

A Dynamic Study on the Evolution of Farmer Workers in China

【作者】 孙长海

【导师】 周庆生;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪初以来,“民工潮”大规模跨区流动及“回流”日渐成为令人瞩目的社会现象。本文针对农民工的这种动态演变分别从农民工的形成及分化过程予以考察,通过农民工动态流动就业的数量、结构特点、流动趋势等方面的说明,阐述了农民工动态流动的形态;然后基于对农民工动态演变机制的经济学分析,揭示出我国城乡二元结构刚性对我国农民工动态演变的约束、农民工动态演变中的正、负效应,以及农民工动态流动所带来的自身生存和发展的权益困境、“空心村”和农民工动态流动中存在的不合理性问题;最后,为促进我国农民工合理、有序流动,提出从制度建设(就业制度、社会保障制度等)、组织创新、社区建设等方面的相关可行性的政策建议。本文主要包括五个部分:第一章、导言。本章主要介绍研究背景、意义,国内外研究动态,以及研究思路。第二章、农民工动态演变特点。本章在对农民工内涵及分化的表现形态介绍基础上,通过阐述农民工动态流动就业的数量、结构和流动趋势,以揭示农民工动态演变的具体特点。第三章、农民工动态演变机制分析。本章通过对不同类型农民工动态流动原因的微观比较,揭示了农民工产生与我国二元经济结构刚性间存在的逻辑关系,并进一步分析了农民工动态演变所带来的正、负经济效应。第四章、农民工动态演变的社会问题。本章在对农民工自身的生存和发展的权益困境、“空心村”问题梳理基础上,揭示了农民工动态流动中存在的不合理性。第五章、促进农民工合理、有序流动对策建议。本章具体阐述了为促进农民工合理、有序流动,应加强制度建设(如就业制度、社会保障制度等)、组织创新、社区建设等的相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 The large-scale trans-regional flow of farmer workers and their returning-flow have drawn extensive social attention. This article discusses the dynamic evolution of farmer workers’ flow in terms of its formation and the differentiation process. The flow configuration is stated through the number, structure and tendency of the employment situation of farmer workers. Then with an economics analysis of the dynamic evolution, the paper points out the restrictions of the rigidity of urban-rural dual structure and the positive as well as negative effect of the dynamic evolution. The paper further stressed on the rights and interests dilemma of the farmer workers’ self-survival and self-development due to their mobility, the“empty village”phenomenon and the irrational issues of the flow. Finally, feasible policies concerning the systems construction (employment system, social security system), organizational innovation and community construction are suggested in an attempt to improve the rationalization and orderliness of farmer workers’flow.This paper is divided into five parts:Chapter one: Introduction. It introduces the background, the purpose, the significance, the research on the dynamic at home and abroad, and the general idea of the study.Chapter two:The dynamic feature of farmer workers. On the basis of connotation of migrant workers and the reflection of differentiation,by stating the flow configuration is stated through the number, structure and tendency of the employment situation of farmer workers to reveal the specific characteristics of dynamic evolution of migrant workers.Chapter three:The mechanism analysis of the migrant workers dynamic. By the micro comparing the different types of dynamic flow of migrant workers in this chapter,reveals the logic relations between the produce of migrant workers and the dual economic structure rigid in China’s,and analyzes the dynamic evolution of the positive and negative economic effects brought about by Migrant workers further.Chapter four:Social problems of the dynamic evolution of migrant workers. The chapter analyzes their rights difficulties of the survival and development of migrant workers, to reveals unreasonable of the dynamic flow of migrant workers Chapter five : Promotion of migrant workers reasonable and orderly flow of Countermeasures. feasible policies concerning the systems construction (employment system, social security system), organizational innovation and community construction are suggested in an attempt to improve the rationalization and orderliness of farmer workers’flow.

【关键词】 农民工动态流动演变机制
【Key words】 farmer workersdynamic flowevolutionmechanism
  • 【分类号】D412.6;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】263

