

Guizhou Province Special Education School Sports Teaching Present Situation and Development Countermeasures Research

【作者】 田春雷

【导师】 滕鲁阳;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 特殊教育学校学生属于弱势群体,他们享有受教育的权利,当然也享有受体育教育的权利。特殊教育学校是对他们进行教育的重要场所,要使他们接受体育教育必然离不开科学合理的体育教学,体育教学活动是特殊教育中的重要内容。通过体育教学活动的广泛开展,积极引导特殊教育学校学生参与到体育活动中来,有助于提高他们的生理和心理健康水平,有助于增强生活的勇气和战胜困难的信心,有助于加强残疾学生之间的社会交流,为他们能更好的适应社会生活有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究运用文献资料法、调查法、观察法、访谈法、逻辑分析法等方法,采用分层随机抽样,发放相应的学生、体育教师、学校领导问卷,并对部分学校的体育教师和领导进行访谈。对贵州省21所地市级和县区级特殊教育学校的体育教师基本状况、体育教学实施状况、学生对体育课教学效果信息反馈情况、体育教学管理现状等几个方面进行了研究,找出贵州省特殊教育学校体育教学中存在的问题,并提出贵州省特殊教育学校体育教学的发展对策,为提高特殊教育学校的体育教学水平,和有关教育行政部门制定特殊教育法律法规提供理论支持,也为全社会都来关注特殊教育学校学生这个弱势群体提供现实依据。

【Abstract】 Special education students are vulnerable, they have the right to education, of course, also enjoy the right to education to sports. Special schools for their education an important place, to make them accept the inevitable physical education can not be separated from scientific and reasonable physical education and sports teaching activities is an important element in special education. Teaching through sport activities launched extensively, and actively guide the school for special education students to participate in sports activities to enhance their physical and psychological health, it helps to strengthen the lives of courage and the confidence to overcome difficulties, and help to strengthen between students with disabilities and social exchanges, as they can better adapt to social life has important theoretical and practical significance.In this study, the literature, investigation, observation, interviews, logic, law system, using stratified random sampling, the grant students, physical education teachers, school leadership questionnaire, and some teachers and school sports Leading interviews. Guizhou Province on 21 and the municipal and district-level special education school sports teachers basic situation, the status of implementation of Physical Education, students participate in physical education and evaluation of the situation, the status quo management of Physical Education, and several other aspects of the research to identify Guizhou teaching special education in school sports in the existing problems and proposed special education school in Guizhou Province Physical Education Development Strategies for improving special education school sports teaching standards, and related educational and administrative departments, special education laws and regulations enacted to provide theoretical support, as well as all sectors of society concerned about special education students this vulnerable groups based on reality.

  • 【分类号】G769.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】509

