

An Exploratory Study of Oral Tourism English Education in Guizhou Institutes

【作者】 章雪苓

【导师】 侯恒;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国国际旅游接待人数和接待收入的急剧增长,日益表明它已经发展成为一个旅游接待大国。而中国的客源国又以以英语为母语的欧美国家或把英语当第二语言使用的其它国家为主。英语作为一门交际语言,成为了接待入境旅游游客最重要的语言。贵州旅游业的发展,特别是来自境外游客数量的增加势必会对导游人数有更多的需求,对其素质提出更高的要求。高校教学要为社会服务。提高贵州高校导游英语专业学生的导游英语口语能力,增强其就业前景从而满足贵州国际旅游业发展的需要。然而,到目前为止,对贵州高校导游英语口语教学情况及导致因素却鲜有研究。本文对专门英语教学和导游英语相关文献进行了综述,以表明其和研究问题密不可分的关系。阐明从职业发展需求来看,了解高校导游英语口语教学现状有其必要性。通过对高校导游英语口语教师、该专业学生和在职导游进行调查,探究目前贵州高校导游英语口语教学现状、问题以及如何进一步发展贵州高校导游英语口语教学。研究采用了定性案例分析辅以大量定量描述的方法。以问卷和半结构化群体访谈作为资料收集工具,研究者在贵州省内四所高校导游专业169名学生、15名英语口语教师和26名贵阳国际旅行社的导游进行了数据收集。问卷以柱状图和饼图呈现进行了描述性分析,发现了较突出的问题,以此作为第二阶段7组半结构化访谈的依据。根据宏大理论对收集到的数据进行分析,得出了以下研究结果:1)以GE进行导游英语口语教学导致学生对导游英语口语没有全面的了解和认识,更不可能把求职和目前的导游英语口语学习很好的结合;2)教材本身不能满足教与学的需求,尤其缺乏具有贵州地方特色的导游英语口语教材;3)除了改进教学技巧以外,教师自身教学理论的提高有助于促进学生的学习效果。最后,提出了本文研究对导游英语口语教学的启示,希望能对教学实践有所帮助。

【Abstract】 Dramatically increased international tourist arrivals and receipts have witnessed China grow into a predominant tourist host country. English, as a lingua franca, is employed to receive international tourists who take English as their mother tongue as well as those who use it as their second language. With the recent booming development of international tourism industry in Guizhou province in particular, improving prospective tour guides’oral tourism English competence and thus enhancing their job prospects should be highlighted as central in Guizhou institutes which shoulder the responsibility of providing qualified English tour guides to meet the provincially-increased demand of international tourism. However, little research has been done so far to explore the current situation of oral tourism English teaching and learning in Guizhou institutes and the factors resulted in such a situation.This dissertation therefore interrogates relevant literature in English for Specific Purposes and tourism English to indicate the close relation between the research questions and the literature review and to address the necessity of exploring the situation of prospective tour guides’oral English education in Guizhou for the professional development. In light of the investigation of the perceptions of teachers, prospective English tour guides as well as in-service tour guides on oral tourism English education in Guizhou institutes, this dissertation explored the current situation of oral tourism English education in institutes, gained the factors which caused the present situation and finally pointed out how the identified factors shed light on the future development of oral tourism English education in Guizhou institutes.A qualitative case study with rich quantitative description was employed. Both questionnaires and semi-structured group interviews were implemented as data-gathering instruments to collect data from teachers (n=15) and prospective English tour guides (n=169) in four colleges and universities as well as in-service tour guides (n=26) from Guiyang International Travel Agency in Guizhou. After the data gained from the questionnaires was transformed into histogram or pie chart formats to represent patterns with descriptive analysis, accordingly, several thematic categories were concluded for the following 7 semi-structured group interviews. The grounded-theory approach was employed to analyze and interpret the key findings.The findings indicate that teaching and learning general English does not cater for specific needs of oral tourism English which to some extent results in the mismatch between interest in learning and future job orientation. The published course books with inadequate input of localized oral tourism English are proved to be of only limited value for students’particular needs in improving their oral tourism English competence. Both prospective and in-service tour guides participating in the research believe that apart from their teaching techniques to deliver courses, teachers’development of teaching theory was of great importance to enhance their students’learning efficacy. Based on the findings, a set of implications was formulated with the hope that these implications would shed new light on the curriculum improvement or reform in the area of oral tourism English education.

  • 【分类号】H319.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】345

