

Study on the Problem of Students’ Practicing Ability Training in High Vocational Colleges

【作者】 李仙玲

【导师】 张景书;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来,社会对高技能人才的需求提出了更高的要求。在国家政策的扶持下,高职教育迅速发展,为社会培养了大批的社会发展需要的管理、建设、生产、服务第一线的高级技术型、应用型人才。但是,学生的培养质量问题却令人担忧,在各种质量衡量指标中,高职毕业生实践能力差的问题都相当突出。如何使我国高职院校培养出的人才既肯动脑又能动手,既不缺乏理论知识,又具备较强的实践能力,就成为一个亟待解决的重要问题。因此,研究如何培养高职学生的实践能力,成为摆在职业教育工作面前不能回避的问题。本文先从哲学、心理学、教育学的角度,分析实践能力的涵义,归纳了高职学生实践能力的特征,概括了高职学生实践能力的构成,阐述了高职学生实践能力培养在高职教育中的地位与作用。然后通过对高职院校实践能力培养现状的调查分析,陈述了我国高职院校实践能力培养现状的不足之处,即人才培养模式问题,高职院校实践教学方面的问题以及高职学生自身存在的问题。针对这些问题,本文从理论和实践的角度,提出了高职学生实践能力培养途径的六个建议:第一,改革人才培养模式,即准确定位人才培养模式,确立符合型人才培养模式;第二,改革教材编制,增加实训内容;第三,改革课程体系;第四,强化师资队伍建设;第五,高度重视实践教学,并将其作为高职教学的重要组成部分,加大和拓宽实践教学的资金投入,加强高职教学校内外实训基地的建设,建立产学研结合的实践教学基地,构建“岗位—任务”的实践训练模式,建立完善的以能力为中心的实践教学考核体系,从而完善高职院校实践教学体系;第六,从内因出发,通过激发学生实践的积极性,鼓励学生建立专业协会,丰富课余实践活动,加强对学生职业生涯发展的指导等方面来强化学生实践能力培养的自主规划意识,提高学生的实践能力。通过这几方面的系统阐述,希望能对指导高职院校培养学生实践能力具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。

【Abstract】 With the advent of the era of knowledge and economy, the social demand for highly skilled personnel has put forward higher requirements. In support of national policy, the rapid development of high vocational education had trained a large number of community and social development needs of management, construction, production, services the first line of senior technical and application of talent. However, the issue of the quality of students is a cause for concern, in all kinds of indicators to measure the quality of graduates from high vocational colleges, the poor practical ability is a very prominent problem. How to make China’s higher vocational colleges to train qualified personnel can Jiken muscle hands, neither a lack of theoretical knowledge and strong practical ability, has become a major issue to be resolved. Therefore, the studies of how to raise student’s practical ability becomes a clearly issue which the vocational education work cannot avoid.This article first analysis the implication of practical ability in the philosophy, the psychology, and the pedagogy angle, and has summed up the higher vocational student practical ability characteristic, summarized the constitution of high vocational student practical ability. Then through to the investigation and analysis of present training situation of high vocational colleges practical ability, stated the deficiency of our country high vocational colleges practical ability raise in present situation, that is , problem of personnel training pattern, problem of high vocational colleges practice teaching aspect as well as vocational college students their own problems.In light of these problems on the basis of investigation, from the perspective of practice, proposed six menthes to improve the capacity of high vocational students: First, reform of personnel training mode, that is, accurate positioning personnel training mode, establish talents training mode; Second ,reform of teaching materials and increase training; Third, curriculum reform, Fourth, strengthen the building of the contingent of teachers ,Fifth, take seriously to practice teaching, and take it as the important component of high vocational education , enlarge and expand the funding invested of practice teaching, strengthen the construction of school reality teaching base inside and outside, establish produces study grinds the union practice teaching base, construct“the post - duty”practice training pattern, establish perfectly inspection system which is take ability as the central practice teaching, thus improve the practice of teaching system. Sixth, starting from internal factors, we can inspire students’ practice enthusiasm, encourage students to the establish professional associations, rich after-school practice activities, enhance students career guiding, to strengthen the ability of students practice self-awareness of planning, so as to enhance student’s practical ability.Elaborated through these aspects that hoped can have certain theory significance and practice significance in guiding high vocational colleges to raise student’s practical ability.

【关键词】 高职学生实践能力培养
【Key words】 high vocationalstudentspracticing ability training
  • 【分类号】G712.0
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1260

