

Research on the Agricultural Disasters in Northwestern Area of China during Han and Tang Dynasties

【作者】 朱磊

【导师】 卜风贤;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汉唐时期西北地区农业开发蔚为大观,但因生态脆弱,旱灾、风灾和雹灾屡屡为害,遂成历史农业生产和社会经济发展的重要制约因素。为降低自然灾害风险,汉唐时期西北地区农业生产中采取一系列的应对措施,诸如调整生产结构、改进生产技术、因地制宜选择农业生产方式等等。本文将汉唐时期西北地区历史自然灾害的演变归纳为秦汉灾荒肆虐期、魏晋灾害频繁期和隋唐灾害多样期,通过分析每一历史阶段农业灾害结构、灾情特征、减灾救荒措施等,探讨历史上西北地区农业灾害与区域社会经济发展变迁之间的关系,希望通过历史农业灾害研究能为当今社会的防灾减灾做出贡献。全文包含五个部分:第一部分,前言。阐述选题目的意义,并从西方环境史视野下的灾害问题、农业经济史领域的灾害史研究、历史灾荒文献的搜集整理、灾害史的综合研究、西北地区灾害史研究、荒政制度下区域社会救助模式探索六个方面综述目前为止关于历史时期西北地区历史农业灾害的国内外研究现状,以及研究内容、研究方法等问题作以概括介绍。第二章,秦汉时期自然灾害与西北农业开发。秦汉时期西北地区传统农业开发盛极一时,农业开发过程中自然灾害愈演愈烈,水旱灾荒肆虐,已构成秦汉时期西北地区社会经济发展的一对基本矛盾驱动力。有鉴于此,从灾害结构、灾情状况等方面探讨了西北地区农业受灾状况以及自然灾害对西北地区农业开发的影响。第三章,魏晋时期自然灾害与西北地区农牧消长。从灾害结构、灾情状况等方面分析论述魏晋时期自然灾害与西北地区农牧互动关系,探讨魏晋时期核心农区受灾情况以及冷期气候背景下西北地区农牧产业错综复杂的发展状况。第四章,隋唐时期自然灾害与西北农区扩张。西北地区农业开发再起波澜,自然灾害日趋多样,多灾频发格局初现,农业灾情严重,农区受灾呈扩大化态势,西北地区农业开发向边疆扩展,传统农荒救济体系得到进一步发展。第五部分,结语。

【Abstract】 The agricultural development during Han and Tang dynasties in northwest China had opened the prelude of the big west-development in history, but ecological in northwest area is very fragile, several thousand years’ pioneering development caused soil erosion, land desertification and shortage of water resources, the drought, the wind and the hail were the main types of disasters and directly affected agricultural production. To reduce the risk of natural disasters, people during Han and Tang dynasties had adopted a series of methods to deal with this, such as the adjustment production structure, the improvement of technology, choose the agricultural proper production Ways etc. This article divides the evolution of natural disasters during Han and Tang dynasties into three stage-replant, Qin-Han disasters rampant period, Wei-Jin disasters frequent period and Sui-Tang disasters diverse period, discuss the relationship between agricultural disasters and development of regional socio-economic by analyze the structure of natural disasters, characteristics, rules, disasters situations and measures to reduce the damage of natural disasters, finally, hope to do some meaningful things to disasters relief nowadays.There are five main parts of this article.Part I ,Foreword, which is Chapter One. This part give an overall understand and grasp to this topic, and introduce the aims and meanings, basement, research status at home and abroad, research content, methods and innovations.Part II,Natural disasters and agriculture development of northwest agricultural area during Qin and Han dynasties. This article discusses natural disasters and agriculture development of northwest agricultural area; further discuss the loss of several main agricultural areas and its effect to traditional agriculture.Part III,Natural disasters and changes of northwest agricultural area and animal husbandry area during Wei and Jin dynasties.Part IV,Natural disasters and expansion of northwest agricultural area during Sui and Tang dynasties. This part discuss natural disasters and the expansion of northwest agricultural area during Sui and Tang dynasties, and with the expansion of northwest agricultural area, natural disasters became diverse, traditional agricultural disaster reduced system made further development.Part V,Conclusion.

  • 【分类号】S42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】390

