

The Strategy and Way of Ecological Construction Forestry Research in Gansu

【作者】 梅建波

【导师】 刘建军;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究论文采用综合归纳的方法,应用可持续发展的观点,从生态工程及林业生态工程的基本概念和基本理论出发,运用生态学、林学及生态控制论原理,结合中国传统文化,在全面了解掌握前人研究成果,和本领域研究现状、发展动态的基础上,以笔者多年从事林业建设管理工作中积累的数据和资料为对象,结合文献资料,回顾分析甘肃省林业生态工程建设的实践,剖析工程建设过程,总结工程建设的人文环境、社会环境、政策环境、自然环境、计划管理、规划设计、组织实施、建设模式、技术体系、以及建设观念和思路中的成功经验和教训,甄别存在的问题,研究工程建设战略目标的可行,探讨解决问题、提高工程建设质量的策略和措施。研究分析认为,在甘肃省五十余的林业生态工程建设实践中,主要经验有12条:广泛宣传,提高认识;领导重视,保障得力;因地制宜分类施策,实行全省林业生态工程建设一盘棋战略;强化措施狠抓落实;完善机制,大力倡导非公有制经济参与林业生态工程建设;林业生态工程建设与群众生产生活紧密结合;严格检查确保质量;靠实责任从严管护;重视各项措施的有机结合和综合运用;注意适地适树;细致整地,就地育苗;“三季”造林。主要教训有:树种选择不当;规划设计比较粗放,实施仓促;没有及时解决好林牧矛盾、林权、管护等问题,给工程建设带来严重影响。存在的主要问题有8点:造林成活率保存率低;灾害气候频繁,对林业生态工程建设影响严重;天然林等现有植被的保护任务艰巨;树种单一、适地适树问题突出;关键造林技术仍未彻底解决,林分稳定性问题依然存在;林业生态工程管理水平粗放;经费投入明显不足;科技成果储备不足和科技支撑不力。研究结果认为,甘肃省林业生态工程建设战略目标和布局是科学合理、切实可行的。甘肃位于我国三大自然区和三大高原的交汇之处,腾格里、巴旦吉林、库姆塔格三大沙漠环列省境北缘,是全国生态建设的重点区域之一,同时又是全国生态建设的难点地区和生态建设积累经验的重要地区,是我国林业生态工程建设的前沿阵地,提高工程建设质量,提高工程的生态服务功能,并通过工程建设在全社会树立起生态文明和生态道德观念,这是甘肃省林业生态工程建设的关键所在。提出5项策略:(1)深入细致地总结这些经验、教训和模式,及时应用到工程建设中去。(2)创造良好的社会环境,一是大力加强对我国传统文化的宣传,弘扬生态文明和生态道德;二是控制人口数量,提高人口素质;三是实施必要的生态移民;四是加强管理职能,规范政府行为;五是大力吸引社会资金;六是创新机制,组建专业队伍。(3)科学规划,提高规划的可操作性,一是林业生态工程建设要与农村经济发展紧密结合;二是改变传统经营思想与模式,加强对现有植被的保护力度;三是要遵循植被分布规律设计合理的林草植被;四是在选择造林树种要做到适地适林;五是要综合考虑自然的历史变化;六是要注意乔灌草复层混交提高植被的稳定性;(4)提高科技含量,要强化基础及应用基础研究、应用研究和示范区建设三个方面的工作;(5)因时而变,及时调整年度任务,要根据气候条件的年际变化,特别是半干旱地区降水的年际变化,及时调整年度任务,以免在气候条件不利年份强行植树造林,造成不必要的损失。

【Abstract】 This thesis reviews and analyses the ecological construction of forestry in Gansu, dissects the process of ecological construction, sums up the human environment, social environment, political environment, natural environment, planning and management, organization and implementation, construction method, and technical system of ecological construction, summarizes the successful experience and lessons drew from ecological construction, examines and distinguishes the problems, investigates the feasibility of strategic target of ecological construction, and discusses the measures solving the problems and developing construction quality through utilizing the measure of general conclusion and thought of sustainable development, basic theories of ecological construction and forestry ecological construction, principles of ecology, forestry and ecological control, and data and materials accumulated from the author’s working experiences for many years.The author analyses that during the ecological construction of forestry in Gansu for 50 years, there is 12 pieces of experience as following: wide awareness, leaders’attention, adjusting measures to local conditions, measures development, system improvement, combination of ecological construction of forestry and people’s production, strict inspection, developing responsibility, combination and operation of all measures, suitable plants in suitable sites, and“three-season”planting. The main lessons are as following: unsuitable trees selection, unsuitable planning, contradictions of forestry and farm grazing, problems occurred in forest rights, and etc. The main problems occurred are as following: low survival and preservation rate, frequent disaster, hard task for present vegetation protection of natural forest, singleness of tree species, lack of key technique of plantation, low management level, lack of financial distribution and technical support.The research result shows that the strategic targets and overall arrangements of the ecological construction of forestry in Gansu are suitable and feasible. Gansu, located in the intersection of three natural regions and three plateaus of the state, is one of major ecological construction provinces of the state and is surrounded by three dresent of Tenggeli, Badanjilin and Kumutage. Meanwhile, Gansu is the important region of accumulating the ecological construction experience of the state. Where the shoe pinches of the ecological construction of forestry in Gansu is the development of ecological construction quality and ecological service.Five strategies are put forward as following: 1, to sum up the experience, lessons and models; 2, to create the good social environment, which includes the awareness of the traditional culture of the state, control of population and development of people’s quality, implementation of ecological migration, management development, introduction of social funds, system development; 3, scientific planning, which includes that one is combination of ecological construction of forestry and rural economic development, second is change of traditional management thought and models, third is suitable planning of vegetations, forth is suitable plants in suitable sites, fifth is consideration of historical natural change, and sixth is stability of mixed vegetation;4, to develop the technical contents; 5, to adjust the annual task according to the change of climate, especially the change of precipitation in semi-drought area.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】375

