

Study on Extraction Technology and Purification and Stabilizing of Basella Rubra L.Red Pigment and Application in Meat Products

【作者】 张孔海

【导师】 岳田利; 郭桂义;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 木耳菜又叫落葵,为一年生缠绕草本植物,属落葵科落葵属,其学名为Basella rubra L.。木耳菜不仅营养价值高,而且具有清热、滑肠、解毒和凉血之功效。木耳菜果实红色素粗提物色泽鲜艳,无臭、无异味,着色力强,原料来源广泛,成本低廉,不仅安全无毒,而且具有较高的营养价值,是值得开发利用的一种新型天然食用色素。目前,对木耳菜的栽培技术及其营养与保健功能研究较多,而对其果实红色素及其综合开发利用系统研究鲜见报导。本文以信阳农专果蔬实训基地提供的木耳菜成熟果实为实验材料,对其浸提剂、过滤、浓缩和干燥等工艺技术进行了研究;并对木耳菜果实红色素的分离纯化和组成成分进行了分析与探讨;提取的木耳菜果实红色素从温度、pH值、光照、金属离子及添加剂等影响因子对色素的稳定性进行了比较试验,在此基础上筛选了色素稳定剂;同时对木耳菜果实红色素的理化性质及其在肉制品中的应用进行了研究,为木耳菜果实红色素的产业化及其综合开发应用提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1、木耳菜果实红色素用水浸提法简便可行。净处理后压滤,再对滤渣用去离子水以3:1(水:滤渣)的提取比浸提30min,共浸提2次;过滤后的提取液在50℃以下真空浓缩,经冻干后得粉末状成品,密封保存。最高产率达到了3.72%。2、通过纸层析、柱层析、化学方法等对其提取液进行了分离纯化研究。利用紫外分光光度法对纯化后的提取液进行检测,得到的谱带均与花色苷化合物的特征谱带相吻合,且发现纯化后的杂质明显减少。3、此色素易溶于弱酸性或中性条件(pH4~6为宜)的水及含水的溶剂中,不溶于乙酸乙脂、无水乙醇等有机试剂;大多数金属离子对色素稳定性无不良影响,Fe2+、Fe3+、Cu2+、Ca2+略有影响;色素耐热性、抗氧化性、抗还原性一般,耐光性较好,适宜在80℃以下低温条件下使用;蔗糖对色素稳定性无影响,防腐剂可有效防止霉变。筛选的稳定剂配方为0.04%Vc+0.02%苯甲酸钠。实验结果表明,加入混合稳定剂的色素溶液残存率相比对照提高10%,稳定效果较为显著。4、从两种色素对光、热耐氧化性和还原性、金属离子的稳定性结果,说明木耳菜果实红色素对光、热稳定性与红曲红相近。并通过在低温肉制品及冰激凌等食品中的应用研究,实验结果表明,该色素很适合在巴氏杀菌及较低温度处理的食品中应用,其着色力强,耐自然光性较好。由于其原料来源广,产量高,成本低,因此,木耳菜果实红色素值得大力开发应用。

【Abstract】 Mu er vegetables called also Basella Rubra for the one-year-old.It is not only of high nutritional value, but also clearing heat and cooling blood.The red pigment from Basella Rubra mature fruit is brightly-colored,odorless,no smell,color and strong,broad source of raw materials,low cost, safe,non-toxic and has higher nutritional value and is good to human health.It is a new development and utilization of natural pigment. Currently, the cultivation technology and nutritional and health function about Basella Rubra were more studied, but the red pigment from Basella Rubra mature fruit was uncommon reported. this paper is based on the raw materials provided by the fruit and vegetable farmers in Xinyang Agricultural College,we study its extraction,filtration,concentration,drying,and processing technology; we discuss its isolation,purification and major components of Basella Rubra mature fruit red pigment; we study the fators such as the temperature, pH, light, additives and metal ions,affect the stability of the pigment and choose the best stabilizer of Basella Rubra mature fruit red pigment;we have studied its physical and chemical properties of red pigment and the application in meat products and provided a scientific basis in the industrialization and the comprehensive applications of Basella Rubra mature fruit red pigment. The major studies are described as follows:1. Basella Rubra L. mature fruit red pigment is simple and feasible. After net processing and filtration,residue is extracted 30 minutes with deioniied water to 3:1 (water : residue) man the extraction.Immerse to lifle totally twice;Liquid of withdrawing after filtraction is concentrated below 50℃, Concentrated liquid is made into powder from prduct, used vacuum freeze-drying, immedciately keeped after sealing. The maxium rate of production is 3.72%.2. By the paper chromatographic,the column chromatographic,chemistry and the cation exchange resin,further it has separated and purified.To utilize the ultraviolet spectrophotometric to examine purification pigment,the band tallies accorded with the characteristic band,and the impurity obviously reduced. 3.Tts pigment dissowed in organic solvent including acetic etrer and absolute emyl alcohol;most metal ion and saccharose didn1t affect pigmentary stability,diatomic triwatent ferri ion,copper ion and facter IV has low effects.The pigmentary heat resistance, resistance to oxidation and deoxidization resistance is ordinary.Its light stability is better,Its feasible temperature is below 80℃;preservative could effectively prevent propagating mold.The constitutes of the best stabilizer is 0.04%Vitamin C and 0.02% sodium benzoate.The experimentes showed that the pigment remainder ratio adding mixed stability is higher 10% comparison the effect is distinct.4.From the above,It is concluded that Basella Rubra L. red pigment is near to Monascus red pigment,for its light and heat stability.Pigment is applied to low temperature meat product and Ice cream,the resultsshowed that the pigment mighit be applizedto pasteurization and lower temperature food,Its coloring power isexcellent,its sunlight resistance isbetter.Bcause its source is extensive,output is high,the cost is low,the pigment is worth explorating and applyying.

  • 【分类号】TS264.4;TS251
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】469

