

Research on Design and Realization of Record Module of Learner’s E-learning Behavior and Data Analysis

【作者】 靳丽

【导师】 田振清;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于计算机网络技术的不断发展,基于因特网的网络学习成为世界关注的新兴网络应用。在我国随着网络教育规模扩张阶段的结束,学习成效成为网络教育可持续发展的瓶颈,探究如何提高网络学习者学业成绩,即对影响学业成绩的关键——网络学习行为的研究是一个具有现实意义的课题。有调查表明网络学习中影响学习效果的最主要的因素就是教学交互活动。本文通过对网络学习者交互行为特征的分析,将教学交互简单分为两个基本类型:“人——人”交互和“人——内容”交互,并据此界定了可观测的网络学习行为,进而构建出网络学习行为模型,以此作为编程实现学习行为自动跟踪记录模块的设计依据。该模块实现了对网络学习者的学习行为(包括讨论发帖累计次数和文字长度,浏览教学内容累计时间和次数)进行采集、统计和简单反馈等功能。本研究以《网络课程》作为实践课程内容,选取内蒙古师范大学教育技术专业学生为样本,采集了学习者利用学习行为记录模块在线学习《网络课程》的学习行为数据。利用相关分析测定采集到的各种行为数据与网络学习者学业成绩之间的相关程度,最后采用回归分析建立网络学习行为和学业成绩的影响因素模型。模型分析结果表明:采集到的网络学习行为数据中,讨论发帖累计次数和浏览教学内容累计时间对学业成绩的影响最显著;学业成绩的全部变异中能够通过回归关系被这两种行为解释的比例为92.5%,而且前者较后者对学业成绩的影响更大。在对学习行为数据分析的过程中,学习者特征成为一个影响网络交互行为并最终影响学业成绩的不可忽视的因素。因此,本研究采用学习风格三个维度中生理维度的测量量表调查了学习者学习风格倾向。利用三维列联表分析了对于《网络课程》不同的知识类型,学习者学习风格、选择的内容呈现方式与学业成绩的关系。研究结果表明:学习概念性知识时,学习风格为动视听型和动视型的学习者,使用电子课本呈现方式进行学习后取得的该类知识的及格率较使用课堂录像呈现方式取得的及格率高;当学习程序性知识时,学习风格为动视听型的学习者,使用课堂录像呈现方式进行学习后取得的该类知识的及格率明显较使用电子课本呈现方式取得的及格率高。通过本研究,分析指出了网络学习行为、学习风格、呈现方式等影响因素与学业成绩的关系,并揭示了这些关系对网络学习实践的启示,希望能给网络学习者、任课教师、助教、网络教育学院提供一个参考,以改善网络教学环境,提升学习成效。

【Abstract】 With the development of the computer network technology, the distance education based on the internet has become a new developing application. In our country, learning effect becomes the bottleneck as the end of expanding stage of E-learning arrives, so it is a very significant topic in practice to investigate how to enhance performance of E-learning,i.e. research the E-learning behavior that is the key of influencing performance.Investigation shows that the major influence factor to performance is instructional interaction activity.In this thesis, we divided instructional interaction into two elementary types, the interaction between people and people and the interaction between people and content,after analyzing E-learning learner’s characteristics of interaction activity. We defined observable E-learning behavior and built an E-learning behavior’s model that was the foundation of realization of automatic record module.This module can gather, count and simply feedback to E-learning behavior that includes the sum of posted topics, the count of words of topics, the time and the count of reading instructional content.Online Course was chosen the practicing content of course.The sample was the students who majored in educational technology in Innermongolia Normal University. We made use of the record module of E-learning behavior to gather the data of learner’s behavior when they were studying Online Course. By using correlation analysis to determine the correlational level between the data of behavior and performance and stepwise Regression Statistic method to build a model of influencing factors between E-learning behavior and performance, it conducted that the sum of posted topics and the time of reading instructional content both have notable influence on performance. About 92.5 percent of total variation of performance depended on these two kinds of behavior and the former has deeper influence on performance than the latter.In the process of analyzing data of E-learning behavior, learning style is a factor that should not to be ignored, which influence E-learning interaction behavior and then performance.Therefore we selected the questionnaire of physiological dimension to investigate learning style. By using Crosstabs analysis to determine the correlation between the learning style, the mode of instruction content presentation and the performance for the different kind of knowledge, it conducted that the learners’rate of pass who utilized electronic textbook were higher than the learners’rate of pass who utilized video of class for study when they studied notional knowledge.However, when they studied procedural knowledge, the learners’rate of pass who utilized video of class were higher than the learners’rate of pass who utilized electronic textbook for study.According to this research, we analysed and concluded the correlation between performance and some influence factor that includes E-learning behavior, learning style and the mode of the instruction content presentation. In order to create a superior environment of E-learning and enhance performance, some relevant suggestions were proposed to learners, teachers, assistants and Distance Education Colleges.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】536

