

Study on the Extraction Method of Volatile Flavor Components in Kiwifruit Wine

【作者】 史亚歌

【导师】 岳田利;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 酒的风味直接影响酒的感官品质,是反映酒的类型及质量好坏的一个重要指标。挥发性风味物质作为酒中最主要的风味物质,在酒的风味构成方面具重要作用。由于酒中挥发性风味物质组成复杂、含量大多较低,其提取检测工作仍是目前研究工作的一个薄弱环节。我国是猕猴桃生产大国,猕猴桃酒作为猕猴桃深加工产品之一,具很好的发展前景。为了更好的进行猕猴桃酒生产工艺控制及其质量控制,针对猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质,本研究引用食品常用的几种挥发性风味物质提取方法,通过方法参数优化及方法针对性、重现性、灵敏度、信息量等指标考察,来探讨不同方法用于猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究的可能性、适宜性,从而系统建立猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质提取方法体系。本研究结果表明:(1)顶空直接进样法以样品上方平衡气体为研究对象,温度、电解质影响气-液平衡。经研究优化,该方法最优参数为温度35℃、加盐量3g/8mL。受取样量少以及各组分含量低等因素制约,该方法灵敏度低、重现性较低。猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究表明,该方法共检出23种化合物,基本包括猕猴桃酒中的主要挥发性物质,风味物质的组成和含量分布较为真实地反映出猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质的存在状况。本方法在猕猴桃酒挥发性风味物质主要组分定性及半定量(面积归一化)方面具有一定的应用。(2)固相微萃取法为目前应用较多的挥发性物质提取方法,其萃取效果受萃取头类型、萃取温度、萃取时间及电解质等因素影响。经研究优化,对于猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质提取,其最优参数为CAR/PDMS萃取头、萃取温度45℃、萃取时间45min、加盐量0.25g/mL。固相微萃取法具很强的吸附、富集、浓缩功能,研究表明,相比顶空直接进样法,该方法灵敏度提高2个数量级左右,方法的稳定性强,重现性好。猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究表明,该方法共检出52种主要化合物,物质种类增加,含量分布具自身特点。本方法对于猕猴桃酒中低含量挥发性风味物质定量分析具有较好的应用价值,而对于其组成分布研究仍具有缺陷。(3)溶剂提取法为最常用的有机化合物提取、分离方法,这种方法遵循相似相溶原理,受溶剂极性、溶解性以及待提取对象理化性质等诸多因素影响。本研究表明,对于猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质提取,二氯甲烷体系与戊烷/二氯甲烷混合溶剂体系提取效果接近,但两者比较,还是以二氯甲烷体系为最优。溶剂萃取法可操作性强,重现性好,同时也具有较高的灵敏度。猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究表明,该方法共检出60种主要化合物,其中包括较多的高沸点挥发性物质,而部分的低沸点挥发性物质萃取效果降低。本方法对于猕猴桃酒中高沸点挥发性风味物质研究具有重要的应用价值。(4)同时蒸馏法为常用挥发性物质提取方法,本研究表明,该方法重现性好,灵敏度较差。猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究表明,该方法共检出37种主要化合物,物质种类较少,其中以低沸点、易挥发物质为主。作为经典的挥发性物质提取方法,本方法在猕猴桃酒易挥发性风味物质提取方面也具有一定的应用价值。(5)猕猴桃酒中的挥发性风味物质组成众多,含量高低不等,它的研究与提取方法密切相关。本研究表明,应用不同的提取方法所得物质种类及相对含量分布存在较大差异。(6)本研究表明,对于猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究,溶剂萃取法重现性最好,固相微萃取法与同时蒸馏法重现性次之,顶空直接进样法重现性较差。灵敏度则以固相微萃取法为最高,再依次为溶剂萃取法、同时蒸馏法、顶空直接进样法。(7)受方法工作原理及各相关因素制约,不同的方法各有其自身的优缺点、侧重点。从方法的针对性、方法的可操作性、研究的目的等多方面考虑,不同方法具有不同的应用领域及应用价值。同时,不同方法的综合使用更能从不同角度剖析我们的研究对象。本研究表明,对于猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质高灵敏度定量分析研究宜采用固相微萃取法;对于样品中高沸点风味物质研究分析则以溶剂萃取法为最好;对于易挥发、高含量物质的研究分析则可采用同时蒸馏法及顶空直接进样法。(8)经不同方法对猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质研究,从猕猴桃酒中共检出102种挥发性风味物质,其中以醇类物质(24种)、酯类物质(38种)、酸类物质(11种)为主,另有少量的酮类物质(6种)、醛类物质(2种)、酚类物质(3种)、烃类物质(3种)以及部分的含杂原子化合物。本研究较为全面的对猕猴桃酒中挥发性风味物质组成进行了解析。

