

A Study on Northwest Agricultural Development and Ecological Environment Problems in Qin and Han Dynasties

【作者】 刘俊霞

【导师】 张波;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国生态环境的日益恶化,人与自然关系、生态环境与可持续发展等问题备受关注。秦汉时期的农业开发,虽然曾起到一定的积极作用,但其对生态环境的消极影响更大。秦汉时期,我国农业开发在规模和深度上史无前例,加剧了由气候变干导致的生态环境恶化,尤其是西北的生态脆弱区。生态环境是人类文明赖以生存和发展的物质基础,先秦时期,森林资源丰富,生物种类繁多,湿地和水资源充沛,草原和绿洲广阔,到处是优美、宜人的生态环境。至秦汉时期,由于人类活动的频繁,生态环境问题随之而出。秦汉时期,西北地区地广人稀,环境艰苦,匈奴等少数民族势力不断发展壮大,对中原王朝构成严重威胁。为抵抗匈奴,朝廷在西北大量驻军,并不断在迁移人口,进行屯田,开发西北。河西、河湟、河套、西域在此时得到大规模的开发。但这种开发是朝廷战略开发,带有很大的军事性和强制性。朝廷对西北的开发以开垦土地、发展农田水利为主要手段,对于促进当地经济发展、抵御匈奴等少数民族的进攻,巩固边防,保障内地经济发展和社会稳定、加强东西方经济文化上的交流与沟通,都起到了不可估量的作用。同时由于过度的开垦土地,大片的草原、林地逐渐被农田所取代,动植物的种类数量不断减少,加之西北地区本身气候干旱、多风沙,剧烈的人类活动对生态环境的干扰不断加大,并最终突破其承载力,引发水土流失,土地沙漠化等生态问题。秦汉时期是中国历史上的第一个农业开发高潮,移民规模及屯垦规模前所未有,同时,秦汉时期也是我国古代第一个灾害的高发期。这说明,西北的农业开发与生态环境问题的出现息息相关。本文主要从四个方面来对此问题进行研究:首先对先秦西北的生态环境状况进行追溯;其次、分区域介绍秦汉时期西北农业开发盛况;再次,详细分析由农业开发所引起的生态环境问题;第四,从正反两个方面评价秦汉农业开发的生态环境后果,以及当代西部开发如何吸取秦汉农业开发的教训进行论述。

【Abstract】 As the worsening of ecological environment in China, the relationship between human and nature, and the ecological environment and sustainable development issues have aroused wide social concern. Although the agricultural development in Qin & Han Dynasties created great success, ecological environment problems can not be ignored. During that period, China’s agricultural development was unprecedented both in scale and depth, so, deterioration of the ecological environment exacerbated by the dry climate change, especially in northwest ecologically fragile areas. The ecological environment is essential for the survival of human civilization. In pre-Qin period, rich forest resources and biological diversity and abundant water resources existed. Beautiful ecological environment filled the world. Until Qin and Han Dynasties, because of frequent human activities, environmental issues followed out.During Qin and Han periods, the northwest region had more land but less people and the difficult life environment there. The Huns and other ethnic minority forces have continued to develop and grow. This situation posed serious threat to the Central Plains dynasty. In order to resist the Huns, government stared to encourage people migrated into northwest regions and develop agriculture. Hexi, Hehuang, Hetao and Xiyu were strategic developed in Qin and Han periods. But the development was in great military and mandatory. The development of irrigation and water conservancy were primary means to the agricultural development. It was an efficient way of resisting the Huns and other ethnic minorities’attack. It also strengthened the economic and social stability, and had positive effect on cultural exchanges and communication.At the same time due to excessive reclamation of the land, large grasslands and woodlands have been gradually replaced by farmland, and the number of plant and animal species declining, intense human activities interfered the ecological environment, the environment ultimately break its capacity, soil erosion and land desertification and other ecological problems appeared. Qin & Han Dynasty was the first period during which people migrated into and developed northwest area on a large scale in Chinese ancient history. This period was also a disaster period. This shows that the Northwest agricultural development and ecological environment are closely related to the emergence of the problem. This paper mainly from four areas to study: First, the ecological environment in Pre-Qin Dynasty; Secondly, success that have made in agricultural development in different areas. Again, detailed analysis of ecological problems caused by the agricultural development. Fourth, both positive and negative evaluation on agricultural development as well as the lessons that contemporary development of the western region needed in Qin and Han Dynasties.

  • 【分类号】F329;K232
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】604

