

Experimental Study on Optimum Irrigation Index for Water Consumption and Yield of Pepper

【作者】 霍海霞

【导师】 汪有科; 牛文全;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着蔬菜种植面积的扩大,辣椒作为一个主要蔬菜,所占比例逐渐增大。辣椒对水需求比较敏感,前人对辣椒灌水控制上限以及耗水规律研究的较少,因此本文于2007年在国家节水灌溉杨凌工程技术研究中心节水试验区内进行,采用盆栽法,利用防雨棚进行控水灌溉试验,以K型牛角辣椒为研究对象,设定4个不同的灌水控制上限(80%θ田、70%θ田、60%θ田、50%θ田,θ田为田间持水量)和4个灌水间隔(3天、5天、7天、9天),每六天测定植株的株高、茎粗、光合速率、蒸腾速率、叶绿素以及产量、耗水量等,通过对试验数据分析,取得如下结论:(1)当灌水控制上限一定时,适当缩短灌水间隔,辣椒的单株总灌水量也随之增加、单株产量增加。但当灌水控制上限为80%θ田时,灌水间隔过短,单株总产量则呈下降趋势。灌水间隔分别为3天、5天、7天、9天时,适当提高灌水控制上限,辣椒的单株总灌水量增加,可以增加单株总产量。当灌水间隔为3天时,灌水控制上限过高时,单株产量则呈下降趋势。总之,灌水控制上限为80%θ田,灌水间隔为5天,是较合理灌溉方式。(2)辣椒盛收期是最大耗水期,生育阶段耗水量占总耗水量的29.96%,日耗水量达3.81mm/d,其次为辣椒现蕾期、开花采收前期,阶段耗水量占总耗水量20%左右,日耗水量分别为2.64mm/d与3.32mm/d左右,随后为辣椒末收期,阶段耗水量占总耗水量18.41%,日耗水量大约为2.66mm/d,最小为辣椒幼苗期,阶段耗水量占总耗水量的9.2%左右,日耗水量为2.45mm/d。在辣椒盛收期、开花采收前期,适当提高灌水控制上限,或缩短灌水间隔有利于提高辣椒产量。(3)在辣椒生育前期,如幼苗期以及现蕾期,在控制灌水上限为70%θ田与80%θ田时,适当增大灌水间隔,增加辣椒受干旱的时间与干旱程度,有利于辣椒营养生长,提高后期辣椒产量。当灌水控制上限分别为80%θ田、70%θ田、60%θ田、50%θ田时,在辣椒开花采收前期,增大灌水间隔,则可以提高辣椒株高、茎粗等的生长速度。

【Abstract】 With vegetable cultivated area extended, as the main growing vegetable, pepper was taken up it was sensitive for Pepper to the needs of water, a few predecessors researched optimum irrigation index for growth of pepper and water consumption. So the study was carried out in the water-saving demonstration garden in Yang Ling in 2007. Utilizing pot culture and guarding against rain-shed irrigating experiment, it Set up four different optimum irrigation index(80%θ田、70%θ田、60%θ田、50%θ田) and interval(3day、5day、7day、9day) for pepper using K type pepper as object study. It measured plant height, stem diameter, net photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, Chlorophyll, yield, water consumption and so on every 6 days. According to the experiment date, the main conclusions were as follows:(1)When optimum irrigation index was certain, shortening the irrigation interval appropriately the total irrigation supply of pepper per plant and yield increased. But when optimum irrigation index was 80%θ田, shorting the irrigation interval too much the yield of plant decreased. When irrigation interval was 3 day, 5 day, 7 day and 9 day, improving optimum irrigation index appropriately it could increase the total irrigation supply of pepper per plant and yield. When irrigation interval was 3 day and optimum irrigation index was too high, the yield was decreased. In short, it was reasonable irrigation way when optimum irrigation index was 80%θ田and irrigation interval was 3 day.(2)Fruit-growing was the maximum water consumption period, and in this stage water consumption was 29.96% of the total water consumption, and the daily water consumption was 3.81mm/d. then following stages was Squaring, bloom and fruit-bearing stage, in the stage water consumption was 20% of total water consumption, and the daily water consumption were around 2.64mm/d and 3.32mm/d. Then it was the last harvest stage, in the stage water consumption was 18.41% of total water consumption, and the daily water consumption was 2.66mm/d.The minimum stage was the seeding stage, and in the stage water consumption was 9.2% of total water consumption, and the daily water consumption was 2.45mm/d.In the fruit-growing stage and fruit-bearing stage, it was benefit for improving the pepper yield when improving optimum irrigation index appropriately or shortening irrigation interval. (3)Before the bearing period of pepper, for instance, in the seeding and squaring stage, when the optimum irrigation index was 80%θ田and 70%θ田, it was benefit for pepper nutrition growth and the yield of pepper when enhancing irrigation interval appropriately, increasing arid time and arid degree. When the optimum irrigation index was 80%θ田、70%θ田、60%θ田、50%θ田, enhancing irrigation interval could improve growth speed of plant height, stem diameter and so on in the bloom and fruit-bearing stage.

【关键词】 辣椒灌水控制上限灌水间隔
【Key words】 pepperoptimum irrigation indexirrigation interval
  • 【分类号】S641.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】232

