

Task Driving Teaching Method Application in High School Physics Teaching

【作者】 陈启华

【导师】 张伟; 李群;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 关于教师的“教”和学生“学”的问题历来是人们研究的热点,相关研究探讨了培养学生良好学习习惯、学习态度、学习兴趣、学习能力的教学策略和教学方法,但实际的情况是许多学生越学越不想学、越来越死学。至于高中物理的学习更是不少学生所厌恶的,死记硬背泛滥,学困生越来越多。为了适应素质教育发展的需要,为了配合新教材、新课程标准的实施,落实学生积极有效的学习,教师要转变传统的教学法,进行课堂教学改革。传统的高中物理教学法很单调和单一,为了素质教育和高考的需要,本课题旨在对高中物理教学这一环节进行研究,探索高效的符合实际的教学方法。传统的教学方法遇到了很多问题,如学生总是作为知识的被动接受者,学习兴趣不浓,不能将所学内容深入理解、巩固与活化,不明确到底掌握了些什么,应该掌握些什么。传统的教学方法忽视学生自主探索和互动协作学习、忽视实践活动、忽视在任务完成过程中对学生创新意识、创新能力的培养以及自主学习的习惯,针对以上问题,笔者尝试采用了“任务驱动”教学法进行实践研究,其目的是提高教学水平、培养了学生解决问题的能力和提高学习物理的兴趣。本研究内容是将高中物理的新知识隐含在一个或几个“任务”之中,学生通过对所提的“任务”进行分析、讨论,明确它大体涉及哪些知识,并找出哪些是旧知识,哪些是新知识,在老师的指导帮助下总结出解决问题的方法,最后通过“任务”的完成而实现对所学知识的掌握和理解。本研究采用了实验、观察、调查等做为研究方法,把“任务驱动”教学法作为自变量,考察它对实验组的影响。最终通过对比、调查得出研究结论。本研究在包头市第七中学高二1、2班进行了一学期的实践研究,结果表明:采取这样的教学法学生满意度较高,学生能在课堂中掌握教学任务,不同层次的学生在课堂上都能学有所得。任务驱动教学法有助于提高学生的学习兴趣,有利于学生能力的培养,有利于学生对知识的理解和掌握。有助于提高教师的教学水平。

【Abstract】 Has many research about the high school physics teaching question domestic and foreign educational expert, has formed many theories. Especially“teaches”and the student about the teacher“study”the question is always the hot spot which the people study, the related research discussed has raised the student good study habits, the study manner, the study interest, the learning capability teaching strategy and the teaching method, but the actual situation was many students more studies more does not want to study, dies more and more study. As for the high school physics’s study is, the mechanical memorizing which many students loathe is in flood, studies sleepily lives are getting more and more.In order to meet the education for all-around development need to develop, to coordinate the new teaching material, the new curriculum standard implementation, carries out the student positive effective study, the teacher must transform traditional the teaching method, carries on the classroom instruction reform. The traditional high school physics teaching method is very monotonous and sole, for the education for all-around development and college entrance examination’s need, this topic is for the purpose to high school physics teaching this link conducting the research, explores highly effective conforms to the actual teaching process and the method.Enters the student who the high school studies physics, learning capability and so on each aspect is not very strong, the traditional teaching method has met many questions in the student in the learning process, if the student as the knowledge passive receiver, the study interest is not always thick, cannot understand a class all content and digest, even spoke the class student not to be clear has grasped anything, should grasp anything. The traditional teaching method neglects the student to explore and the interactive cooperation study, neglect practice, the neglect independently at the end of mission process to the student innovative ideology, the innovation ability raise as well as the independent study custom, in view of the above question, changes the teaching method suitably, enables the student in the initiative positive participation teaching, the author attempted uses“the task driving”the teaching method to carry on the teaching.How many duties so-called“is the task driving”the new knowledge concealment which studies in or, the student through to the duty which raises carries on the analysis, the discussion, which knowledge roughly is clear about it to involve? And which discovers is the old knowledge? Which are the new know ledges? Under teacher’s instruction, the help discovers solves the question method, finally completes through the duty realizes to studies the knowledge grasping and understood. Student’s study interest enhances unceasingly from each one duty’s solution, thus knew after a class gets down, proposed several duties, oneself has grasped several duties. Does this both may deepen to the high school physics class task driving teaching method understanding, raised the teaching level, and trained the student to solve the question ability, raised their physical consciousness.In the implementation“the task driving”in the teaching process, the author uses and so on groups to test, the observation, the investigation, the experience summary and so on to do is the research technique, takes the independent variable the task driving teaching method, inspects it to the experimental group the influence. Through the contrast, the investigation obtains finally, adopts such teaching method student degree of satisfaction to be very high, all students can grasp several or many teaching duties in a classroom, causes the different level the student can be able to study in the classroom has obtained.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】500

