

Occurrence and Prevention, Cure of Black-Dot Disease on Bagged Apple of Fruits Producing Area in Shaanxi Province

【作者】 刘玉莲

【导师】 范崇辉;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究于2005~2006年在陕西苹果产区不同县(区)的4个果园进行,以红富士和嘎拉等为试材,研究了不同海拔高度地区果园,不同苹果品种、树冠不同部位,不同果袋种类等因素与黑点病发生之间的关系;并且在果实套袋前后进行喷药试验,其目的是探讨套袋苹果黑点病的发病规律和有效防治药剂,为黑点病的防治提供依据。试验结果表明:1.陕西杨陵套袋红富士苹果黑点病在7月初开始发病,7月下旬到8月下旬为发病高峰期,之后病情基本稳定,直至采收。发病高峰期正是当地温度较高、湿度最大的时期。因此该病的发生、发展与温湿度关系密切。2.海拔高度、苹果品种、树体部位对黑点病的发生有一定的影响。海拔高的地区比海拔低的地区发病轻;嘎拉苹果的发病率比红富士轻;树冠外围和上部比内膛和下部发病轻。3.果袋对黑点病发生也有重要影响。在杨陵和洛川以小林袋、精工袋和三秦袋表现较好,发病率低;在白水以精工袋、三秦袋和石鼓袋发病率低。4.在杨陵、洛川两地去花萼残体后套袋,黑点病发病率明显低于对照。说明花萼残体是黑点病病菌的腐生基物,为病害的发生提供了有利的条件。套袋时加大透气孔处理对降低黑点病发病率效果显著。5.套袋前一天喷8000倍杜邦福星,套袋后至解袋前分别喷75%易保水分散粒剂1500倍液、杜邦福星8000倍液、80%喷克800倍液3次对黑点病有较好的防治效果。6.不同感病级别的果实内防御酶活性变化趋势大致相同,都是先升高后降低。其中POD和SOD活性高峰出现在1级病果上,峰值分别为9.00U/g·min和9.405U/g·FW·min,CAT、PPO和PAL活性高峰出现在2级病果上,峰值分别为10.08U/g·min、31.2U/g·min和40.2U/g·min。黑点病菌侵入后,果实中POD和SOD反应速度快,在发病初期起重要作用,而SOD、CAT和PAL在2、3、4极病果中活性较高,是未发病果实酶活性的2~6倍,说明在病害严重时期起相对重要的作用。

【Abstract】 The research was carried out between 2005 and 2006 in the apple producing area in Shaanxi province, choosing Red Fuji and Gala as the samples to aim at finding out the relationship between the occuring rate of the black-dotted disease and the orchards in varied altitudes, different types of apples, the brands of fruit bags used and the varied management levels, moreover spraying germicide before and after bagged , with the purpose to finding the principle ruling the occurrence of the disease, so as to offer supporting information in theory for the cure of it. The experimental data indicate the followings:1. In Shaanxi province, the black-dotted disease in the bagged red Fuji apples begin in the early part of July, reached its peak in late July and early August. After that the disease condition becomes stable till being picked-up. The climax of the disease coincides with a period hotter and more humid, as a result, the occurrence and the development of the disease is closely related to the temperature and the humidity of the areas.2. The occurrence of the disease varies from elevation, apple varieties and the different parts of the fruit trees, the disease in area at high elevation was serious than that at lower elevation. The occuring rate of the black-dotted disease of red Fuji was serious than Gala. In the middle, bottom and inside crown of the apple trees, the disease was serious than that at the top and outside.3. In terms of fruit bag used, that also attribute to the occurrence of the disease. the disease occurrence rate in apples treated with Xiaolin, Jinggong and Sanqin bags was lower in Luochuan and Yangling, while that with Jinggong, Sanqing and Seigo ones lower in Baishui.4. Getting rid of calyx decreased the occurrence rate in Yangling and Luochuan. It show that the body of calyx is the bed of germ of the black-dotted disease. Enlarging and closing the vent of bags substantially decreased the rate.5. Spraying a 8000 times Lazole is more effective on the afternoon before putting bages on the fruits than other insecticides. The combination of the 1500 times Yibao, 8000 times Lazole , and 800 times Penke is more effective in fighting against the black-dotted disease in the stage of fruits bagged.6. The changing tendency of the activity of defendant enzyme in the graded disease fruits are the same, all fellows the principle: higher at the beginning and lower later. The climax of the activity of POD and SOD all emerge in the diseased fruit of the first grade while the climax of the activity of CAT, PPO and PAL all can be found in the diseased fruits of the second class. From which we may know that in terms of the fighting against the invasion of the black-dotted disease germs, SOD and POD are relatively faster than the other 3 defendant enzyme.The 2 enzyme play important roles in the preliminary stage of the disease. Meanwhile the activities of other 3 defendant enzyme, especially SOD and CAT, are higher in the diseased fruits of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels. It is 2 to 6 times that of the not diseased fruits in terms of ferment activities. Above-mentioned results indicate that in the period when the condition of the disease worsened, the 2 defendant enzyme play relatively important roles to cure the Black-dot disease.

【关键词】 苹果套袋黑点病发生防治
【Key words】 bagged appleblack-dot diseaseoccurrenceprevention and cure
  • 【分类号】S436.611.19
  • 【下载频次】107

