

Exploration of Question Group Teaching in High School Mathematics

【作者】 高慧

【导师】 吉智方;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 针对中学数学教学中“两极分化”现象的普遍存在,我们通过大量的教学实践总结提炼了一种新的教学模式——“题组教学”。研究题组教学在高中数学教学中的应用对当前新课改理念指导下的高中数学教学是非常有意义的。笔者以所在工作学校的任课班级的学生作为研究对象,运用了问卷调查法﹑访谈调查法﹑内容分析法、行动研究法等科学研究方法展开“题组教学”实验。本文分别从题组教学的步骤与题组编拟的策略,题组教学与其他教学法的联系以及研究的发现这三方面进行了详细而深入地论述。通过大量的案例说明与分析,进一步阐明了自己的观点。本文共分为四个部分:一、对研究的背景、必要性及思路与方法进行了阐述,概述了题组教学的理论根据,探讨确定高中数学教学中实施“题组教学”的依据和来源。二、论述了题组教学的步骤与编拟题组的策略,并以适当的教学案例辅助说明,对三个教学中的典型案例进行了深入地分析。重点研究了如何实施“题组教学”。其中包括:(一)什么是“题组教学”;(二)“题组教学”的具体实施程序是什么;(三)怎样出示题组;(四)怎样指导学生进行探究;(五)怎样展示学生的作业;(六)怎样辨析;(七)怎样总结提炼;(八)怎样编拟题组等八个问题。三、论述了题组教学与其它教学方法的联系。从与讲授法、发现法、探究法和程序法的对比与分析过程得到结论:题组教学有着扎实的理论基础,又结合我国西部地区的中学教育教学现状及数学学科的特点,形成了自己的鲜明特色,为实现因材施教、落实新一轮的课改精神创设了一个切实可行的操作方案。四、对学生进行题组教学实验的效果进行了分析并确定了影响实验课实施的因素,由此客观地分析了笔者的实践和研究的得失,开展题组教学的效果与影响以及进一步研究的建议。总之,“题组教学”从理论到实践,形成了一个比较完整的体系,符合当代先进的教育理念,具有为学生进一步学习构建基础并传播大众数学文化等方面的价值。

【Abstract】 Regarding the phenomenon that“polarization”widespread existed in high school mathematics teaching, we concluded the new teaching model“question group teaching”through a lot of teaching practices. It is very significant to study the application of question group teaching in high school mathematics under the background of the new reform curriculum of high school mathematics teaching. The author set her students as researching object and carried out“question group teaching”experiment in the way of question survey, interview survey, content analysis, action research and other scientific researches. This paper deeply analyzed the process of question group teaching and strategy of planning group, the relation between question group teaching and other teaching methods and its researching results in detail. Through a great deal of cases description and analysis, the author clarified her own standpoint in further.This paper can be divided into four parts:1、Expatiate the background, necessity, thought pattern and methods of research; summarize the theoretical basis of question group teaching; explore and confirm the basis and source of implementing“question group teaching”in high school mathematics teaching.2、Explore process of question group teaching and strategy of planning group with proper teaching cases as examples, and deeply analyze three typical cases which occurred in teaching practice. The research focuses on the implementation of“question group teaching”. It includes: (1)what“question group teaching”is ; (2)what the specific implementing procedure of“question group teaching”is ;(3)how to show question group;(4)how to guide student to explore;(5)how to show the students’work;(6)how to differentiate and analyze;(7)how to conclude and abstract;(8)how to plan question group. 3、Explain the relation between question group teaching and other teaching methods. Through contrasting and analyzing the teaching method, discovering method, exploring method and procedure method, the gained conclusion is: the question group teaching has its solid theoretical foundation and has formed its own distinctive characteristics according to the actual situation of high school teaching in China’s western region and the characteristics of mathematics. Therefore, it created a practical and operational program for teaching students in accordance of their aptitude and implementing the spirit of new reform of curriculum.4、Analyze the experiment effects of question group teaching and confirm the factors that affect the implementation of the experiment. Meanwhile, analyze the author’s practice and researching gain and loss, explain the effect and affect of implementing question group teaching and offer suggestions for future research.Analyze the experiment effects of question group teaching and confirm the factors that affect the implementation of the experiment. Meanwhile, analyze the author’s practice and researching gain and loss, explain the effect and affect of implementing question group teaching and offer suggestions for future research.In short, the“question group teaching”has formed an intact system from theory to practice, it accords with the current education thought and possesses the value for building the basis to facilitate student’s further learning and popularizing public mathematic culture.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】355

