

The Rearing Technique of Dastarcus Helophoroides (Coleoptera: Colydiidae)

【作者】 尚梅

【导师】 李孟楼;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通过配制不同的花绒坚甲幼虫和成虫的人工饲料,并对不同饲养方法进行筛选,确定了花绒坚甲幼虫和成虫饲养技术,结果如下:1.花绒坚甲人工饲料①通过改变饲料中添加的游离氨基酸的组成及含量,配制了三种花绒坚甲幼虫人工饲料。饲养花绒坚甲幼虫结果表明:幼虫人工饲料Ⅰ饲养的花绒坚甲羽化率为6.67%,花绒坚甲幼虫不取食人工饲料Ⅱ,人工饲料Ⅲ饲养的花绒坚甲羽化率为20.00%;取食人工饲料Ⅲ的花绒坚甲幼虫发育最终体长和体重大于其他饲料,花绒坚甲幼虫人工饲料Ⅲ中氨基酸的组成及含量由光肩星天牛幼虫虫体氨基酸组分分析结果确定,该饲料为最优饲料。②用蚕蛹粉、猫粮粉、蟋蟀粉、蚂蚁粉、冻干蛋黄、酵母粉、蔗糖、木粉、苯甲酸、琼脂和蒸馏水按照不同组成及配比共配制四种成虫人工饲料。花绒坚甲成虫饲养结果表明:饲料1的效果最佳,成虫的产卵量最高,每2d平均产卵量达425.89±209.26粒,且死亡率最低。2.花绒坚甲幼虫的饲养方法在13种包裹饲料的膜中未能选出效果较好的用于饲料包裹的膜,而用脱脂棉球吸附人工饲料饲养花绒坚甲幼虫时,幼虫取食人工饲料,且二龄幼虫的成活率和蛹的羽化率均较好。脱脂棉球吸附人工饲料与光肩星天牛幼虫饲养花绒坚甲二龄幼虫的比较实验中,天牛幼虫饲养的花绒坚甲幼虫最终羽化率为80.33%,人工饲料Ⅲ饲养的幼虫羽化率为20.00%,人工饲料Ⅰ饲养的幼虫羽化率仅为6.67%。3.花绒坚甲成虫的饲养方法在不同光照条件下,用四种花绒坚甲成虫人工饲料,分别于木盒和穴居木段中饲养来源不同的花绒坚甲成虫。用木盒作为饲养容器,在不同光照处理下,花绒坚甲成虫未产卵,各饲料饲养的成虫死亡率差别不大。用穴居木段作为饲养容器,在22℃、全黑暗条件下,四种人工饲料饲养的花绒坚甲成虫产卵,其中饲料1饲养的成虫产卵量最高,死亡率最低。

【Abstract】 We had confected three kinds of artificial diets for Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire)larvae,and four kinds of artificial diets for D. helophoroides adults. Comparing different rearing methods, we defined the right method to rear D. helophoroides larvae and adults. The results were shown as follows:1. The artificial diets for D. helophoroides larvae and adults①By changing the amino acid components and contents, we had confected three kinds of artificial diets for D. helophoroides larvae. The result of rearing D. helophoroides larvae by artificial diets showed: the cocooning rate of D. helophoroides larvae fed by dietⅢwas 20%, larvae didn’t eat dietⅡ, and the cocooning rate of larvae fed by dietⅠwas only 6.67%; the final body length and weight of D. helophoroides larvae fed by artificial dietⅢwas higher than others. The amino acid components in artificial dietⅢwas determined by the result of analyzing the amino acids components of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) larvae, and dietⅢwas the best one for D. helophoroides larvae.②We used silkworm pupa powder, cat food powder, cricket powder, ant powder, freeze-dry yolk powder, yeast, cane sugar, wood powder, benzoic acid, agar-agar and distilled water to confect four kinds of artificial diets for D. helophoroides adults. The result of rearing D. helophoroides adults by artificial diets showed: the effect of diet 1 was the best one and adult insects had the most amount of egg laying which spawn amount to 425.89±209.26 every two days; meanwhile they have least mortality rate.2 Artificial rearing methods for D. helophoroides larvae Thirteen kinds of film which used to enfold artificial diets were failed to rear larvae of D. helophoroides. However, when degrease tampon absorbing artificial diet were used to rear D. helophoroides larvae, they had preference for eating under this condition, and second stage of larvae had a better surviving rate and cocooning rate for pupa. Comparing the rearing by artificial diets to A. glabripennis larvae directly, Cocooning rate of D. helophoroides larvae reared by A. glabripennis larvae was 80.33%, cocooning rate of D. helophoroides larvae reared by fodderⅢwas 20%, but cocooning rate of larvae reared by fodderⅠwas only 6.67%.3 Artificial rearing methods for adults of D. helophoroides Under different illumination, we used four kinds of artificial diets to rear adults of D. helophoroides coming from different source in woodboxes and blocks with a groove each, respectively. When reared in woodboxes and treated with different illumination, adults insects had not produce eggs and there was less difference of mortality rate among different diets. While using blocks containing a groove each, at full dark under 22℃, adults of D. helophoroides laid eggs reared by the four kinds of artificial diets. Adult insects feeding on diets 1 had laid the most amount of eggs and had the least mortality rate.

  • 【分类号】S763.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】190

