

A Study on the Tragedy of Coal Resources Advantage Turning into the Economic Advantage in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 马桂茹

【导师】 包玉山;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文由引言、正文四章及结语部分构成,前两部分为理论分析,后三部分为应用分析。各章内容提要如下:引言部分,首先介绍了本论文的选题背景及意义;其次对国内有关资源优势转换方面的研究现状进行评述;并得出结论:资源优势难以有效地转变为经济优势的更重要的原因在于制度安排不合理、体制运行不科学。正文第一章通过阐述自然资源在经济增长中的作用、资源型产业的经济特点、资源型区域的发展症结、资源优势及其陷阱效应等几方面对资源型经济进行了理论分析。正文第二章阐述了内蒙古煤炭资源及其开发利用状况分析。从内蒙古煤炭资源及开发利用状况、内蒙古煤炭资源开发对经济增长的贡献、内蒙古煤炭资源开发中存在的问题等几方面分析了内蒙古煤炭资源开发利用状况及其面临的问题。正文第三章内蒙古煤炭资源优势转变为经济优势的主要制约因素。内蒙古煤炭资源优势转变为经济优势的主要制约因素是煤炭资源开发利用的制度因素和经济因素。制度因素包括产权制度、资源管理制度、价格制度、市场交易制度、政绩考核制度;经济因素从增长方式粗放及产业结构偏重、高耗能产业增长过快两方面进行了分析及评价。而且本文认为,资源优势未能得到充分发挥的更深层次的原因在于制度因素。正文第四章加快内蒙古煤炭资源优势向经济优势转变的对策。指出内蒙古煤炭资源优势转变为经济优势需从以下几方面着手。一、加强煤炭资源开发统一规划管理;二、调整产业结构,转变增长方式;三、推进煤炭资源开发利用的制度创新;四、政府政策上的支持和经济扶持;五、正确看待资源优势,改变分工模式,避免陷入经济陷阱;六、转变发展观念、改进地方政府政绩考核方式;七、开发与保护并举,注意生态环境保护等。本论文存在的不足在于内蒙古地区的统计资料和这方面的研究滞后,一些问题的判断和看法,需要更加长期地研究。而这方面的深入细致研究,将推动资源优势转变为经济优势理论的进一步完善。

【Abstract】 There are four parts besides the introduction in this paper. There are theories analysis in the former two part, and application analysis in the latter three part.Introduction. firstly, the selected topic background and significance is introduced. second, the study findings are commented on about the conversion of resource advantage. It is concluded that the cause of the conversion about resource advantage lies in the unreasonability about the system arrangement and the unscientific systematical running.The first part, the related resourceful economy is analyzed theoretically. I expound the function of natural resource in the economic increasing, the economic characteristics of the resourceful industry, the developing crucial reason about resourceful districts, resource advantage and its trap effect.The second part, the coal resource and the exploit condition are analyzed in Inner Mongolia in the aspects of the exploit condition, the contribution to the economic increasing, and the existent problems.In the third part, I analyze the essential restricted factors to turn the resource advantage into the economic advantage. Its include systematical and economic factors, especially, the systematical factors.In the forth part, I pose the strategies to accelerate its turning from resource advantage to economic advantage. 1. Consolidating unified planning and management about coal resource exploit. 2. Adjusting industrial structure and turning economic increasing way. 3. Developing systematical novelty. 4. The policy and economic supporting from the government. 5. treating resource advantage rightly and avoiding dropping in economic trap. 6. converting developing idea and improving check ways. 7. Attaching importance to exploit as well as conservation,etc.

【关键词】 内蒙古煤炭资源优势经济优势对策
【Key words】 Inner Mongoliacoalresource advantageeconomic advantagestragedy
  • 【分类号】F426.21;F127
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】609

