

The "Connect People" Implement Investigation & Analysis and Its Countermeasure in the Bao Tou Tu You Qi High School Teacher Team

【作者】 王胜

【导师】 邢利娅;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以人为本的管理就是以人为中心、以人为根本,把人视为管理的主要对象和组织最重要的资源,一切管理活动应围绕调动人的积极性、主动性和创造性而展开。管理中应尊重人、信任人,使每个人在工作中体现归属感、价值感,获得超越生存需要的更为全面的自由发展。其内涵是尊重人是以人为本管理的前提,信任人是以人为本管理的基础,人的全面发展是以人为本管理的核心,服务于人是以人为本管理的根本任务,而激励人是以人为本管理的重要方式。“学校为人”。学校的根本任务是培养身心健康、全面发展的人才。在这里,教师和学生都是学习的主体,师生在教育教学过程中都获得发展。在学校,既要以学生为主体,才能使教育者根据学生的发展实际,进行有成效的教育创造,并可借以表现教师特有的创新能力和主体精神;又要以教育者为主体,即“学校靠人”,才可能按教师每个人独特的认知方式和教育艺术,塑造出无数富有个性的有创造精神的人才。学校管理中起决定意义的是对教师的管理。一所学校教学质量如何,教师起着关键性的作用。教师是学校管理的客体,同时又是学校管理的主体,要办好学校必须依靠全体教师的智慧和力量,确立“教师为主体”的管理理念和“民主管理”思想。只要使两者在教育过程中统一起来,便会真正绽放出教育的人性光芒,产生真、善、美的教育成果。调查证明,要使教师真正做到安心工作,敬业奉献,单纯靠行政命令,检查督促,量化评比等一些传统的方式,并不能解决全部的问题。要办好学校必须依靠全体教师的智慧和力量,只有发挥教师的聪明才智和调动教师的积极性,才能使学校发展获得无限的力量源泉。人本理念下的教师管理在一些学校已见成效,但也存在一些问题。本研究在对人本理念和以人为本的管理进行探讨的基础上,对土右旗各高级中学基于“人本理念”下的教师管理现状进行了调查,通过对部分教师访谈,问卷调查、个案分析,了解到以下问题:(1)教师职业倦怠问题;(2)工资待遇不尽如人意;(3)晋升机会与能力不相符;(4)干群难以沟通,民主管理难见成效;(5)学校规章制度刚性有余,柔性不足;(6)教师评价过分注重量化;(7)校本培训难以达到预期效果;(8)备课组、教研组活动不尽如人意;(9)缺乏融洽的同事关系;(10)总体工作满意度不高。鉴于以上调查发现的问题,从人本管理的理念为指导,笔者大致从三个方面提出了解决对策:(一)更新教师管理理念。具体做法是:一是减轻教师的工作负荷;二是调整工作方法;三是让教师回归到普通人的层面;四是突出教师的主体地位;五是知人善任,人尽其才;六是把教师当作发展的人;(二)改进工作方法,办教师满意的学校,具体做法是:一是集思广益、各抒己见,发挥合力;二是提高中学教师的待遇;三是实行弹性工作制;四是教师评价应注重过程评价;(三)创建和谐教师关系。尽管在所调查的学校中还存在许多与“以人为本”理念相悖的教师管理制度,但从一些学校采取的措施来看,“以人为本”理念正在渗透学校教师管理的各个方面,因为它是教师职业特点的要求,也是社会进步的需求。学校“以人为本”管理将使广大教师自觉自愿地努力工作,以主人翁的责任感关心学校,把教书育人当作一项事业,而不仅仅是谋生的手段,它将成为学校教师管理可持续发展的基本策略。

【Abstract】 People-centered management is a people-centred and people-all the people as the main target of the management and organization of the most important resources, all management activities should be around to arouse people’s enthusiasm, initiative and creativity will start. Management should respect, trust, so that everyone in the work embodies a sense of belonging, worth, beyond survival needs access to a more comprehensive development. Its meaning is respect for people-centered management is the premise of trust people on the basis of people-oriented management, the comprehensive development of people-oriented management of the core services people-oriented people in the fundamental task of management, and encourage people people-oriented management of important ways."School people." The fundamental task of the school is to develop physical and mental health and the comprehensive development of human resources. Here, teachers and students are learning the subject, teachers and students in teaching have been in the development process. In schools, students should not only to the principal, to make education students according to the development of practical, effective education creation, and performance of teachers to the unique ability to innovate and the main spirit but also to education as the mainstay, " Schools rely on "it will be by teachers each person unique cognitive style arts and education, create countless rich personality to create a spirit of the people. School Management decisive significance for the management of teachers. A quality of instruction in schools, teachers play a pivotal role. Teachers are the object of the school management, but it is also the main school management to good schools all teachers must rely on the wisdom and strength of establishing "teachers as the main" management philosophy and the "democratic management" ideology. As long as the two in the education process, and put education will be a real blooming light of human nature, a genuine, good and beautiful educational outcomes. Investigation shows that if teachers really do their work, dedication dedication, simply relying on administrative orders, checks and supervision, and to quantify, such as some traditional appraisal methods, and not a panacea for all problems. To good schools all teachers must rely on the wisdom and strength of the teachers have to play the talent and mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, school development can be infinite source of strength.The idea of people under the management of teachers in some schools have paid off, but there are still some problems. In this study, and on the concept of people-oriented management to explore on the basis of the right of the flag of the middle soil based on the "people of this idea" of the status quo under the management of teachers conducted a survey, some teachers through interviews, questionnaires, case analysis, that the following issues:A: (1) The teacher burnout; (2) wages not satisfactory; (3) promotion opportunities and the ability to inconsistent (4) communication difficult between cadres and effective democratic management difficult; ( 5) more than rigid school rules and regulations, flexible enough (6) too much emphasis on quantitative evaluation of teachers; (7) school-based training to achieve the desired results; (8) Preparation Group, released by activities not satisfactory (9) lack of harmony at the same time ; (10) of the overall job satisfaction is not high. In light of the above survey found the issue, the author is generally made from three aspects Solutions: (1) update the management philosophy teachers: First, to reduce the workload of the teachers; second is to adjust the working methods; Third, it is for teachers to return to the level of ordinary people; four outstanding teachers is the main position;five is Zhirenshanlin, properly utilized; six teachers as is the development of the people;B:improve its working methods, and do teacher satisfaction Schools, of the specific approach are: First, is the collective wisdom and express their opinions and play together; Second, it will enhance the treatment of secondary school teachers; Third, it is a flexible work system; four teachers evaluation should focus on process evaluation.C:to create a harmonious relationship between the division .While the surveyed schools still exist in many of the "people-oriented" concept runs counter to the teacher management system, but the measures taken by some schools, "people-oriented" concept is infiltration school teachers in all aspects of management, because It is characteristic of the requirements of the teaching profession, but also social progress demand. Schools "people-oriented" management will enable households to the majority of teachers work hard to master the sense of responsibility of concerned schools, the teaching and educating people as a cause, not just a means of making a living, it will become school teachers in the management of sustainable development basically the strategy.

  • 【分类号】G637.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】122

