

The Visual Language of Advertising Poetic Expression

【作者】 刁宇达

【导师】 赵晓彦;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 任何被喻为美好的事物总是富含诗意,“不仅纯文学是诗,一切艺术都可以叫做诗。一切艺术到精妙处都必有诗的境界。”[1]广告作为一门综合艺术,其创作过程和视觉语言的构建也体现出了如同诗歌般的特质,诗歌艺术所积累的表现手法和经典意象,都是今日广告创意开掘不尽的源泉。笔者立足于广告艺术性的角度,首先结合20世纪60年代在欧洲和美国平面设计发展中形成的“观念形象设计流派”的产生背景及设计内涵,分析了欧洲“视觉诗人”们的设计思想及视觉语言的构建规律,而后,就目前广告视觉语言的诗性体现提出了自己的观点及见解。笔者认为现代广告视觉语言的诗性体现在以下五个方面:一、首先,体现在广告设计师的艺术创作动机上,即在进行广告创意时如同诗人撰写诗歌一样,在版面设计和观念表达上充满了对视觉元素的流畅和自由运用。二、广告的语言文字或引用诗词佳句,或化用诗歌中惯用的修辞手法来进行撰写。广告的语言文字具有诗歌般凝练性、跳跃性、听觉化的特征。三、广告视觉语言的诗意构建借助于色彩情感性象征力的表达、文字的图形化处理、光影、空间艺术对指称对象的塑造以及环境氛围的衬托来营造,从而使广告充满了隐喻的图形要素、视觉的双关谐语和幻象。拼贴是诗性广告具具典型的构图方法,视觉元素最为突出的版面排列形式节奏与韵律与诗歌具有相似的艺术特质。四、现代广告作品具有诗歌般哲理、怪诞、陶醉、趣味性的意味。五、中国诗歌的美学思想影响下的本土广告作品独具形简意禅的东方审美特色。

【Abstract】 Any good things always called rich poetry, "Poetry is not only pure literature, all art can be called poetry. Sophisticated all the advertising as an integrated, arts to all must be the realm of poetry." Arts, creative process and visual language Construction also showed, as the nature of poetry as poetry accumulated by the art practices and the performance of classical imagery, creative advertisements today are not generating the source. The author based on the perspective of advertising art, first of all, with 20 in the 1960s in Europe and the United States formed in the development of graphic design "concept of image design genre," the background and content of design, analysis of the "visual poet" and the design of the visual Construction of language, and then, on the current advertising visual language of the poems reflect put forward their views and opinions.I believe that the visual language of modern advertising Poetic embodied in the following five aspects:First of all, reflected in the advertising art designer motivation, creativity in advertising, as the poet wrote poetry, as in the design and layout concepts expression was full of fluid and the visual elements are free to use.Second, advertising language or quote poetry Jiaju, or use of poetry in the usual rhetorical approach to writing. Advertising language poetry as a Ninglian, jumping, hearing of the characteristics.Third, advertising Construction poetic visual language through the use of symbolic colors of the emotional expression, text graphics processing, light, space art on the alleged targets, as well as shaping the environment to create the atmosphere of the frame, so that advertising is full of metaphor graphics elements of the visual pun harmonic language and illusion. Collage of poetry with a typical advertising composition, visual elements are the most prominent form of the rhythm and rhythm in the art of poetry with similar characteristics.Fourth, modern advertising works as a philosophical poetry, weird, intoxicated, interesting that, the highly sophisticated poetic visual language to consumers of multiple interpretation.At the end, the aesthetic thinking of Chinese poetry under the influence of local advertising works unique shape concise Zen Oriental aesthetic characteristics.

【关键词】 诗性广告视觉语言构建
【Key words】 Poetrypoetryvisual language advertisingConstruction
  • 【分类号】J524.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】370

