

Study on Forest Landscape Spatial Pattern and Temporal Dynamics in Loess Plateau Based on RS

【作者】 蒋平平

【导师】 赵鹏祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以黄土高原天然林典型分布地区黄龙山林业局蔡家川林场为研究对象,以1986年、1997年和2004年三个时相的TM遥感影像为基本资料,凭借研究区1:50 000地形图,辅以该林场1986年、1997年和2004年森林资源二类调查数据,运用遥感技术、地理信息系统空间分析功能以及景观生态学原理和方法,对研究区森林景观空间格局动态变化进行了研究,研究成果主要包括以下内容:(1)在地面调查数据和Landsat TM多光谱卫星数据的基础上,在ERDAS遥感影像处理系统和ArcGIS地理信息系统的支持下,利用基于二类调查数据取证遥感分类技术,对研究区森林景观进行分类,得出蔡家川林场三期的森林景观空间分布图,为进一步的森林景观格局变化研究提供基础数据。(2)在ArcGIS支持下对研究区不同时期的各景观类型的面积进行统计分析表明:在整个蔡家川林场内,三个时期油松的面积均超过28%,其次为硬阔类和软阔类,其中硬阔类面积均超过25%。因此,林地是林场的景观基质,在控制景观整体结构和功能和动态过程中起着主导作用,农田、荒地和疏灌林地等景观斑块镶嵌其中。(3)在ArcGIS支持下,对研究区DEM进行高程、坡度和坡向分带,然后分别与三期的森林景观分类结果进行叠加,对各森林景观类型的地形分异规律的研究结果表明:研究区属于中低山地貌类型,各森林景观类型绝大部分面积分布在海拔1 00~1 600m范围内,说明在海拔1 300~1 600m是该林场各树种生长的最适宜的范围;三个时期分布在5°~15°和15°~25°的坡度范围内各种景观类型面积占各时期景观总面积的70%以上;各景观类型在各个坡向上的分布面积相当,整体来看阴坡和半阴坡的占有率要比阳坡和半阳坡多。(4) Markov预测可以看出:对景观的干扰与1997-2004年间相同时,到2014年,蔡家川林场的油松和硬阔类景观的面积将会逐渐增加,农田、荒地、疏灌林地和软阔类将会减少,向针阔混交林的趋势发展,这种群落结构的演替是符合本区域的生物学特性和生态学特性,也反映了天保工程的实施对未来景观发展的影响。(5)通过对景观异质行性动态变化分析可知,1986-2004年景观斑块总数呈现先增加后减少的趋势;油松林的斑块形状指数略低于硬阔林和软阔林;三个时期油松林的优势度指数一直处于优势地位;景观斑块密度在1986-1997年增加,1997-2004有下降趋势;三个时期最大的景观结合度指数最大的是油松;研究区森林景观形状指数减少,景观优势度下降,说明森林景观向破碎化方向发展,景观的斑块日趋规整,人类对研究区景观的管理和改造程度的不断加强,景观结合度指数一直呈下降趋势,说明景观整体的连通性在下降,生境质量下降,今后应科学合理的对研究区的景观进行规划和管理。

【Abstract】 This thesis studied on forest landscape spatial pattern and temporal dynamics based on RS .Cai Jiachuan,as the typical region of distribution of natural forests was the research object ,the TM images of 3 years of 1986、1997and 2004 as the main data sources,depended on the topographic map in proportion 1:50000 and supplemented by the data of forest management of 3 years of 1986、1997and 2004,remote sensing (RS) technology as the primary methods,supplemented by geographic information system (GIS) technology and the theories and methods of landscape ecology.Research achievements include the following elements :(1) Classification of forest landscape is based on data of multi-spectrum remote sensing of Landsat TM and terrestrial inventory .ERDAS images and ArcGIS are used as technical supporting systems for data processing .Supervised classification of remote-sensing image supported by terrestrial sampling plots and associated with inventory data of forest management are used in the study. As a result ,distribution maps of forest landscape of the study area of 3 years and they are will be used for the base data for further studying on forest landscape of study region.(2) With the support of ArcGIS,the areas of study region of 3 years are calculated .The result indicated,the areas of Chinese pine are more than 28 percent of 3 years,the following are hard latifoliate trees and soft latifoliate trees.Therefore,Woodland was mainly substrate of study area, and was dominant to control landscape structure, function and dynamic processes. The patches of wasteland,farm land,brushwood land and open forest land were in the form of mosaic.(3) With the support of ArcGIS,the slope,aspect and elevation were extracted and slice level was studied from DEM,then the distribution maps of forest landscape of the study area of 3 years were overlay with DEM .The result indicated:The study area belongs to the low mountain landscape types, most of the forest landscape types are distributed to 1 300 ~ 1 600 m. So the most appropriate range of the various species in the forestry centre is at an altitude of 1 300 ~ 1 600 m;The area of the various landscapes of three periods in the slope of 5°~ 15°and15°~ 25°is 70 percent of the total area during three periods respectively;The area of each landscape is almost the same in all slopes. AS a whole, the landscape area on the shade slopes and semi-shady slopes is larger.(4) It can be seen from Markov forecasts: when the interference to the landscape is the same of the 1997-2004 year,to 2014, the area of Chinese pine and hard broad-leaved forests in Caijiachuan Forestry Farm will increase gradually. The area of farmland, wasteland, thin woodland and soft broad-leaved forests will reduce to be the mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest gradually. The successions of the community structure are in line with the biological characteristics and ecological characteristics in the region, and reflect the impact of the implementation of the Natural Forest Protection Project for the future development.(5) Through the analysis of the landscape heterogeneity of the dynamic changes ,we can find that the patch number of Landscape plaque increased at first and then went down ,and patch shape index of pine was slightly lower than Broad-leaved forest and soft wide-Lin from 1986 to 2004; the advantages of pine index during the three period were always in a dominant position. There was a increase in Landscape patch density from 1986 and 1997 and then it had a downward trend between 1997 and 2004.During the same peroid the largest Landscape with index was Chinese pine. Decrease of forest landscape shape index and Landscape advantage in the study area indicated that there was a fragmentation trend in forest landscape and Landscape plaque increasingly structured.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】241

