

Effect on Endogenous Hormones of Grapevine Seedling under Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation

【作者】 吴业飞

【导师】 张振文;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 发酵工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大气臭氧层的不断破坏引起了地球生物圈表面紫外线-B(UV-B)辐射强度不断增加,这将对植物的生长发育产生重要影响,而植物的生长发育过程与内源激素的变化密切相关。本试验以酿酒葡萄“赤霞珠”(Cabernet Sauvignon)为材料,在玻璃温室内通过增加0μw·cm-2(CK组)、10.8μw·cm-2(T1组)、20.7μw·cm-2(T2组)、25.6μw·cm-2(T3组)4个不同强度的UV-B辐射处理,研究了UV-B辐射增强对葡萄新梢、叶片和根尖五种内源激素含量变化的影响,以期为进一步研究UV-B辐射增强对植物生长发育的影响机制提供理论依据。本研究主要获得以下结果:1.生长素含量变化在UV-B辐射增强条件下,葡萄新梢和叶片内IAA含量明显下降,且下降幅度始终表现为T3>T2>T1>CK,这表明UV-B辐射增强抑制了葡萄幼苗地上部的生长。但UV-B辐射增强对根尖IAA含量的影响并不明显,仅在T3处理下的辐射后期(4050 d)显著的降低了IAA含量。2.赤霉素含量变化增强UV-B辐射处理下,新梢GA3含量总体呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势。叶片GA3含量在T1处理下有所增加,仅在累积处理50 d时略有降低,为CK的98.98%;在高辐射强度(T2、T3)的处理初期,叶片GA3含量呈上升趋势,但处理组与CK间并没有显著差异;在累积辐射处理后期,GA3含量转而开始下降,并且与辐射强度正相关。与此同时,根尖GA3含量在T1和T2处理下并没有明显的变化规律,仅在T3处理辐射后期明显下降,与其它组差异极显著。3.玉米素含量变化增强UV-B辐射整体上提高了新梢ZT的含量,但T1处理下的变化并不明显。与之相反,叶片中ZT含量总体呈现下降的变化趋势,累积辐射处理50 d时,T1、T2、T3处理分别较CK下降了2.4%、19.21%、23.16%。UV-B辐射增强对根尖ZT含量并未产生明显的影响。4.脱落酸含量变化在UV-B辐射增强条件下,新梢和叶片中ABA含量显著增加,且表现为T3>T2>T1>CK。根尖中ABA的含量在高辐射强度(T2、T3)处理后期显著增加,分别比CK增加了75.47%倍和92.95%。这说明UV-B辐射增强促进了葡萄幼苗体内ABA的合成,从而加速了葡萄植株的衰老。5.乙烯释放量的变化UV-B辐射增强明显加速了葡萄新梢和叶片内的乙烯释放量,且释放速率随辐射强度的增加和时间的延长而显著增加;而根系乙烯的释放量受UV-B辐射增强的影响并不大,仅在高辐射处理后期(4050 d)呈现一定程度的上升。

【Abstract】 Increase in UV-B radiation on earth biosphere surface resulted from continual destruction of atmosphere ozone layer can have significantly effect on the process of growth and development of plants accordingly which was closely related with the change of plant endogenous hormones. The experiment were performed in glasshouse, and the contents of endogenous hormones were assessed in new shoots, leaves and root tips of grapevine that were treated with UV-B radiation of differernt intensities including 0μw·cm-2(CK), 10.8μw·cm-2(T1), 20.7μw·cm-2(T2), and 25.6μw·cm-2(T3) respectively. This will provides the referrence basis for further studies. The main conclusions were as follows:1. Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on IAAUnder the enhanced of UV-B radiation, the contents of IAA in new shoots and leaves of grapevine were decreased obviously, and the range of decline in the order T3>T2>T1>CK, this indicated that enhanced UV-B radiation inhibited grapevine seedling upside growth. But the influence of enhanced UV-B radiation on the contents IAA of root tips were not clear; just in the later period (4050th d) of T3 treatments reduced IAA contents remarkable.2. Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on GA3Under the enhanced of UV-B radiation, the total tendency of GA3 in new shoots was increased in first stage and then it reduced at last. During the whole treatments, the contents of GA3 in leaves were increased under T1 treatments except for the 50th day which its contents were 98.98% compared with CK. At the earlier stage of high-intensity radiation (T2 and T3), the contents of GA3 in leaves taken on a rising tendency and no significant difference between treating groups and counterparts; with the increased of radiation accumulation, GA3 contents began to lower and positively correlation to radiation doses. At the same time, the contents of GA3 in root tips have no obvious change rules except its significant descended compared to other groups at later stage of T3 treatments.3. Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on ZTThe enhanced UV-B radiation heightens ZT contents in new shoots totally, although there is no distinct change in T1 treatments. The reverse was true in the case of ZT in leaves which shown a falling tendency; with the accumulative radiation of 50th day, the contents of ZT were decreased by 2.4%, 19.21% and 23.16% respectively compared with their counterparts. And there is no influence on the contents of ZT in root tips in exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation.4. Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on ABAUnder the enhanced of UV-B radiation, the contents of ABA in new shoots and leaves were notable increased, and in the order T3>T2>T1>CK. The contents of ABA in root tips were more 1.75 times and 1.93 times in the later period of T2 and T3 high radiation than CK respectively. This result indicated that enhanced UV-B radiation accelerated the synthesis of ABA in grapevine seedling, thereby speed up plants translation to senescence.5. Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on ethyleneThe enhanced UV-B radiation advanced the release rates of ethylene in grapevine new shoots and leaves which remarkable increased with the intensities of radiation accumulation and treatment times extend. The release rates of ethylene in root tips was not influence by the enhanced UV-B radiation, just has some certain risen in the later period (4050th d) of high-intensity radiation.

【关键词】 UV-B辐射葡萄内源激素HPLC
【Key words】 Ultraviolet-B radiationGrapevineEndogenous hormonesHPLC
  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】256

