

The Research on Inner Mongolian Urbanization and Prairie Animal Husbandry Development

【作者】 布音其其格

【导师】 王来喜;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城镇或城市的起源和发展是社会发展特定历史阶段的产物,是人类社会发展的必然。其发展速度随着生产力的变革、科学技术的进步及世界经济总量的增加而呈加速趋势。根据我国国家统计局发布的《2005年全国1%人口抽样调查主要数据公报》,2005年11月1日零时,中国城市化率达到43.0%。而内蒙古的城镇人口比例已达到了47.2%。虽然内蒙古的城镇化水平高出全国平均水平的4.3个百分点,但与世界水平相比,也有很大的差距。因此,今后的发展过程中内蒙古的城镇化率不断提高是个必然趋势。在这个变化过程中,内蒙古的草原畜牧业却面临着前所未有的一系列问题。内蒙古的草原畜牧业有着悠久的历史,并在社会经济中占有重要地位。它不仅是内蒙古的特色产业,也是主导产业。内蒙古地区城镇化进程的加速,对草原畜牧业的发展带来了很多方面的影响。本文在上述背景下就“内蒙古地区的城镇化对草原畜牧业发展带来的积极和消极影响”进行了深入研究,为内蒙古草原畜牧业的可持续发展提供实证性的依据。在本研究中,经过对内蒙古城市和城市经济发展状况以及内蒙古草原畜牧业发展状况进行了实证分析的基础上,主要采用理论联系实际与实证研究方法,通过文献材料,实地调查等方式搜集数据资料,进行经济学、文化学、人类学等角度对比分析,找出了内蒙古地区的城镇化对草原畜牧业发展产生的影响及其存在的问题,并相应的提出了对策建议。笔者通过本研究和分析初步得出以下结论:内蒙古的城镇化,除具有城市聚集一般效应的作用外,对解决内蒙古草畜矛盾也具有极为关键的意义。能够解决内蒙古农牧民转移出路,减轻人口对草地资源的压力。同时,城镇化促进草原畜牧业的产业化发展,有利于提高分工和专业化程度,对牧区土地资源的规模化、集约化经营提供了条件。但是其发展过程中,不能忽视对草原畜牧业带来的负面影响。如高城镇化率、低辐射度,城镇发展与草原畜牧业发展脱节;城镇化进程中农牧民缺乏组织,经济利益得不到保障;牧民生产方式的改变,促使生态文化的萎缩等等。因此,内蒙古草原畜牧业的发展出路关键在于如何把城镇化与草原畜牧业的产业化和可持续发展紧密联系在一起。如果内蒙古的城镇化与草原畜牧业发展相脱节,草原畜牧业产业化经营局面打不开,那么,内蒙古草原畜牧业的可持续发展就会陷入困境之中,草原文化和生态文化将成为历史陈迹。建设社会主义新农村、奔小康生活和构建和谐社会等一系列经济社会目标也会受到严重影响。

【Abstract】 The origin and the development of towns or cities is a certain outcome of the development of the society, and it is also the necessity of the development of human society. The pace of development of the urbanization is inclined to accelerate with the changes of productivity, the advance of science and technology and the increase of the world’s economic gross. According to the research by the statistics bureau, the urbanization increases by 43.0% in 2005, and the urban population of Inner Mongolia adds up to 47.2%. Although the urbanization level of Inner Mongolia is 43.0% higher than the national level, compared with world level, it also has a long way to go. Therefore, the enhancement of the Inner Mongolian urbanization is a necessary trend. In the process of this change, the livestock husbandry of Inner Mongolia will face a series of problems.The livestock husbandry of Inner Mongolia has a long history, and it has an important position in social economy. The livestock husbandry is not only the special industry of Inner Mongolia, but it is a leading industry. The acceleration of Inner Mongolian urbanization has many good effects on the livestock husbandry. This essay does a deep research into the positive and the negative effects of the urbanization on the livestock husbandry to provide practical evidence to the continuous development of the livestock husbandry.On the basis of the analysis of the situation of the urbanization and the development of the livestock husbandry, the author analyses from the angle of economics, humanity and finds out the influence and the problems that the urbanization will have on the livestock husbandry. Besides, the author comes up with some strategies and suggestions. Through the research and the analysis, the author comes to a conclusion that the urbanization of Inner Mongolia also has a positive effect on the livestock husbandry. What’s more, the urbanization.

  • 【分类号】F326.3;F299.27
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】477

