和变化,叙事上超越了传统的情节剧模式。本文旨在对九十年代以来伦理情节剧电影的创作进行梳理和分析的基础上,针对目前创作中出现的症结,进一步提出伦理情节剧电影未来的发展策略。本文分为引论、正文和结语三个部分。引论部分对伦理情节剧电影的产生和内涵做了简单的梳理和界定,并对九十年代以前的创作传统进行了回顾。指出伦理情节剧电影是在中西方文化的交汇中,直接受到西方电影叙事方法的影响,在本民族文化传统的影响下开花结果的。它往往以家庭的伦理矛盾和道德冲突来折射社会现实。从郑正秋、蔡楚生到谢晋,他们创作的伦理情节剧电影构成了一种一脉相承的创作传统,在中国电影发展史上占有重要的地位。正文分为四部分。首先分析了九十年代伦理情节剧电影再度繁荣的原因。由于社会转型带来了诸多的社会问题,在国家电影政策的引导,艺术家们积极投入到现实题材的创作中,促进了九十年代伦理情节剧电影创作高潮的出现。并对这一时期的影片在题材内容上予以了四个方面的划分:歌颂家庭亲情、反思传统文化、传统价值观念与现代价值观念的冲突和对残疾人的关注。其次,概括了九十年代以来的伦理情节剧电影的美学特征,即这一时期的影片都着重突出普通的人伦情感和人性特征,讲究情感的真实与朴素,与以前的创作传统既一脉相承又有新的发展。再次,指出了这些影片中的一些问题,比如:主题观念的设置、叙事策略以及对传统伦理的表述等方面都存在着一些明显的缺陷和误区,使当前的伦理情节剧电影创作陷入了一种困境。最后,在此基础上,提出了一些可行性发展策略。指出伦理情节剧电影要想进一步走向国际市场,在未来的创作中就不仅要加大对传统文化的挖掘力度,而且要正确认识传统文化的社会功用,同时要不断提高影片的制作水准和艺术品位,才能使伦理情节剧电影走向良性发展。结语部分肯定了伦理情节剧电影取得的成绩,同时又指出其还有需要改进和完善的方面。

【Abstract】 As a main type of Chinese traditional movie, ethics drama movie has all along been the favorite of Chinese audience because it carries on the moral wishes of the audience and reflects the social hot issue and mass psychology of a certain period. In the 1990’s, confronting the globalization, it undergoes development and changes by surmounting tradition pattern in narration. To undo the knot of present works, the paper puts forward the future development strategy of the movie by combing and analyzing the movie which were created in the 1990’s and afterwards.This paper consists of 3 parts, that is, introduction part, body part and conclusion part.The introduction part defines and combs the origin and connotation of the movie and looks back to the works before 1990’s. Furthermore, the introduction also points out that the movie is the product of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, as such, it combines the narration skills of Western film and the traditional culture of our nation. It reflects the social reality on family and moral conflicts. From Zheng Zhengqiu, Cai Chusheng to Xie Jin, their movies are transmission from generation to generation which play an important part in Chinese film history.The body part is made up of 4 parts. Firstly, the reasons of the reprosperity of movie in 1990’s are analyzed. The social issues brought by social transformation, the policy’s direction on films of our country, together with the artists’active participation in creating works on reality subject matter. In this part, the movies of this period fall into 4 categories according to its themes and contents: the sing of affection among family members, reflection on traditional culture, the conflicts between the traditional values and modern values and the care for the disabled. Secondly, it summarizes the aesthetic features of ethic movie of this period, that is, the focus of theses movies is on the common people’s ethic sensation and humanity features, emphasizing the authenticity and austerity of their emotion which is the heredity development of tradition. Thirdly, the paper points out some problems in the movies. The creation of present movies sticks in the dilemma because of the limitation in theme, narration, and the delivery of traditional ethics. At last, the paper puts forward some feasible strategies. In the writer’s opinion, the lucubration of traditional culture should be strengthened, the educating function of traditional culture should be recognized, level of production of movies and arctic taste of movies should be improved in order to put the ethic movies into international market and optimum development.The conclusion part confirms the achievement and puts forward the deficiency.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】234

