

A Research on Chinese Legal Protection System of Geographical Indication

【作者】 王利

【导师】 徐家力;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 地理标志是当今国际社会日益关注的一项知识产权。作为一类新的知识产权,地理标志客体的本质就是一种信息,它向人们揭示了某种商品的质量、信誉等特征与特定地理区域的自然人文环境之间所存在的密切联系,因此,地理标志是产源识别标志、质量标志和商业利益的集合体。我国地大物博,物产丰富,五千多年的文化历史孕育了众多符合地理标志保护的产品。但是,由于我国对地理标志保护工作的重视没有提高到应有的程度,对地理标志问题有关的理论研究和保护实践的相对滞后,导致我国地理标志产品保护的现状不容乐观,地理标志法律保护制度还不完善。基于地理标志保护的必要性和我国地理标志法律保护所存在的问题,在本文中,笔者以对地理标志的概念等基本理论问题的分析为切入点,以完善我国地理标志法律保护制度为目的和归宿,着重在地理标志的特征和权利属性、当今国际层面地理标志保护模式研究与借鉴、我国现行的地理标志保护制度及其存在的不足、完善我国地理标志法律保护制度的具体构想等方面进行了思考和阐述。本文的写作旨在通过进一步深化对地理标志法律问题的研究,以期为建构地理标志的综合法律保护机制提供可行性支持。

【Abstract】 The geographical indication is nowadays an intellectual property right which attracts increasing attention of the international community. As a new kind of intellectual property right, the essence of geographical indication object is a kind of information that reveals close relationships between certain commodity’s qualitative and reputation charateristics and natural human enviroment in certain geographical areas. Thus, the geographical indication is a combination of indications of source, quality mark and commericial interests. Our country has a vast territory with rich natural resources and five thousand years’cultural history, which gives birth to various commodities in accordance with the protection of geographical indication. However, because the protection of geographical indication in our country hasn’t been paid enough attention, and that its theoretical study and conservation practice are relatively lagging, the present situation of geographical indication protection is not optimistic, and its legal protection system is still not perfect.Based on the neccessity of geographical indication protection and problems existing in its legal protection, this paper takes the analysis of the basic theoretical problems of the concepts of geographical indication as the starting point, and the perfection of its legal protection system is the goal and end results, emphasising on the characteristics and right attribute of geographical indication, in addition, it is to study the protection modes of other countries and use for references at the international level. Moreover, the present study expounds the research on the current protection system of geographical indication and its deficiencies, and the concrete ideas of perfecting its legal protection systems in China.In conclusion, this paper aims at providing feasible supports for the construction of a conprehensive legal protection system of geografical indication by means of further study on its legal problems.

  • 【分类号】D923.4;F203
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165

