

Resource Assessment and Protection Strategy of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province

【作者】 程平西

【导师】 党坤良;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陕西省观音山自然保护区位于秦岭南坡中段佛坪县境内,历史上一直是秦岭大熊猫、金丝猴、羚牛等珍稀野生国家保护动物的重要分布区。区内植物种类丰富繁多,植被类型多样,垂直分布明显,是秦岭自然环境、生物多样性和植被类型丰富性最具典型和代表性的区域之一,也是珍稀动植物种类和种群数量较多的区域之一,在保护大熊猫等野生保护动物及其栖息地以及自然生态系统完整性方面占有极其重要的地位。通过对陕西省观音山自然保护区资源调查与研究,结果表明:观音山自然保护区共有野生植物207科761属1819种,其中,种子植物137科618属1528种(亚种),约占秦岭和中国种子植物总种数的48.9%和6.2%,其中有国家Ⅰ级重点保护植物1种,Ⅱ级重点保护植物8种,陕西省地方重点保护植物14种;植被类型十分多样,分为4个植被型组、8个植被型、13个植被亚型、32个群系。主要分为三个自然垂直带谱,即海拔2000m以下的低中山典型落叶阔叶林带,海拔2000~2500m范围内的中山落叶阔叶小叶林带和海拔2500m以上的亚高山针叶林带。低中山典型落叶阔叶林带以栎类最具代表性,分布面积较大,是国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物大熊猫冬、春季的主要活动栖息地;中山落叶阔叶小叶林带以红桦林和牛皮桦林为主,不仅是大熊猫夏季活动、觅食的主要地带,也是金丝猴、羚牛等珍稀野生动物的长期活动、觅食和繁衍的栖息地;亚高山针叶林带的代表性森林植物群落为巴山冷杉林和太白红杉林,是大熊猫的夏季经常光顾、活动的栖息地。另外,大型真菌的种类数量也十分丰富,共有食用菌、药用菌和毒菌等大型真菌10目37科155种。观音山自然保护区共有脊椎动物227种(亚种),隶属23目69科157属,分别占陕西省脊椎动物总种数(738种或亚种)和全国脊椎动物总种数(5136种或亚种)的30.76%和4.4%。昆虫29目305科2788种,其中鳞翅目昆虫种类最为丰富,多达58科、954种,占所有已知昆虫的34.21%;鞘翅目的昆虫也有54科、657种,占所有已知昆虫的23.59%。通过评价,观音山自然保护区生态环境质量综合评价得分82分,表明该自然保护区生态环境质量良好。

【Abstract】 Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve is situated in the Fopin County of South of Qinling Mountains, the key distribution area of rare wildlife including panda, golden monkey, takin in history. With abundant plant species, various vegetation types and distinct vertical distribution, the area is one of the most typical zones in natural environment, biodiversity and the abundance of vegetation types, meanwhile it is full of rare wildlife, so it plays the key role in protecting the rare wildlife, the habit, and integrality of ecosystems.Through the investigation and research of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve, we achieved conclusions as follows: there are 1819 species belonging to 761 genera, 207 families in wild plants, among which there are 1528 species (sub-species), 618 genera, 137 families in seed plants, approximately accounting for 48.9% and 6.2% in Qinling Mountains and China respectively. They contain 1 species of first-level state key conversation, 8 species of second-level state key conversation, and 14 species of provincial key conversation; Vegetation is divided into 4 vegetation type group, 8 vegetation type, 13 vegetation subtypes, and 32 formation. The altitudinal zonation in the region consists of the low and middle mountain typical deciduous broad-leaved forest zone (below 2000m), the middle mountain deciduous smaller broad-leaved forest zone (2000-2500m), and the subalpine taiga coniferous forest zone (above 2500m). The Quercus spp. is the most representative in the low and middle mountain typical deciduous broad-leaved forest zone, which is the main habit of panda in spring and winter; the Betula alba-sinensis and the B.utilis are the main part of the middle mountain deciduous smaller broad-leaved forest zone, which is main area of movement, foraging, and multiplying of panda, golden monkey, and tikon; the Abies fargesii and the Larix chinensis are the representative in the subalpine taiga coniferous forest zone, which is the main habit of panda in summer. Besides, there are 155 species belonging to 37 families, 10 orders in large fungi species referred to edible fungi, medical fungi, and toxic fungus.There are 227 species (sub-species) belonging to 157 genera, 69 families, 23 orders in amniote, accounting for 30.76% and 4.4% in Shaanxi (738 species or sub-species) and China (5136 species or sub-species) respectively. There are 2788 species belonging to 305 families, 29 orders in insect, among which there are 954 species belonging to 58 families in Lepidoptera accounting for 34.21%, and there are 657 species belonging to 54 families in Coleoptera accounting for 23.59%.Through the assessment, the score of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve is 82, indicating the environment of the Nature Reserve is satisfying.

  • 【分类号】S759.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】176