【Abstract】 The wine’s flavor which is one of the important indexes of reflecting wine’s type and quality directly affects its sense and quality. The volatile components as the major flavor substance play significant role in its flavor composition. Due to its complicated ingredients and low content, it is still one weak tache to extract and test in present study. China is a country where produces large amount of kiwifruit which has a sound perspective as one of the products of further processing. In order to better control the producing technics and quality, aiming at the volatile components in kiwifruit wine, referring to several frequently used methods in extracting the volatile substance in food, the article discussed the possibility and feasibility of different ways in studying the volatile substances in kiwifruit wine through some indexes such as optimizing method parameters and method pertinence, repeatability, sensitivity and information content, therefore establishing the extraction system of volatile substance in kiwi fruit wine.The study shows:(1)HS studies the balanced gas above the sample and how temperature and electrolyte affect the balance of gas and liquid. Through optimizing, the parameters are temperature of 35℃and the amount of salt of 3g/8mL. Restricted by the amount of sample and the content of components, the method has poor sensitivity and repeatability. The study on the volatile components in kiwifruit wine shows that there are 23 compounds including the major volatile substance in the wine. The flavor composition and content, to some extent, truly reflect the existence of the major volatile substance in the wine. The method is applied to determine the nature and semiquantitative area% of the main volatile substance in kiwi fruit wine.(2)SPME is often used in extracting the volatile substance at present, which is influenced by such factors as type, temperature, time and electrolyte. Through optimizing, the parameters are the following: CAR/PDMS fiber, the extraction temperature 45℃, the extraction time 45min and the amount of salt added 0.25g/mL. Solid - Phase Microextractionis strong in adsorption, enrichment and concentration. The study shows that this method improved about two degrees of sensitivity and had strong stability and repeatability compared with HS. It altogether examined 52 main compounds, the substance variety increased and the content distribution had its own features. The method is worthy of applying to quantitatively analyze the low content of volatile substance in the kiwi fruit wine, but it is still defective in studying the distribution of its components.(3)L-L is frequently used to extract and separate organic compounds. It follows the theory of resemblance and mixture which affected by many factors such as the polarity of impregnant, dissolution and the physiochemical property of distilling objects. The study shows that dichloromethane system has close effect with pentane/ dichloromethane compound. But comparatively speaking, the dichloromethane system is better. L-L has strong maneuverability and repeatability, and high sensitivity at the same time. The method altogether examined 60 main compounds, including many volatile substances at high boiling point, while the effect of volatile substances extraction at low boiling point was decreased. It is worthy of applying to study the volatile flavor substances at high boiling point in kiwi fruit wine.(4)SDE is commonly used in extracting the volatile components, which has good repeatability but poor sensitivity. The method examined 37 main compounds, which mainly consist of the substances at low boiling point or substances prone to volatilize. As a typical method, it also plays a certain role in extracting the flavor substance which is easy to volatilize.(5)The volatile substances in kiwifruit wine have different contents due to lots of components. So its study is closely related to the extraction method. The study shows that the substance variety and their content distribution differ significantly when applying differnet extraction methods.(6)The study shows that to the volatile flavor substance in kiwifruit wine L-L is superior to SPME and SDE repeatability, with HS the poorest. The sensitivity of it follows the order of SPME, L-L, SDE and HS.(7) Limited by the working theory and relative factors, different methods have their own pros and cons, and emphasis. Taking the pertinence, maneuverability of methods and the purposes of studies, different methods have different fields of application and values. At the same time, the comprehensive application of different methods can anatomize the targets of studies from different perspectives. The study shows that it is suitable to apply SPME to quantitatively analyze the high sensitivity of volatile flavor substance in kiwifruit wine; and it is better to use L-L to analyze the flavor substance at high boiling point in the samples; to those prone to volatilize and with high content the SDE and HS are preferred.(8) From the studies on volatile flavor substances in kiwifruit wine with different methods, there are altogether 102 volatile flavor substances, among which majority of 24 compounds of alcohols , 38 compounds of esters and 11compounds of aids occupied the majority, and 6 compounds of ketones, 2 compounds of aldehydes, 3 compounds of hydroxybenzenes and 3 compounds of hydrocarbon the least, along with part of compounds consisting of mixed atoms. The study parsed the volatile flavor components in kiwifruit wine in a rather comprehensive way.

  • 【分类号】TS261.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】878

