

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the Marketing Ability of Real Estate Enterprises

【作者】 王莹

【导师】 南灵;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着房地产市场竞争日趋激烈,房地产企业提升自身营销能力变得至关重要,这就要求企业对自身营销能力进行准确评价,以及时发现薄弱环节,从而有针对性地进行改善。为了准确的分析房地产企业的营销能力,论文以一房地产企业为案例,在对房地产市场营销的特点和影响因素分析的基础上,尝试建立完整的房地产企业营销能力评价指标体系,并采用层次分析法确定指标的权重,综合运用模糊综合评价法对房地产企业营销能力进行评价。论文的主要内容如下:第一章,绪论。主要阐述本文选题的背景、目的和意义、国内外研究状况、研究思路、分析方法以及可能的创新之处。第二章,房地产营销能力评价的基本理论。主要对房地产市场营销、房地产企业营销能力的概念和特征加以分析和界定,介绍了层次分析法、模糊综合评价法和德尔菲法的主要内容和实施步骤。第三章,房地产企业营销能力评价指标体系的建立。主要阐述了评价指标体系设立的目的、原则、逻辑框架、构建方法等内容。第四章,西华房地产公司营销状况分析。通过实地调研、收集资料,对西华房地产公司的营销状况进行分析评价。第五章,房地产营销能力模糊综合评价法的实施过程。以西华房地产公司为案例,详细介绍了模糊综合评价法在房地产企业营销能力评价中的应用过程。第六章,提升西华公司营销能力的对策及建议。针对西华房地产公司市场营销中的薄弱环节,提出相应的对策和建议。本论文提出了房地产企业营销能力评价指标体系,为房地产企业定量评价营销能力提供了一种方法,也为企业决策提供一种辅助工具,有助于改进企业经营效益,提高房地产企业决策和管理的水平。

【Abstract】 With the competition of the real estate market increasing, it is critical for the real estate enterprises to enhance their own marketing ability .It requires enterprises to evaluate their own marketing capacity accurately and find the weak link to improve.In order to analysis the marketing capacity of the real estate enterprises, the paper applies the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to the evaluation of the marketing ability. The paper try to establish a complete evaluation index system of the marketing capacity of the real estate and use AHP to determine the target weight, finally Use the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to evaluate the marketing ability of the real estate on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the real estate marketing in the case of the real estate enterprises in xi an .The main elements as follows:Chapter I, Introduction. The main topics of this paper are the background, purpose and significance, the study at home and abroad, the thought of the paper and the possibility of innovation.Chapter II, The basic theory of the evaluation of the real estate marketing ability .The chapter mainly defines the concept and the characteristics of the real estate marketing and the implementation steps of the AHP, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the law and the Delphi method.Chapter III, The evaluation index system of the real estate marketing capacity. This chapter mainly introduces the purpose, principles, the logical framework and the building methods of the evaluation index system.Chapter IV, The analysis of the Xihua comapy. Through field research, collecting information on the Xihua real estate enterprises , the chapter analysis the real estate company’s marketing situation.Chapterⅴ, The implementation process of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the real estate marketing ability .The chapter describes the application of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation the marketing capacity of real estate taking Xihua as an example.Chapter VI, The recommendations to enhance the capacity of marketing of Xihua comapy. The chapter mainly telles the suggestions to enhance marketing ability of the Xihua. The paper presents the real estate marketing capacity evaluation index system and a quantitative evaluation of the marketing ability of the real estate enterprises .It also provides a complementary tool to improve the business efficiency and decision-making real of the estate enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F293.33
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】608

