

Formulation of Bio-Control Actinomyces Strain 153

【作者】 骞天佑

【导师】 宗兆锋;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物病理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验室近年研究筛选出的生防放线菌153防病效果优异,生长繁殖迅速。此次试验采用固体发酵法培养153,通过皿内活菌量测定和温室防病促生效果试验筛选出了比较适宜的153活菌制剂填料,并对菌株153的固体发酵条件进行了优化。确定了生防放线菌153可开发为活体制剂用于土传病害的生物防治菌剂。并且总结出了一套经济易行的生防放线菌活菌制剂研制方法。生防放线菌153可利用多种农业产品如麸皮、玉米粉、小米粉、黄豆粉等作为发酵基质利用。且在只加入微量无机盐的情况下,即可在固体基质中良好生长。其固体发酵温度以25℃-28℃最佳,生长适宜温度22℃-30℃。以麸皮为发酵基质时,菌株153固体发酵的最佳加水量为800mL/kg干料。固体发酵适宜接种量为(109cfu/mL的菌悬液)4%-8%之间比较适宜。发酵瓶装量对菌株153的培养速度和产量有较大影响,最佳装量应少于发酵瓶的1/2。将菌株153活体制成粉剂,加入填料的种类不同,可明显影响制剂的贮存期。在所选3种填料中,以加入非耕作层黄土的活体粉剂存储时间最长,活菌量保持水平最高,并可在35℃下保存10周以上。这可能是由于菌株153是由土壤中分离筛选出,其在土中的生态适应性较强。菌株153活体制剂对茄子的生长状况影响研究表明,菌株153对茄子的生长发育有明显的促进作用。尤其对植株的鲜重、干重、根的生长促进最为明显,植株鲜重的增幅最高可达98.47%,地上部干重和根干重的增幅分别最高可达74.86%和82.64%。利用菌株153活体制剂在温室栽培条件下防治茄子黄萎病,几种粉剂均有较高的防效,其中以加入非耕作层土的活体粉剂防效最高可达82.44%。相比本实验室前期采用的发酵液防效83.72%无差异。其它2种菌剂的防效也均达到70%以上。

【Abstract】 The solid fermentation method of actinomycetes strain 153 isolated from soil which having strong biocontrol capability was studied. The conditions of solid fermentation were optimized, the technique and additive for formulation were determined.Actinomyces strain 153 can produce abundant spores on several farm produces (i.e. bran, corn flour, millet flour or soybean flour etc.), only need minimal element. The optimal range of temperature at 25 to 28℃and the optimal humidity was 800mL per kilogram dry substrate, additional, the optimal quantity range of inoculums (109cfu/mL) at 4% to 8%. The quantity that a bottle holds was important for solid fermentation of strain 153. So that the quantity of air should be controlled when ferment strain 153.Strain 153 was formulated as a live-cell powder by mixing propagules with diatomite, kaolin or non-cultivated loess. With different additive, stored time of the formulation was influenced obviously. And non-cultivated loess was better than the others. With this additive, the biocontrol agent could be stored more than 10 weeks at 35℃, and the biomass of this formulation surviving 71.57% that had been stored at 4℃for 10 weeks. That probably because actinomyces strain 153 was isolated from soil, so it adapts the conditions of loess.The growth and development of eggplant could be promoted obviously by live-cell formulation of strain 153. Especially, the amplitude of green plant weight attained 98.47%, amplitude of dry weight of stem and dry weight of radix attained 74.86 and 82.64%.The eggplant Verticillium wilt could be controlled effectively by live-cell formulation of strain 153 in greenhouse. The rate of control of eggplant Verticillium wilt with formulation mixed non-cultivated loess reached 82.44%. The control rates of the other two formulations were also over 70%. Thus, actinomyces strain 153 can be formulated as a live-cell powder to control some soil-borne diseases and to promote growth of plant.

  • 【分类号】S482.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】370

