

The Investigative Report on Present Music Education of Elementary and Middle Schools in Jining District

【作者】 王汉君

【导师】 潮鲁;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,特别是20世纪90年代以来,我国中小学音乐教育发展很快,学校音乐教育出现了繁荣的局面,主要表现在以下几方面:各级教育行政部门初步建立起了中小学音乐教育的管理、咨询、教研机构,改变了过去一直无专门机构和无专人管理音乐教育的状态;制定了一系列指导中小学音乐教育教学工作的法规和文件,改变了音乐教育无法可依的涣散局面;中小学音乐课程开课率稳步上升,改变了音乐教育长期存在着大面积空白的状况;引进学习了多种国外著名音乐教学法,教学水平有了明显提高;开展了一系列丰富多彩的课外校外音乐活动,有效地推动了整个学校音乐教育事业的发展。此外,音乐教材建设、教学器材配备以及音乐教育科研等方面也取得了许多成果。但是,在我国基础教育课程体系中还面临着许多自身体系不适应时代发展的一些问题,尤其是音乐课程是整个基础教育中的薄弱环节没有得到根本性的改变,离素质教育的要求还有一定的距离。根据国家新一轮课程改革的基本精神和要求,加强对义务教育阶段中小学音乐教育现状的调查与研究成为一项十分紧迫的任务。特别是在乌兰察布集宁地区,教育的投入、办学条件、师资水平等方面都存在着各种各样问题的情况下,寻找其中的差距和问题产生的原因,是尽快采取措施、解决问题的前提。鉴于此,笔者采用了四种方法,即无记名调查问卷、实地考察调研、和学校领导座谈、交流听课等对乌兰察布市集宁地区的11所中小学的音乐教育状况,进行了实地调查和研究。通过分析和比较,针对调查中存在的问题,比如音乐教育的投入明显不足;音乐教师对新方法、新知识的学习和运用不理想,中小学音乐教育在许多方面无法适应当前素质教育的要求;音乐教师的基本技能和知识结构水平偏低,师资队伍良莠不齐;音乐课的开设情况及教学效果不尽如人意,初三年级和普通高中音乐课开课率偏低等现象,做了分析和建设性的构想。并把音乐教师素质偏低这一现象同高师的培养方法、目标结合起来,对音乐教师的教育如何走出面临的困境,做了有益的思考。本文通过对乌兰察布市集宁区中小学音乐教育现状的调查思考,旨在为促进和发展乌兰察布市集宁区以及周边地区,甚至辐射面更宽的一些地区的中小学音乐教育,做一些积极而有益的工作。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and open policy, specially after the 1990s, music education of elementary and middle schools has developed very quickly in China and has the prosperous aspect, which is mainly displayed in the following aspects:The management, consultation and research agencies of music education of elementary and middle schools have been established by all levels of education administrative department, which has changed the past condition of non-specialized agencies and non-specialist management of music education; has made a series of regulations and documents to instruct music education of elementary and middle schools, which has changed the lax aspect that there is no regulations to depend on in music education; the rate of music-teaching course has been rising with steady steps in elementary and middle schools, which has changed the condition of no music education for a long time; has introduced and studied many kinds of overseas famous music teaching methods, which has improved the teaching level- distinctly; has carried out a series of colorful extracurricular music activities, which has promoted the development of music education effectively. In addition, we have also made many progresses in construction of music teaching materials, the teaching equipments and music education research. But, there are some problems in elementary education curriculum system in China, which can not adapt to time development, especially that music curriculum is weak link in the entire elementary education has not changed completely and met the request of quality education. According to national new curriculum reform’s basic spirit and request, it is a very urgent task to strengthen the investigation and study into present music education of elementary and middle schools. Specially in Wulanchabu Jining area, there are various problems in education investments, school conditions and teachers’ level so on, so it is first to find out the reason and take measures to solve the problems as soon as possible.In view of this, the author has used four methods--the questionnaires, on-the-spot investigation and study, discussion with school leaders and exchanging lectures, to carry in-the-spot investigation and studies on music education conditions of 11 elementary and middle schools in Jining District of Wulanchabu City. Through analysis and comparison, the author found out some problems, for instance, insufficient investment in music education; music teachers are not good at studying and using the new method and new knowledge; music education of the elementary and middle schools is unable to adapt to all-around development request in many aspects; teachers’ basic skill and the knowledge structure level are somewhat low; The music lessons and the teaching effects are not entirely as desire. He has made an analysis and constructive conception on these problems and connected this phenomenon of low quality of music teachers with methods and goals for training college teachers, and has made the beneficial ponder on how to go out the difficult position of singing master’s education .By the investigation on present music education of elementary and middle schools in Jining District, this article is mainly to promote and develop music education elementary and middle schools in Jining and other areas of Wulanchabu and does some positive and beneficial work.

  • 【分类号】G633.951
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】529

