

The Study on Cognition Schematic of Harmonious Family by Residents of Miao Nationality Settlement in the Southeast of Guizhou Province

【作者】 杨珂

【导师】 范向阳;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 认知图式作为主体对客体与事件的解释框架,对于人的社会认知有重要作用。认知图式的研究,自20世纪30年代由Bartlett等人系统提出相关理论以来,深刻影响着心理学的研究。后来,经过皮亚杰的发展和Fiske、Taylor等人的积极倡导,认知图式在社会科学中的作用有所提升。然而,从现有文献来看,认知图式在社会科学中的应用,多局限在语言学习与分析、儿童早期教育等应用领域。从文化认知的角度入手,运用认知图式来分析主体认知的心理元素,目前尚属研究的前沿。本文正是从这一角度入手来研究苗族在和谐家庭方面的认知心理元素。本文假设,和谐家庭的真正实现,是家庭内部、外部的各关系达到和谐的综合反映,是在家庭成员之间、家庭与社会之间、家庭与自然之间,家庭成员处理以家庭矛盾为主的观念与言行和谐统一的家庭模式。本研究以Rumelhart的认知图式结构中所起作用的核心变量理论(动力要素是需要意识、控制要素是价值观念、工具要素是思维方式、材料要素是知识结构、心态要素即主观心态为)基础,采用实地访谈法、心理投射测验(自编)、文献研究、理论研究等相结合的方法,分析阐述苗族对和谐家庭认知的心理元素。通过研究本文得出苗族对和谐家庭的认知心理要素是:动力要素是环境生存和社会组织形式的需要,对同一祖先、本族祖宗崇拜的宗教意识;控制要素是生命平等、生命同源、万物有灵性的价值观念;工具要素是以本地宗教即对祖先的崇拜为主导的思维方式;材料要素是本族人学习劳作技能、生活常识的知识结构;心态要素是以蝴蝶妈妈,祖宗寄予后人的生活之美好和谐的主观心态。根据研究结果,本文对苗族和谐家庭认知心理元素、文化与认知的同构关系进行了讨论,并提出落实民族政策、文化认同、创建人与自然和谐的家庭和谐环境和加强家庭自身建设等四条建议和多民族在建设和谐家庭中的文化借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 As the explanation frame of subject to object and incident, the cognition schematic is very important for people’s social cognition. Cognition schematic research, since Bartlett who proposed systematically relevant theory in 1930s, has influenced psychological research deeply. Later, through the Piaget’s development, advocating actively of Fiske, Taylor, etc. the function of cognition schematic in social science of cognition was promoted to some extent. However, according to existing literature, the application of cognition schematic in social science is being more confined in some field such as language study and analysis, children’s early education and so on. Proceeding with the cognitive culture, using cognition schematic to analyze the psychological element of cognitive subject is still belonging to the front study at present. This text exactly proceeds with this angle to study the cognitive psychological element from harmonious family of the Miao nationality.This text has supposed that the really implementation of harmonious family, is the comprehensive reflection of all family’s relation reaching harmonious within and without, it is between kinsfolk, between family and the society, between family and nature, is the family mode being used by kinsfolk to make the idea, words and deeds in family’s contradiction be harmonious and unified. My research works with the core variable theory in Rumelhart’s structure of cognition schematic (the key element of motive force is needing consciousness, the key element of control is values, key element of tool is the mode of thinking, the key element of material is knowledge structure, the key element of psychology is based on the subjective psychology) adopts the methods such as interview law, psychology throw test, literature research, theoretical research to combine together on the spot, analyzes and explains the psychological element of cognition of harmonious family in the Miao nationality. Through the studying, this text aggregates that the psychological element of cognition of harmonious family in the Miao nationality is: the key element of motive force is the need of environment surviving and social organizational form, is the religious consciousness to the same ancestor and same clan ancestor worship; the key element of control is the values that life equality, life homology, everything has sagacity; The key element of tool is the mode of thinking taking local religion(worship to the ancestor)as the leading factor; The key element of material is the structure of works’ skill and life general knowledge; The key element of the psychology is with butterfly’s mother—the forefather’s subjective psychology hope the descendant’s life of bright and harmonious. According to the result of study,the thesis have discussed the isomorphic relations among congnitive congnitive psychology, and this text has proposed four suggestions: the meanings of the harmonious family’s construction and cultural continuity of the Miao nationality; implementing the policy on ethnic affairs; building a family’s harmonious environment between human being and nature; strengthening the family’s self-building. And used as a culture source of reference in multi-nationality’s constructing harmonious family

  • 【分类号】C95
  • 【下载频次】164

