

Polypores Resources and Flora Characteristic of Huoditang in Qinling Mountains

【作者】 袁坤

【导师】 曹支敏;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 秦岭火地塘林区位于亚热带向暖温带过渡地带,植被资源十分丰富,其中菌物种类繁多,是该林区森林生态系统中的重要组成部分。本文以该林区为研究对象,系统研究了该林区六种主要林分下多孔菌的种类、区系特点和生态分布。为今后该地区多孔菌资源的开发利用、生物多样性研究等提供依据。研究结果表明:1.共鉴定出该林区多孔菌126种,隶属于12科、52属。其中,中国新记录种3种,即Coriolopsis byrsina (Mont.) Ryvarden、金黄纤孔菌Inonotus crocitinctus (Berk.&Curt.)Ryv和Hyphodontia apacheriensis (Gilb. & Canf.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden;陕西新记录种17种。2.林区中多孔菌种类丰富,以多孔菌科Polyporaceae为优势科,其次是刺革菌科Hymenochaetaceae、拟层孔菌科Fomitopsidaceae、韧革菌科Stereaceae;优势属是栓菌属Trametes、革孔菌属Coriolopsis、多孔菌属Polyporus、韧革菌属Stereum、伏革菌属Corticium、灵芝属Ganoderma、粘褶菌属Gloeophyllum、褶孔菌属Lenzites、附毛菌属Trichaptum、干酪菌属Tyromyces。此次调查中秦岭火地塘林区多孔菌白腐类型的科属种最多,涉及10科35属共有99种,占调查总数的78.57%,其次是褐腐类型,涉及5科12属25种,占总数的19.84%。该林区多孔菌的经济用途广泛,医药用菌占了很大的成分,共有55种。其次是食用菌,有8种。毒菌有1种。3.研究了立地条件、林分和季节对多孔菌分布、发生的影响。鉴定结果证明,发生于锐齿栎林的多孔菌种类最多,共计70种,占调查总数的55.56%。其中大部分为多孔菌科种类;其次是松栎混交林,共有64种,占调查总数的50.79% ;油松林的多孔菌最少,仅有6种,占总数的4.76%。4.对已知多孔菌区系地理分析表明:秦岭火地塘林区多孔菌种类丰富,在52个属的区系地理成分上,以广布成分为主(63.46%),其次是北温带成分(15.38%)和泛热带成分(15.38%)。从种的组成上可划分为世界广布成分(30.95%)、北温带成分(26.19%)、温带—亚热带、热带成分(18.25%)、热带亚洲—热带美洲成分(14.29%)、东亚—北美间断成分(6.35%)、东亚成分(3.17%)、中国特有成分(0.79%)和秦岭特有成分(2.38%)等8个分布型。总体上,秦岭火地塘多孔菌表现出明显的温带区系特征。在区系亲缘关系上与西南地区较为接近,与热带、亚热带的区系也有一定的相关性。

【Abstract】 Huoditang Foreast Region in Qinling Mountains locates at the transition of subtropics and warm temperate zone, its vegetation and the species of Polypores is abundant. In this study, the species, ecological distribution and flora of the Polypores of Huoditang in Qinling Mountains were investigated, which gives people clearer recognition of the Polypores of this area and provides the foundation for further exploitation and utilization of Polypores resources. The results as follows:126 species of Polypores were identified. They belong to 52 genera,12 families, in which, 3 species are new in China ,and they are Coriolopsis byrsina (Mont.) Ryvarden、Inonotus crocitinctus (Berk.&Curt.)Ryv and Hyphodontia apacheriensis (Gilb. & Canf.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden. 17 species are new in Shaanxi Province.The Polypores resources are very abundant. While the dominant families are Polyporaceae、Hymenochaetaceae、Fomitopsidaceae、Stereaceae, the dominant genera are Trametes、Coriolopsis、Polyporus、Stereum、Corticium、Ganoderma、Gloeophyllum、Lenzites、Trichaptum、Tyromyces, in which ,55 species are pharmaceutical、8 species are edible and 1 poisonous . There are 99 species of white rot type of Polypores belonging to 35 genera and 10 families which has 78.57% and rank the highest amount type in the Qinling moutains in this investigation; While there are 25 species of brown rot type of Polypores belonging to 5 genera and 12 families, only covering 19.84% of the whole.Influences of the ecological factors, such as forest type, moisture, temperature and season, on the occurrence of Polypores are extensively discussed in this dissertation. Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest has the most diversified Polypores species,70 species, accounting to 55.56% .Mixes forest(Pinus tabulaeformis and Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata) occupies the second place,64 species , accounting for 50.79%. Polypores in Chinese pine forest is the least,6 species, only 4.76% .The result of flora diversity study indicated that there were rich fungal flora in Huoditang Forest Farm in Qinling Mountains. In genera, Cosmopolitan elements are the main characteristics in Qinling Mountains 63.46%, with 15.38% of pantropical element and 15.38% North Temperate element, respectively. Regarding the composition, the species can be divided into 8 geographical elements, Cosmopolitan element 30.95%, North Temperate element 26.19%, Temperate-subtropical or Tropical element 18.25%, Tropical Asia-Tropical America element 14.29, Eastern Asia-North America element 6.35%, Eastern Asia element 3.17%, Endemic element to China 0.79% and Endemic element to Qinling Mountains 2.38%. Of these 8 geographical elements, North Temperate element is the main characteristics in the region. The fungal flora in Huoditang Forest Farm in Qinling Mountains is very similar to that of Southwest region of China.This suggests that the origins of these two floras may have a certain relationship.

【关键词】 秦岭火地塘多孔菌区系
【Key words】 Huoditang in Qinling MountainsPolyporesFlora
  • 【分类号】Q938
  • 【下载频次】117

