

Research of Geography Regularity and Teaching Method for Special Subject of the Landform in High School

【作者】 侯英梅

【导师】 呼格吉勒图;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 地形专题教学是指以地形这一地理要素为线索,将与该要素有关的各章节分散的内容整合在一起进行知识归纳、整理、贯通、应用、迁移和重组的专题。其专题教学的主要目标一是进一步巩固、落实基础主干知识,或查漏补缺;二是训练和提高学生灵活运用地形知识与其它知识相互迁移的能力等。本文以人民教育出版社出版初中地理教材(1、2、3、4册,2001年版)和高中地理教材(必修上、下册,选修一、二册,2002年版)为研究对象,首先运用统计法、比较法将教材中的104个地形知识分为地形的基本概念、地形的基本类型及其特征描述、地形的成因分析、世界主要地形区的分布及特征、中国地形的重要特征及其评价、地形与自然地理环境、地形与人类的经济活动、地形与自然灾害、地形的合理利用与保护等九大类,并进行了详细的地形专题内容分析。教材中地形的基本类型及其特征描述的相关知识所占比例最大,为16.3﹪;地形与自然灾害所占比重最小,只有5.4﹪。?世界地理?中地形知识点比较多,共有30个。地形专题内容的表现形式以图文结合为主,其比例为86.3﹪,以文字形式表现的只占10.5﹪。地形专题内容的主要功能是培养地理学科能力。其次依据地形专题内容的特点、功能及内容组成,对中学地形专题内容的教学方法进行了初步的研究归纳,共总结了八种教学方法,主要是地图法;演示法;自学辅导教学法;“纲要信号”图示法;归纳法;调查法;案例教学法和发现探究法。同时总结了地形专题教学方法的特点,其表现为地形专题教学方法的多样性;地形专题教学方法的直观性;地形专题教学方法具有较强的实践性以及多种手段、媒体有机的结合。通过对中学地形专题的内容组成、表现形式、主要功能和教学方法的初步调查研究,为今后更好的服务于教学打下更坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 The terrain topic teaching is refers take the terrain this feature as a clue, the content conformity which disperses with this essential factor related variouschapters together is carrying on the knowledge induction, reorganizes,the penetration, the application, the migration and the reorganization topic. Itsspecial teaching essential target one is further consolidated, the realization foundation branch knowledge, or the leak finding fills a vacancy; Two, trains and sharpens the student knowledge migration ability and so on. This article educates the publishing house publication present junior middle school geography teaching material by the people (1, 2, 3, 4 volume, in 2001 version) and high school geography teaching material (on compulsory, final volume, takes as an elective one, two volume, in 2002 version) was the object of study.First utilizes the method of average, the comparison test divides into the teaching material in 104 terrain knowledge the terrain the basic concept, the terrain basic type and the characteristic description, the terrain origin analysis, the world main physiographic division distribution and the characteristic, the Chinese terrain important characteristic and the appraisal, the terrain and the environment, the terrain and humanity’s economic activity, the terrain and the natural disaster, the terrain reasonable development and the protection and so on nine big kinds, and by the kind, has carried on the detailed terrain topic content analysis by the book. In the teaching material the terrain basic type and the characteristic description related knowledge accounts for the proportion to be biggest, is 16.3﹪; The terrain and the natural disaster account for the proportion to be smallest, only then 5.4﹪.?world geography? terrain knowledge quite many, altogether has 30, Geography regularity reflect the inevitable relations between the geography object and the phenomenon , in the course of development and variation .It is the deepen and development of the geography distribution ,geography develop and the interrelated knowledge of geography, it is the important component part of rational knowledge of geography .The object of study of this essay is in geography teaching material for grade 10 (book 1.2)which according to the People, , s Education Publication ,2003. and the terrain topic content manifestation take the chart article union primarily, its proportion as 86.3﹪, only accounts for 10.5﹪by the writing form performance .Next elaborated the terrain topic content main function teaches the geography knowledge. Based on the terrain topic content characteristic, the function and the content composition, have carried on the preliminary research induction to the middle school terrain topic content teaching method, altogether summarized eight teaching methods, mainly is the map law; Demonstration law; Studies independently the counselling teaching method;“Summary signal”graphic interpretation; Induction; Survey procedure; Case teaching method and discovery inquisition law.Simultaneously summarized the terrain topic teaching method characteristic, its performance for terrain topic teaching method multiplicity; Terrain topic teaching method intuitive; The terrain topic teaching method has the strong practicality as well as many kinds of methods, the media organic union. Through to the middle school terrain topic content composition, the manifestation, the main function and the teaching method preliminary examination research, will from now on build a more solid foundation for a better service in the teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】280

