

Studies on the Extraction and Character of Inulin and Dietary Fiber from Arctium Lappa Linn

【作者】 钟丹

【导师】 张建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以牛蒡(Arctium Lappa Linn)为原料,研究了热水浸提、微波提取、超声波提取和超高压提取4种方法提取牛蒡中菊糖;研究了从提取菊糖后的牛蒡渣中提取膳食纤维的工艺条件,并对牛蒡膳食纤维的理化特性进行了初步探讨,主要研究结果如下:热水浸提牛蒡菊糖时,影响牛蒡菊糖提取率的各因素按影响大小排依次为料液比、提取时间、提取温度;料液比、时间对牛蒡菊糖提取的影响均达显著水平,正交试验得到热水提取牛蒡菊糖的最佳工艺条件为料液比1∶25,提取时间105min,提取温度60℃。微波法提取牛蒡菊糖时,影响牛蒡菊糖提取率的各因素按影响大小排依次为料液比、提取功率、提取时间,其中料液比对微波提取牛蒡菊糖的影响达显著水平,正交试验得到微波法提取牛蒡菊糖的最佳工艺为料液比1∶8,功率为700W,提取时间为4min。超声波法提取牛蒡菊糖时,影响牛蒡菊糖提取率的各因素按影响大小排依次为料液比、提取时间、提取功率、提取温度,正交试验得到超声波法提取牛蒡菊糖的最佳工艺条件为料液比1∶15,提取时间为15min,提取功率为420W,提取温度为60℃。超高压提取牛蒡菊糖的工艺条件为压力300MPa,时间2min,料液比1∶30。对上述四种方法的最佳工艺条件下菊糖提取率进行比较,结果表明:超声波提取法(32.30%)>热水浸提法(31.29%)>微波提取法(31.22%)>超高压提取法(30.41%)。采用酸法去除牛蒡渣中的杂质,研究了盐酸浓度、时间、温度、料液比对除杂率的影响,牛蒡膳食纤维的提取条件为:盐酸浓度5%,时间2h,温度80℃,料液比1∶10。在此工艺条件下牛蒡渣的除杂率为39.13%,除杂后牛蒡的不溶性膳食纤维含量达67.65%。以H2O2为脱色剂,探讨H2O2浓度、脱色时间、料液比对牛蒡膳食纤维脱色效果的影响。牛蒡膳食纤维的脱色条件为:H2O2浓度为9%,脱色时间为120min,料液比为1∶20。此脱色条件下得到的膳食纤维白度为67.81,牛蒡膳食纤维呈白色。牛蒡膳食纤维的持水力为13.58g/g,膨胀力为7mL/g。

【Abstract】 In this paper this four methods of hot water, microwave, ultrasonic wave and ultra high pressure to extract inulin from the Arctium lappa L., condition to extract DF from the Arctium lappa L. pomace were studied, And functions of DF from the Arctium lappa L. pomace were evaluated. The main results were shown as follows:Hot water to extract inulin from the Arctium lappa L.: Based on the single factor experiment, the orthogonal experimental design was employed in the work, the results showed that influencing factors of hot water extraction arranged in order were as follows: ratio of solid to liquid> time > temperature. The extraction rate was 31.29% under the optimum extracting conditions: ratio of solid to liquid(m∶V) 1∶2 5, time 105 min, temperature 60℃. Microwave to extract inulin from the Arctium lappa L.: Based on the single factor experiment, the orthogonal experimental design was employed in the work, the results showed that influencing factors of microwave extraction arranged in order were as follows: ratio of solid to liquid> microwave power> time. The extraction rate was 31.22% under the optimum extracting conditions: ratio of solid to liquid(m∶V) 1∶8, power 700 W, time 4 min. Ultrasonic wave to extract inulin from the Arctium lappa L.: Based on the single factor experiment, the orthogonal experimental design was employed in the work, the results showed that influencing factors of ultrasonic wave extraction arranged in order were as follows: ratio of solid to liquid> time> ultrasonic power> temperature. The extraction rate was 32.30% under the optimum extracting conditions: ratio of solid to liquid(m∶V) 1∶30, time 15min, temperature 60℃, ultrasonic power 420 W. Ultra high pressure to extract inulin from the Arctium lappa L.: Based on the single factor experiment, The extraction rate was 30.41% under the optimum extracting conditions: pressure300MPa, ratio of solid to liquid(m∶V) 1∶30, time 2min.The inulin extraction rates under the best of conditions of these four methods( hot water extraction, microwave extraction, ultrasonic wave extraction and ultra high pressure extraction) was compared, the results showed that: ultrasonic wave extraction (32.30%) > hot water extraction (31.29%) > microwave extraction (31.22%) > ultra high pressure extraction (30.41%). Using hydrochloric acid to remove impurities of Arctium lappa L. pomace The Purifing effects of on Arctium lappa L. pomace were studied.The optimal condition for purifying were hydrochloric acid concentration 5%, time 2 h, temperature 80℃, ratio of solid to liquid(m∶V) 1∶1 0. Treated in the conditions, the impurity removal rate of Arctium lappa L. pomace is 39.13%. After Arctium lappa L. purifying the insoluble dietary fiber amounted to 67.65%.The decoloring effect of H2O2 concentration, time, ratio of solid to liquid on dietary fiber were investigated using hydrogen peroxide as decoloring reagent. The optimal condition for decoloring were H2O2 9%, time120 min, ratio of solid to liquid(m∶V) 1∶20. Treated in the conditions, the hunter white of Arctium lappa L. dietary fiber is 67.81.

【关键词】 牛蒡菊糖膳食纤维提取脱色
【Key words】 Arctium lappa L.inulindietary fiberextractiondecoloration
  • 【分类号】S631.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】535

